cute in his palm

Chapter 1096 Someone strikes up a conversation

Chapter 1096 Someone strikes up a conversation

Chi Heyu could see Jiang Dingcheng's nervousness and worry. For him now, nothing is more important than Mu Jiu. He has to choose with Mu Jiu in everything, and Jiang Dingcheng will choose Mu Jiu without hesitation.

For Jiang Dingcheng, Mu Jiu is everything to him, his treasure, and he doesn't want her to be worried and sad, let alone let her suffer any harm.

It's pretty good for a man to do this for his own woman.

Back then, when Luo Shiyang left Jiang Dingcheng, he was a bit devastated. All the brothers were worried for him, afraid that he would never come out of this shadow and fall in love with another woman in his life.

Since Mu Jiu appeared, they all believed that Jiang Dingcheng was saved, and they suddenly realized that Jiang Dingcheng's love for Luo Shiyang was not love but just a habit, and Mu Jiu was the first woman he really fell in love with.

Fortunately, the appearance of Mu Jiu changed Jiang Dingcheng's cold personality.

"Don't worry, second brother, the people in the Ye family are still capable, I will ask my uncle to help with this matter." Chi Heyu is actually not [-]% sure that this matter can be resolved smoothly.

First of all, we must know who the people in the dark are, and then figure out what their purpose this time is the most important thing.

"Then please, I'll go there first." Jiang Dingcheng couldn't stay any longer, so he wanted to hurry to Mu Jiu's side to accompany her.

Mu Jiu was sitting outside the bar by herself, blowing the sea breeze, because Gu Xiao had reserved the small sand bar, so there were no customers here. From a distance, she could be seen sitting there alone. The special loneliness makes people want to feel very distressed.

When Jiang Dingcheng came over, he saw Mu Jiu's appearance from a distance, and his heart was wrenched, and he wanted to hurry to Mu Jiu's side, but before he could walk over, he saw a young man walking towards Mu Jiu Get closer, and then say something to her, which made Jiang Dingcheng's heart tighten, and a bad feeling came out of his head directly.

What is the purpose of this man approaching Jiu'er, no matter what the purpose is, he will not allow it. His wife can't move casually, so she just ran over.

"Jiu'er, I'm back." Jiang Dingcheng ran up to Mu Jiu and said loudly.

The man next to him was taken aback, and looked at Jiang Dingcheng in disbelief.

"Did you run all the way here?" Seeing that Jiang Dingcheng was still panting heavily, Mu Jiu asked in disbelief. She said she would wait for him here, but she would not let him come over so soon.

"I'm afraid you'll wait a long time, who is this gentleman?" Jiang Dingcheng glanced at the man full of hostility and said, his tone was quite blunt.

Mu Jiu laughed when she heard this, so who can't hear the obvious jealousy?

"This gentleman is a tourist on Peach Blossom Island, and he just wanted to ask if this bar can drink." Mu Jiu specially emphasized the two words, telling Jiang Dingcheng not to think too much, either a man who approached her casually, or What do you think about her.

But some people are so ignorant.

"Actually, I also wanted to get to know such a beautiful girl sitting here alone." The young man said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

This time Jiang Dingcheng was generous. "You have a good eye for my wife. She is the most beautiful woman on the beach. Unfortunately, you are still one step behind me. She already has our baby in her stomach." Jiang Dingcheng said proudly.

Mu Jiu couldn't help twisting his arm, how could he be able to say anything.

"You have a baby, congratulations." The young man still couldn't believe it and glanced at Mu Jiu's belly. She was wearing a loose skirt, and she was only three months pregnant, so her belly didn't show too much, so It's not very obvious, it's not obvious that she's pregnant under the dim light.

If he knew she was a pregnant woman, the young man wouldn't come to ask about the bar and strike up a conversation.

"Thank you, next time you want to see if she is married and pregnant before approaching a beautiful woman. If she has a husband as good as me, you will have no chance." Jiang Dingcheng said shamelessly.

When Mu Jiu heard his boasting, she couldn't laugh or cry, so she hurriedly apologized. "I'm sorry, my husband is just too jealous sometimes, and he doesn't mean to say these words maliciously."

"Ma'am, your husband is right. He is jealous because he loves you so much." The young man said with a smile. "I think any man who has such a beautiful wife will be jealous, so sir, you still have to guard your beautiful wife well, otherwise you may not meet such a witty man like me next time."

"I know, don't worry, no man can snatch my wife away." Jiang Dingcheng said with extra confidence, if a man doesn't even have such a little bit of self-confidence, he will be a husband in vain.

"I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years, and I'm sorry to disturb you two." The young man left after finishing speaking.

Mu Jiu looked at his back as he walked away, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Look, people are going to disappear into the sea." Jiang Dingcheng said sourly.

Mu Jiu looked back at him, with a smile directly staining her eyes. "Jiang Dingcheng, Jiang Dingcheng, when did you become so petty and childish?"

"Just being stingy, I can be generous with anything, but I will never be generous with your affairs." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously.

"Well, you jealous, I didn't provoke you on purpose, and I didn't wait for you." Mu Jiu pinched his face coquettishly.

Jiang Dingcheng couldn't stand her like this, he immediately surrendered.

"I know, it was my mistake. I shouldn't have left without telling you, making you worry, and waiting for me at the door of the bar alone. Didn't I tell you to stay with them inside? It's too much to be alone outside. It's dangerous, I will be afraid and uneasy." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously as he hugged her into his arms.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu smiled, nestled in his arms and felt very at ease, the fear that was restless in her heart disappeared all of a sudden.

"What's the danger? The beach of Peach Blossom Island, which is a popular tourist spot, is full of people. Besides, I'm just outside the bar. Are they all there?" Mu Jiu said seriously, clasping her hands tightly. Wrapped around Jiang Dingcheng's waist, he couldn't bear to let go.

"Also, don't tell me where you go in the future." Mu Jiu said very seriously.

"Okay, I promise you, then you have to promise me that you will not allow yourself to run out alone in the future. Look at that man who was about to come over to talk to you just now. If I don't come in time, will you be abducted by him?" That's it." Jiang Dingcheng said with a particularly serious accusation.

 Gezi's new article yo~~ "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough" If you are hungry, eat~~~
(End of this chapter)

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