cute in his palm

Chapter 1075 Really Not Excessive

Chapter 1075 Really Not Excessive

Jiang Dingcheng naturally also saw Mu Jiu's discomfort, it seemed that there was no way to eat this lunch, so he reached out and held Mu Jiu's hand.

"Are you uncomfortable, Jiu'er?"

Mu Jiu nodded and spoke softly. "My head hurts."

Jiang Dingcheng directly took her hand and stood up, his face full of tension, as soon as he heard that Mu Jiu was uncomfortable, his whole nerves would collapse.

"Jiu'er, let's go back to rest now, if there is any discomfort, I will let the hotel doctor take a look at it later." Jiang Dingcheng's heart was clenched together.

What he can't hear the most now is that Mu Jiu is not feeling well, which may make him a hundred times more uncomfortable than his own illness.

In Jiang Dingcheng's world, even if he could die, it was absolutely impossible for Mu Jiu to suffer any harm.

"Okay." Mu Jiu let him lead her, nodded obediently, and now she didn't want to say anything unnecessary.

"Xingxing, Jiu'er is not feeling well, so let's go back to the hotel to rest, you guys eat slowly." Jiang Dingcheng didn't even look at Luo Shiyan when he said this.

Because it was all caused by her, if she didn't say things that worried Mu Jiu, she wouldn't make Mu Jiu feel so uncomfortable, so now he can't wait to strangle Luo Shiyan to death.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, you can take Xiaojiu back to the hotel to rest first, and I'm still here." Ou Sixing said seriously, and now he feels super uncomfortable in his heart. Originally, he wanted to bring Luo Shiyan over so that he could let her Her mood became a little happier, and now she was uncomfortable with anger. Ou Sixing blamed himself a lot for Jiang Dingcheng's anger.

"Xiao Jiu, are you okay?" Luo Shiyan got up to care about Mu Jiu.

Seeing that Jiang Dingcheng cared so much about Mu Jiu, Luo Shiyan felt really uncomfortable, but she couldn't grab all Jiang Dingcheng's attention.

"You don't need to care about me." Jiang Dingcheng coldly rejected Luo Shiyan's words, and even glanced at her coldly. Now he really hates this woman more and more.

Before, because she was the daughter of the Luo family and younger sister Shiyang, he would take care of his old relationship to some extent, so as not to really embarrass Luo Shiyan too much.

Now she is the one who makes Mu Jiu feel so uncomfortable, again and again, how could Jiang Dingcheng not be angry.

"Brother Dingcheng, I didn't want to make Xiaojiu feel uncomfortable. I just, I just wanted to care about your condition. What did I do wrong?" Luo Shiyan looked at Jiang Dingcheng with an aggrieved expression. A cold look really made Luo Shiyan feel a little bit of fear.

Jiang Dingcheng's temperament has always been very cold, and he has never softened his heart towards people he doesn't care about. Now he will show tenderness in front of Mu Jiu, otherwise it would not be like this.

Luo Shi lamented that Mu Jiu's life was good, and she could be treated tenderly by Jiang Dingcheng, and she also hated her silently. If it wasn't for this woman, Luo Shiyan would be the one who married Jiang Dingcheng.

"I said, no need." Jiang Dingcheng glanced at her again, his gaze was colder than before.

"But, Brother Dingcheng, I just..."

"Luo Shiyan, I warned you, don't make Jiu'er feel bad or make me angry." Jiang Dingcheng warned her coldly.

Luo Shiyan opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say a word, she just watched Jiang Dingcheng leave with her arms around her, the way she was defending her like that was too dazzling.

Mu Jiu asked Jiang Dingcheng to walk out of Peach Blossom Village with her arms around him, and after walking into the Peach Blossom Grove path for a while, she was sure that Luo Shiyan and the others could see nothing, so Mu Jiu stopped and couldn't leave, her sudden movement frightened Jiang Dingcheng.

"Jiu'er, is there something uncomfortable? I still don't want to walk anymore. You can carry her on your back or hold her in the princess's arms." Jiang Dingcheng asked her directly.

Mu Jiu suppressed a smile, looked at Jiang Dingcheng who was nervous and said calmly. "Jiang Dingcheng, I'm fine. I don't have a headache or any discomfort."

It took Jiang Dingcheng a long time to realize that there was nothing wrong with Dare Mujiu, and she kept pretending to be uncomfortable. "Jiu'er, are you really alright?"

Jiang Dingcheng was still a little worried, afraid that Mu Jiu would feel uncomfortable, he pulled her hand up and down to check, and Mu Jiu was itchy when he moved his hand up and down.

"Jiang Dingcheng, stop, I'm itchy, it's so itchy, I'm afraid of itchy." Mu Jiu couldn't stand it any longer, and called Jiang Dingcheng while giggling.

At first, Jiang Dingcheng checked her carefully to see if there was anything wrong, but later he found out that she was fine, so he started to make trouble with her, knowing that she was ticklish, so he deliberately scratched her like this, just to punish this girl, he even learned to pretend to be sick to scare him , don't you know how timid he is?Just because she was afraid that she might make a mistake.

"I know it's itchy." Jiang Dingcheng finally stopped, put his arms around her waist unwilling to let go, and just looked at her like this.

No matter what kind of his little wife he likes, he never tires of it.

"Well, I know itches, Jiang Dingcheng, you clearly know that I am most ticklish, and you deliberately scratched me, you are really too bad." Mu Jiu murmured.

When Jiang Dingcheng saw her such a coquettish and angry side, no matter how angry he was, he would disappear completely.

"Then you know that I am most afraid of your discomfort, and you still use such an excuse to scare me. You did it on purpose. This is your punishment. Let's see if you dare to do this next time?" Jiang Dingcheng He put his arms around her waist with one hand, and pinched her pretty nose with the other, and he couldn't bear to let go after pinching.

"So, husband, are you angry?" Mu Jiu looked at him with a smile on purpose and said, knowing that Jiang Dingcheng liked this kind of thing the most, as soon as he called him husband, he would lose all anger.

As soon as Jiang Dingcheng heard her words of a soft husband, his anger dissipated immediately, and he pinched her cheek with a spoiled expression.

"Do you think I'll let you go if you act like a baby?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her deliberately and said with a blush.

Mu Jiu giggled, she had seen Jiang Dingcheng's most gentle appearance, so no matter how angry he got, Mu Jiu would not be afraid.

He is not as scary as the outsiders say, he is like hell Satan, which makes people cuddle and fear. This is her husband, who always puts her affairs first and cares about everything. .

Mu Jiu is completely used to Jiang Dingcheng's gentleness, so when he suddenly bluffs his face like this, it only makes her feel very funny and amusing.

"Otherwise, husband, what do you want?" Mu Jiu continued to look at him with a smile and said, the way she blinked her eyes was so cute and mischievous.

"Kiss me once, I won't be angry, and I will forgive you." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she burst into laughter.

This request is really not too much, Jiang Dingcheng will really take advantage of others.

"Honey, you are taking advantage of me." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing with Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Not Enough to Eat" can come to Gezi's group to play when you are free~~99366377
(End of this chapter)

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