cute in his palm

Chapter 1070 You Are Avoiding Me

Chapter 1070 You Are Avoiding Me

Jiang Dingcheng squeezed her shoulder and laughed. "You can eat whatever you like, I have no problem."

Mu Jiu liked Jiang Dingcheng's gentleness, but he was a little embarrassed, after all, it was in front of Guan Xiaotong and Gu Xiao, so he subconsciously reached out and pushed him, wanting to push him away.

However, in Guan Xiaotong's eyes, he just smiled clearly, and then looked at Mu Jiu as a joke. "Oh, Xiao Jiu, what's so embarrassing about this, you and Mr. Jiang are so affectionate now, I'm too happy and envious?"

"Although the abuse of a single dog hurts me a lot, but I don't mind, you can abuse as much as you like." Guan Xiaotong continued to make fun of the couple there.

It doesn't matter to Jiang Dingcheng, anyway, he has started the mode of showing affection now, just wishing that people all over the world know how happy they are as husband and wife.

It's just that Mu Jiu will still feel a little embarrassed, especially after being teased by Guan Xiaotong like this, she will feel even more embarrassed.

This guy Guan Xiaotong just likes to tease her, whether she is her best friend or not, it's too much to be like this.

"Then let's go to Taohuazhuang to eat peach blossom soup at noon, it's more authentic there." Mu Jiu directly decided.

You must know that if you come to Peach Blossom Island, you must choose to come here to eat Peach Blossom Soup, otherwise it will be in vain, she knows this very well.

"Well, yes, I'll let someone arrange it." Jiang Dingcheng said in a good husband's tone.

Gu Xiao stood up immediately. "Second brother, let me come. I'll let others arrange it. I don't need to trouble you. Since I've taken care of everything in Peach Blossom Island this time, I'll take care of everything."

Gu Xiao's words were irrefutable, so they no longer had any objections, and when Guan Xiaotong sat aside, he couldn't help but tease again.

"I really can't see that our Young Master Gu's being so active has made you tired." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile at him.

I don't know why, but she just thinks it's very fun to tease Gu Xiao. It's really like this, no matter whether you are happy or not, if you tease Gu Xiao, you will immediately become in a particularly good mood. This is her latest discovery A fun thing to do.

If you are in a bad mood, just let Gu Xiao go, it will definitely make you feel better.

"If you feel sorry, why don't you come and give me a massage later?" Gu Xiao deliberately leaned in front of Guan Xiaotong and said.

Guan Xiaotong kicked it over with a smile, and then said very gently. "Our police officer Tao will come over in the afternoon, why don't you let her loosen your bones, Master Gu."

Gu Xiao is not very happy to hear that people tie him and Tao Mianyun together, especially from Guan Xiaotong's mouth.

"Okay, Xiaotong, don't tease Gu Xiao anymore." Mu Jiu couldn't stand it any longer. This Guan Xiaotong is sometimes too much of a joke, that is to say, Gu Xiao won't be angry. It would definitely be very unhappy.

"Okay, Young Master Gu, I won't tease you anymore, let's go back to the room now and go back later."

Mu Jiu and the others just arrived and need to tidy up a bit.

"Let's go, I've arranged all the rooms, and I'll take you up there." Gu Xiao volunteered.

"Just give us the room card, we'll wait downstairs for a while." Jiang Dingcheng directly rejected Gu Xiao's hospitality, just wanting to let Gu Xiao spend more time with Guan Xiaotong.

Whether Gu Xiao chooses Tao Mian or Guan Xiaotong, this is Gu Xiao's own business, Jiang Dingcheng just hopes that he can have more time to make his own decision.

These two are Mu Jiu's best friends, so he naturally hopes that Gu Xiao will not hurt anyone, no matter which one is hurt, Mu Jiu must be the saddest one, he is very clear about this.

"Alright then, go up by yourself, the room number is on the room card." Gu Xiao handed the room card to Jiang Dingcheng.

Jiang Dingcheng took Mu Jiu into the elevator, and Gu Xiao went back to sit beside Guan Xiaotong.

"Master Gu, is the sofa next to her empty?" Guan Xiaotong was a little unhappy that he was sitting next to her, and said directly.

"Isn't this a double sofa?" Gu Xiao asked amusedly.


"Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the two of us sitting together." Gu Xiao said very seriously.

It's just straight-up nonsense.

However, nothing seemed amiss.

"Then you sit down, sit down, I'll sit next to you." Guan Xiaotong smiled at him, then walked directly to the side sofa and sat down.

Seeing Gu Xiao get up after him, Guan Xiaotong immediately raised his hand to him. "Master Gu, I'm sitting on a single sofa, don't come here, if you want to sit, I'll give it to you."

Seeing her like this, Gu Xiao wanted to laugh and get angry at the same time. How long did this girl want to hide from him? Obviously, they had a lot of fun drinking and talking a few times before.

"Guan Xiaotong, are you afraid of me?" Gu Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Guan Xiaotong.

When Gu Xiao said this, Guan Xiaotong coughed in embarrassment, and then worked hard to put a smile on his face. "Young Master Gu said this, how could I be afraid of you? Are you a beast or a monster?"

Guan Xiaotong said this just to cover up his inner embarrassment and uneasiness.

It has to be said that she also discovered that Gu Xiao felt differently towards her, but she never thought about what to do with Gu Xiao, so it was even more impossible to respond to his thoughts, so she could only pretend to be stupid all day long. It's just pretending like this.

But once Gu Xiao pressed her hard, she couldn't escape with her whole body.

Sure enough, it was a mistake, right?
"Then do you think I'm a monster or a beast, otherwise you have to stay so far away from me?" Gu Xiao asked, sitting at the nearest place to her, staring closely at hers with a pair of black eyes.

Guan Xiaotong really had nothing to do with him, so he put away his smile and looked at him with a dark face. "I just think it's a bit hot to sit too close to."

"The temperature of the air conditioner is 25 degrees. If it's still too hot, I'll ask the hotel to lower it." Gu Xiao said with a smile.

Guan Xiaotong gave him a straight glance, and then laughed. "Gu Xiao, you have to be like this. Didn't everyone get along very happily before? It's just like before."

Gu Xiao gave her a cold look. "That's because you feel happy. You forced me to be like this now. Who made you hide from me all the time."

"Young Master Gu, it's not right to say that. You've completely wronged me, okay? When did I hide from you?" Guan Xiaotong looked at him and said.

Gu Xiao didn't want to discuss this matter with Guan Xiaotong anymore, because this woman was really too cunning, like a fox.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: New Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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