cute in his palm

Chapter 1092 Really In Love

Chapter 1092 Really In Love

Seeing Mu Jiu eating there obediently, Jiang Dingcheng couldn't help but smile as if he didn't intend to talk to him.

"Jiu'er, are you angry?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and said this on purpose.

I just like to see her shy and embarrassed appearance, she is extraordinarily likable, Jiang Dingcheng's bad taste is really getting bigger and bigger.

Mu Jiu knew that he was deliberately teasing her, but he didn't know that his bad taste was so serious.

Everyone can see Jiang Dingcheng's changes. Ever since he had Mu Jiu by his side, his stern and handsome face often has a smile on his face. Although he is still aloof in front of them, he has changed a lot , they like to see such a change in Jiang Dingcheng.

Ever since that woman Luo Shiyang left his side five years ago, Jiang Dingcheng has become even more aloof, refusing to show a smile in front of anyone.

"Xiao Jiu, is it a boy or a girl?" Guan Xiaotong had been eating all the time, trying not to speak, and was so depressed, so now he found a topic to talk about, which can be regarded as enlivening the atmosphere at the dinner table.

"We don't need to know, as long as it's Jiu'er's baby." Jiang Dingcheng, a wife-protecting madman, immediately went online.

Hearing his words, Guan Xiaotong laughed.

"At first I wanted to ask Mr. Jiang whether he likes his daughter or his son, but now he doesn't have to ask." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

"Actually, I personally prefer my daughter, who can be as beautiful and cute as Jiu'er." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously.

Hearing this, everyone laughed heartily.

Jiang Dingcheng, a cold and handsome man, didn't know what it would be like to take care of his daughter, but they can be sure that he must be a gentle and good father who loves his daughter very much.

I didn't even dare to imagine what kind of scene it would be like for Jiang Dingcheng to bring his daughter.

That picture should be very gentle.

"On this point, Mr. Jiang is right. Jiu'er is a very gentle and well-behaved girl. In the future, if your daughter is like her, she will be very beautiful and well-behaved. They say that the blue is better than the blue." Guan Xiaotong said in the Said there amusedly.

"Be nicer than me. I'm not cute at all." Mu Jiu was a little embarrassed to be boasted so bluntly by Jiang Dingcheng, especially in front of so many people.

"I'm telling the truth, right?" Jiang Dingcheng said quite naturally, and then asked her good girlfriends to verify the matter.

Guan Xiaotong echoed, and even Tao Mian, who was always quiet, answered, which made Mu Jiu a little ashamed, she was not as good as they said.

"It's not enough to eat well, and bring the topic up to me again." Mu Jiu said a little coquettishly.

It is not a good thing to become the focus of everyone's attention all of a sudden.

Mu Jiu is not used to this.

A person who has always been a green leaf is suddenly pushed into a flower, and he has not been able to adapt to it yet.

She is Jiang Dingcheng's wife, so she is destined to become a flower, and she has to adapt sooner or later.

"Because you are the only one who is pregnant with the baby, don't tell me who are you talking about?" Guan Xiaotong said as a matter of course.

"You can also talk about other topics, or whether you like a son or a daughter." Mu Jiu just wanted to throw the question out, and didn't think too much about it, but when he said this, it aroused everyone's enthusiasm.

Although all of them are single and none of them have children yet, they still have expectations for their own children in the future.

Therefore, I heard everyone's voices discussing whether it is better to be a son or a daughter, and whether to like a daughter or a son.

In the end, Gu Xiao couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and went directly to Guan Xiaotong to ask. "Xiaotong, do you prefer a daughter or a son."

"Female..." Guan Xiaotong was just about to answer, when he suddenly thought of why she wanted to tell Gu Xiao, whether she liked her daughter or her son, why did she want to tell this boring person, so she growled directly at him. "It's none of your business."

Guan Xiaotong's sudden raising of his voice shocked everyone, and they all stopped talking and looked at the two of them. Did he turn his attention to her?What kind of thing is this? It's all Gu Xiao's fault.

Although, she always likes to be lively and noisy, and it doesn't matter if she is the center of the crowd, but she really made her the center of the crowd, and suddenly felt embarrassed. pass.

"I'm full, I'll go down first, you guys eat slowly." Guan Xiaotong stood up all of a sudden, blushing and ran out of the restaurant.

This sudden embarrassment was really lost to the Pacific Ocean, not only in front of my friends, but also in front of so many guests in the restaurant.

Gu Xiao watched Guan Xiaotong run out in shame, and followed suit.

Seeing this pair of Huanxi lovers running out for several seconds, they couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Mianmian, are you really okay?" Mu Jiu still asked Tao Mian worriedly.

"Xiao Jiu, I don't care at all, but if you ask me like this again, it does matter?" Tao Mian said jokingly, her jokes were all cold jokes.

It's really not suitable to joke with the serious police officer Tao, it's simply something that can't be joked casually, so forget it.

"Let's go, we can go to the beach to have a party." Duan Jinhong got up and said, they can change the scene directly when they are full.

The group went directly to a small open-air bar by the sea. Gu Xiao had booked the place in advance, so the bar was cleared. When they went, Gu Xiao and Guan Xiaotong were already sitting there, and they didn't know whether they were reconciled or not. Reconciliation, Guan Xiaotong was sitting there drinking wine, Gu Xiao was on the sidelines taking care of her, handing this one and that one at a time.

When he saw everyone coming, Gu Xiao came over to say hello.

"Hurry up and sit inside. Barbecuing and drinking by the sea really makes people very happy." Gu Xiao sighed.

"The reason for happiness is not any place, but the presence of that person who makes you feel happy." Chi Heyu said it out.

Gu Xiao sneered. "When did the third brother become so literary and artistic?" Chi Heyu is really right. A person will feel happy in a place because there are people he loves in that place, and only people who love will let a person feel happy. People have a feeling of happiness.

"I still have time to improve my style, but I didn't intend to let you know." After Chi Heyu finished speaking, he walked directly towards the bar. After being tossed by Luo Simiao for a whole day, he needed a few drinks to calm down.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: New Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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