cute in his palm

Chapter 1098

Chapter 1098

The little old Cheng Yichen couldn't help but come up to him, completely looking like he was watching the fun and it wasn't a big deal.

"Fourth brother, don't be humble. What the eldest brother and the second brother said is true. Apart from being flirtatious and unreliable, you have always acted recklessly. There is simply no good character in you. Look at you Some time ago, I frantically pursued my second sister-in-law’s good friend, Police Officer Tao, but he didn’t catch up, so you changed my second sister-in-law’s other good friend, Guan Xiaotong. Did you mean, wait for this to fail, and then chase after Xu Yanke, I think ..." When Cheng Yichen said this, he took a peek at where Xu Yanke and his sister group were sitting, then cleared his throat and said. "That Xu Yanke is even more difficult to deal with than Police Officer Tao. Her height and skill are not comparable to yours. I heard that she has a black belt with raised fists. Several grown men are no match for her. Fourth brother, I advise you... ..."

"Hey, why are you hitting someone, fourth brother!" Before Cheng Yichen finished speaking, Gu Xiao bluntly knocked on the head.

"You still know that I'm your fourth brother, who gave you the guts to say that about me?" Gu Xiao felt bad after being told so many bad things by him.

"Brother, you can lend me your guts." Cheng Yichen bluntly used Duan Jinhong as a shield.

"Just grill the meat well, why are you still gossiping here?" Gu Xiao said, glaring at him.

Here, the only person he can bully is Cheng Yichen, who will make him the youngest?

Cheng Yichen looked at Gu Xiao with a smile. "Sure enough, you can't tell the truth. Loyalty hurts the ear. Loyalty hurts the ear."

"Against your size, you made a mistake this time. I won't give up until I catch up with Guan Xiaotong. I'll depend on her for the rest of my life. It's okay if she doesn't marry, then I will marry her." Gu Xiao made up his mind. She made up her mind, and this time she wanted to get her even if she died, that's how stubborn she was.

Cheng Yichen really saw Gu Xiao's determination, no matter he didn't really believe what he said. "Isn't that what you said when you chased Officer Tao last time?"

"Cheng Yichen, you talk a lot." Gu Xiao rolled his eyes at him, and went directly to Guan Xiaotong with the grilled skewers to show his hospitality.

The four girls were chatting when Gu Xiao came over with a smile on his face.

"Xiaotong, the skewers are ready, they are all your favorite food." Gu Xiao said flatteringly.

You know, Guan Xiaotong took him to a street food stall to eat this once, and he remembered what Guan Xiaotong liked to eat, so he baked a lot.

"Oh, as expected, Young Master Gu has put his heart into it this time." Xu Yanke said in a dignified manner.

They only need to look at the plate to know that it is basically what Guan Xiaotong likes to eat. Although the tastes of the four of them are similar, they are not as heavy as Guan Xiaotong. What I like is things like seafood and offal, which Xu Yanke and the others dislike.

Hearing what she said, Gu Xiao didn't have any embarrassment, on the contrary, he admitted it openly. "This is a must. I want to do everything she likes for Xiaotong."

This is a public confession, Guan Xiaotong usually joked about other people's affairs, but now it was her turn, but she didn't say anything, because she couldn't say anything, she just lowered her head, picked up a bunch and ate a mouthful.

Guan Xiaotong directly put the skewers back on the plate, then looked at Gu Xiao calmly. "Gu Xiao, sprinkle too much salt, forget it, don't roast it for me, I will roast it myself."

"Whatever you want to eat, I'll bake it for you." Guan Xiaotong said to the sisters and walked directly towards the barbecue stand.

"What do you want to eat, I'll bake it for you, and bring it over later." Gu Xiao immediately ran over.

For the remaining three people, you look at me and I look at yours, all of them are well aware.

"This taste is not bad, it can catch up with professionals." Tao Mian commented after eating a bunch.

"Xiao Tong deliberately picked on the thorns." Xu Yanke said lightly, and then said after taking a sip of beer.

"It's completely obvious that she is deliberately picking on the thorns. She just wants to make Gu Xiao retreat. I don't think this time Gu Xiao is as simple as a temporary play. She is quite balanced. I am optimistic. He and Xiaotong have always been too noisy, no one can hold her down, maybe Gu Xiao can really hold her down." Tao Mian said seriously.

Her point of view is shared by everyone.

"Mianmian, Gu Xiao chased you crazily back then." Mu Jiu reminded her.

"So, Gu Xiao is a huge trouble to me. I wish someone would take him away. Now that Xiaotong has helped me a lot, is it too late for me to be grateful?" Tao Mian also took a sip of wine while talking , but because of her special occupation, she rarely drinks alcohol.

Now it's considered a vacation, so it's okay to drink a few sips.

Seeing Tao Mian's relaxed face, Mu Jiu knew that she really had no feelings for Gu Xiao.

Their affairs came to an end, and the three of them turned their eyes to the top of the barbecue booth, and they actually liked seeing Gu Xiao and Guan Xiaotong arguing and grilling there.

Huanxi Enemy is really like them, and it makes people like it when they look at it.

"It seems that the two of them are quite compatible." Mu Jiu said with a smile, and then cast her eyes on another man. She has seen Jiang Dingcheng too much, and this is the first time she has seen Jiang Dingcheng barbecue. No matter what kind of appearance he really has, Jiang Dingcheng's unique temperament will be there, and people will not be able to move their eyes away.

"It's a good match, at least more than me." Tao Mian said calmly.

Really like the two of them.

"So, can they really be together?" Mu Jiu asked hesitantly.

"Fate, no one can say for sure, even if we can be together, the process will have to make Gu Xiao suffer a lot." Tao Mian said seriously.

Because the person Gu Xiao was chasing was Guan Xiaotong, if this girl wanted to make things difficult for someone, there were a hundred ways to make things difficult for her, so Gu Xiao had to suffer.

"That's true, but it can be considered that when Gu Xiao was paying off his romantic account these years, only Xiaotong could control him, and other women might not be able to control him." Xu Yanke said calmly, As soon as she finished speaking, there was an ominous premonition, and sure enough, she saw a person she particularly hated striding towards here from a distance.

With a handsome appearance and a model-like figure, he can be seen at a glance even on a crowded beach.

Why did Jiang Dinghe, an annoying man, appear here at this time?He didn't want to go abroad to participate in a men's wear brand's press conference, and participated in the catwalk as a big model on the catwalk.

Xu Yanke thought that her ears would be quiet for a while, it would be better for this monstrous man to spend more time abroad, ten or eight years would be fine.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Plays Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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