cute in his palm

Chapter 1405 Jiang Family's Parents

Chapter 1405 Jiang Family's Parents

As soon as Mu Jiu heard the old lady say this, she knew that the old lady was not joking, and she really planned to start Jiang Tianen's autonomous mode since she was a child.

But this is easy.

In the future, I will also record a video of him choosing things, so that when he grows up or regrets when he grows up, it is also his choice.

"Grandma, that's a good idea." Mu Jiu agreed.

You must know that this method can indeed save them a lot of things.

Children basically have a simple choice, yes or no.

Anyway, adults like them have complicated minds.

"Yeah, I think it's good too, so it saves a lot of trouble?" The old lady hugged Jiang Tianen happily and kissed her. "Little Tianen, you see that you have helped Grandma a lot."

"Then how about I ask them to make the gowns in two days, and we'll pick them out, and let Tianen choose by himself, how about that?" the old lady said with a smile.

Regarding the dress, Mu Jiu originally planned to make it by herself, after all, she is a designer and knows more people, but seeing that the old lady is so active and enthusiastic, Mu Jiu didn't want to pour cold water on it.

Since she wants to do it, let the old lady do it.

"of course can."

"Then let's go the day after tomorrow. They should have enough for two days. How many sets should we make?" The old lady asked what Mu Jiu meant.

There are still a few sets to be made, Mu Jiu sounds a bit wasteful, things like dresses are not often worn, and if they are made too much, they will be wasted.

"Grandma, have they given you a catalog of dresses? Let's just pick the styles and let them make them right away. This will save time and materials, and avoid too much waste."

"That's right, it's so environmentally friendly, why didn't I think of it? Look at my confused head." The old lady smiled and said, and then hurriedly asked the housekeeper to go to the back room to take out the album of the little dress.

The housekeeper quickly brought it out.

"Old lady, second young lady, here is the album, take a look."

"Thank you."

"Xiao Jiu, let Tian En choose by himself." The old lady looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Now he is really planning to let him choose whatever choice he wants, which really saves time and effort.

"Of course, grandma." Mu Jiu began to flip through the pages.

In the end, the little guy chose a red mandarin jacket, which matched the theme of the day very well.

Especially Mu Jiu knows that for the little guy, the brighter the color, the more he likes it.

As for why you choose the big red thing, this should be the main reason.

"Xiao Tianen, it's amazing. The theme and clothes are selected. Now we are waiting to make the dresses and then happily host a hundred-day banquet." happy.

You must know that she has been entangled with the unsettled matter for several days, and let Jiang Tianen solve it so quickly, so she is naturally happy.

"Grandma, don't be too attached to Jiang Tianen, I'm afraid he will become lawless in the future." Mu Jiu said softly.

The old lady was amused. "Don't worry, the children of our Jiang family will not be lawless, they will only be very capable, so Xiao Tianen will be stronger than his father when he grows up."

Have you ever praised your child like this?
However, Mu Jiu was happy to hear that.

I'm afraid that if his father hears this, he won't be so happy.

I think the old lady doesn't want her own grandson if she has great-grandchildren.

"Xiao Jiu, am I right? Our little Tianen will definitely be better than his father when he grows up." The old lady even asked Mu Jiu for confirmation.

Mu Jiu nodded. "Of course, Tian En will be a good boy."

But it can't be compared to his father, that's for the future, how does she know now.

But Mu Jiu didn't want to break the old lady's anticipation.

"Of course, you know how to choose things at such a young age, of course he is a good boy." The old lady really liked this child more and more.

It really is my own child, the more I look at it, the more I like it.

"At home for lunch, I'll ask them to prepare your favorite dishes. Where's Auntie Xiaobao, what kind of dishes do you like?" The old lady also asked auntie specifically, she wanted to take care of auntie's taste.

Auntie shook her head quickly. "Old lady, if you don't need me, I can do it."

"Well, I'll let them prepare some authentic Huaicheng dishes." The old lady asked the butler to arrange.

"Grandma, let me hug Xiaobao, you must be tired." Mu Jiu glanced at the little guy, the old lady has also hugged him for a long time, she will be tired.

"It's okay, let me hug you for a while, it's okay." The old lady was very happy, she was not willing to put down the little guy.

Seeing her like this, Mu Jiu didn't say anything more.

"Xiao Jiu, grandma has something very important to tell you." The old lady said suddenly with a serious face.

The sudden change from the previously relaxed atmosphere to an extraordinarily serious one still made Mu Jiu a little serious.

"Grandma, tell me, what's the matter?" Mu Jiu's expression also became serious.

"Xiao Jiu, the parents of the second child have been busy with their own careers, which are scientific research work, so they don't have time to come back to your wedding, so you can't blame them." The old lady looked at Mu Jiu seriously Said.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she was a little surprised.

In fact, she didn't know the information about Jiang Dingcheng's parents at all.

But judging from Jiang Dingcheng's attitude, he hated his parents very much, and seemed to hate them a little bit.

Although she wanted to know if there was any misunderstanding between them, but Jiang Dingcheng was so unwilling to mention it, she was too embarrassed to ask more, and since she didn't have time to talk about it properly, it was delayed like this.

But now that the old lady will take the initiative to tell her, Mu Jiu is naturally willing to listen.

"Grandma, I don't blame them. It's normal for them to work so hard and not come back." Mu Jiu approved of their work.

After all, in a job like scientific research, many things are beyond their control.

"You don't blame them, so I don't worry. The second child has always been unwilling to mention them, but after all, they are Xiao Tianen's grandparents, and they are also your parents-in-law. I think the second child is unwilling to say, but you still have the right to know." Yes, let me tell you." The old lady looked at Mu Jiu and said seriously.

"Then are you willing to listen?" Although the old lady is willing to tell her, it still depends on whether Mu Jiu is willing to listen. If she is not willing, the old lady doesn't want to say anything.

"Grandma, I'm willing to listen. I also want to know more about Xiaobao's grandparents. In this way, when they come back, they won't feel so strange." Mu Jiu looked at the old lady and said.

"Xiao Jiu, you can think like this, grandma is so happy, then I will tell you about Xiaobao's grandparents, and they will come back after Xiaobao's hundred-day banquet." The old lady said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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