cute in his palm

Chapter 1407 We Can't

Chapter 1407 We Can't

Mu Jiu talked a lot with Jiang Dinghe all afternoon.

Mu Jiu's attitude toward this man has changed a lot.

Jiang Dinghe is actually not as unreliable as she seems, this man still has his own ideas.

If you decide on one thing, you will die to the end.

He has always left people with the image of a playboy before, and that is because his heart will not be settled until he meets someone who can truly calm his heart down.

So it feels so sweet.

As long as once he meets the person who can make him like and settle down, he will go all out to treat her with all his heart and soul.

This is Jiang Dinghe.

Because of this, it made Mu Jiu calm down.

It turned out that there was nothing wrong with that sentence.

People don't care about appearances, the more philandering a person looks on the surface, the more affectionate they are in their hearts.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm going to leave. I'll trouble you about Keke. Don't worry, I will treat Keke sincerely. It's rare to meet someone who will fascinate me in this life. How can I not cherish it?" Jiang Ding What He said was very serious.

"You go, I will find a chance to talk to Ke Ke about you." Mu Jiu couldn't promise anything directly, but promised to help him,

Just like this, Jiang Dinghe was already very happy.

"Second sister-in-law, thank you, I will never forget your kindness." Jiang Dinghe said very seriously.

"Forget about the kindness, as long as you can treat Keke well, I will be satisfied." Mu Jiu said seriously, this is her sincere words.

"Second sister-in-law, that's it for now."

After Jiang Dinghe left, Mu Jiu called Xu Yanke.

Xu Yanke was busy and took a while to answer the phone.

"Xiao Jiu, what's the matter, I was busy just now." Xu Yanke's voice came from there calmly.

"It's okay, I want to chat with you a few words. If you don't have time, just talk again. You are busy with things first." Actually, Mu Jiu hasn't figured out how to talk about Jiang Dinghe. If Xu Yan is busy beforehand, she There are still excuses to push away.

Xu Yan knew that Mu Jiu was not the kind of boring person who would call her when she had nothing to do, and she was not Guan Xiaotong, who would find someone to chat with if she had nothing to do.

So, there must be something going on.

"Let's talk about your matter first, my side is almost done." Xu Yanke said directly.

"Sister Keke, I have your flowers again." Someone called Xu Yanke.

Another flower for Xu Yanke?
You don't need to guess to know that it must belong to the admirer.

You must know that Xu Yanke has a beautiful face and a figure, and her handsome, beautiful, offensive and acceptable image is really very attractive. Not only men boldly pursue her, but also many women with good conditions want to marry her. she.

Really enough.

For this reason, Guan Xiaotong laughed for a long time.

Xu Yanke does have the capital to be notified by men and women.

"Throw it away." Then I heard Xu Yanke's very direct words.

Just throw it away.

It seems that these flowers are still annoying to her.

"Xiao Jiu, are you alright?" Xu Yanke's voice came over, calling Mu Jiu's soul back.

The soul returned to the body, and then he spoke. "Coco, have you received a lot of flowers recently?"

"there's a few."

"Did Jiang Dinghe send flowers?" Mu Jiu asked emphatically.

Hearing Jiang Dingcheng's name, Xu Yanke was silent for a moment before speaking. "Recently he dare not send it."

Hearing this, Mu Jiu couldn't help laughing. "It's rare that the always proud Third Young Master Jiang has encountered a wall. He should suffer a little bit."

Mu Jiu was planning to help Jiang Dinghe, but he still had some sympathy for the person he met was Xu Yanke.

To like this woman requires not only feelings, but also courage.

"I think you're very happy that he hit a wall." Xu Yanke could hear some schadenfreude in Mu Jiu's tone.

"Of course, who made him usually too proud? In Xiaotong's words, he is too arrogant. It would be best if someone punishes him now." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

In fact, I really want to see what the third young master, who has always been proud and lawless, looks like when he is ignored by others.

It's fun for a lion who used to be as proud as a king to be suppressed into a kitten.

However, now is not the time for Jiang Dinghe to become a child. There are more important things for her to do.

"So, how do you want me to treat him? It's not bad to treat him with contempt all the time." Xu Yanke took Mu Jiu's words.

Mu Jiu immediately waved his hand.

"Hey, Keke, I'm just joking around. Is there something I need to see you for?" Mu Jiu finally remembered.

"You still remember looking for me on business, I thought you just called to chat with me?" The moment Xu Yanke received her call, she knew that this woman must have something to look for her, but she just went around by herself Xu Yan didn't say it directly for a long time, so Xu Yanke didn't hurry to rush her.

Mu Jiu was not Guan Xiaotong, she even forgot half of the story.

"Is Jiang Dinghe still chasing you?" Mu Jiu didn't have any foreshadowing, so she spoke directly.

Fortunately, Xu Yan on the other end didn't drink water, otherwise he would have sprayed it out.

Can't you just pause for a while before saying that?

It's just that Xu Yanke is not ready.

In fact, she was also prepared.

After all, the Jiang family would never give up until they reached their goals, and this man Jiang Dinghe was even more so. Since her best friend is Jiang Dinghe's second sister-in-law, how could he not use such a nearby resource?
"So, that's why you called me specifically?" Xu Yanke said calmly.

Mu Jiu didn't need to think too much, she also knew how helpless and disdainful Xu Yanke was at this moment.

No one in this world can persuade her to do something she doesn't want to do.

Especially this kind of thing that has something to do with emotions.

"Well, that's right, Jiang Dinghe is flying to Rome tonight."

"He reported this matter to me, but it's none of my business, it's his business." Xu Yanke said extremely coldly.

This is Xu Yanke's usual style, of course Mu Jiu knows it.

It's just that Jiang Dinghe even reported to her where he was going, and the two of them also said that they had nothing to do with each other, Mu Jiu really didn't want to believe it.

"Coco, you..."

"Xiao Jiu, I know what you're thinking, but unfortunately, it's not what you think, it's impossible between me and Jiang Dinghe." Xu Yanke directly denied everything.

Xu Yanke's answer was exactly what Mu Jiu expected.

Xu Yanke has always been avoiding feelings, unwilling to talk about it, it is because of the shadow of her parents, this Mu Jiu can understand.

However, it is also true that she dislikes Jiang Dinghe very much.

Mu Jiu couldn't find the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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