cute in his palm

Chapter 1416 The first date

Chapter 1416 The First Date

This time, Jiang Dingcheng kissed carefully, very lightly and softly, just trying to melt away the restless emotions in Mu Jiu's heart.

What he needs is that Mu Jiu can trust him completely, and he can trust him completely in this lifetime, and he will do his best to give her a sense of security.

This kiss is long.

Mu Jiu's face turned red from being kissed, and then Jiang Dingcheng let go of her reluctantly, staring closely at hers with a pair of deep black eyes.

"Jiu'er, are you okay?"

Mu Jiu turned away her eyes in embarrassment, not daring to look directly into his eyes.

What is there to ask about such a man.

"It's okay." Mu Jiu shook her head.

"However, I went to see her today and made things clear." Mu Jiu told Jiang Dingcheng what she and Luo Shiyang had said. They were husband and wife, and she didn't want to keep anything from him. "Honey, will you blame me for talking to her like this?"

After all, when Mu Jiu thinks back now, what she said to Luo Shiyang was a little too much.

Jiang Dingcheng and Luo Shiyang also had such a relationship, and they also said that men have an unspoken feeling for their first love, and they will somewhat miss their old love.

Mu Jiu stared straight at Jiang Dingcheng's eyes.

Jiang Dingcheng thought for a few seconds, and then directly curled his lips into a smile. "How can I blame you? Everything you said is right. If she doesn't cherish her own life, why should she let others feel guilty? I don't feel guilty about her, so I don't need to see her. her own business."

Hearing what Jiang Dingcheng said, Mu Jiu no longer had any extra thoughts.

"How's it going? Are you feeling better now?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her face and asked directly.

Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng with the corners of her mouth bent, and then put her arms around his neck. "My husband, thank you for being so kind to me."

"Fool, I'm your husband, if I'm not nice to you, who should I be nice to, Jiu'er, I love you." Jiang Dingcheng said as he gently hugged her into his arms.

"Yes, you are the best to me." Mu Jiu happily held his face and was so happy.

"What about you?" Jiang Dingcheng stared straight at her with a pair of black eyes.

Mu Jiu didn't speak directly, but smiled at him without saying a word.

"Don't say it, I'll take it as your default."

"Fool, of course I love you, you are my husband."

After Mu Jiu finished speaking, she felt a little embarrassed.

She is a bit thin-skinned, so she is not able to say the love words that are too nasty, and she will become shy after speaking.

But Jiang Dingcheng still rubbed her head in satisfaction.

He knew she loved him, but saying it from her mouth was another matter.

It was very rare to hear her love him out of her own mouth.

"Jiu'er, I have wronged you." He said.

In Jiang Dingcheng's heart, whenever he asks her to do or say something that she is not willing to do, he will feel guilty.

"What grievances? I said this willingly. I didn't dare to say it directly because I was embarrassed. Now that I find out, it really feels great to say it." Mu Jiu said with a slight smile at him.

"Then welcome Mrs. Jiang and express your love to Mr. Jiang more, don't hide it." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

"Well, it depends on Mr. Jiang's performance. Let's go to dinner. I'm treating guests today. How about Mr. Jiang choosing a restaurant?" Mu Jiu frowned slightly at him and said.

Jiang Dingcheng naturally accepted it.

"Then I won't be polite. It's rare that Mrs. Jiang is finally willing to treat me to a meal. As a gift in return, how about I invite Mrs. Jiang on a date today?" Jiang Dingcheng took out his mobile phone and called Luo Yang.

The rest of the itinerary has been cancelled, and he is going on a date with his wife today.

Thinking about it, since they got married until now, they have never dated like ordinary couples.

When Mu Jiu heard the word dating, she still wanted to refuse at first, thinking that she was already an old couple, so why should she go on a date?

Just thinking that this is the real first date between the two of them, Mu Jiu readily agreed.

"Honey, you said you're dating." After he finished talking on the phone, Mu Jiu raised her head and asked him, looking at him with a look of complete incomprehension.

Seeing her pretending to be cute and ignorant, Jiang Dingcheng immediately looked at her with corners of his mouth bent. "Mrs. Jiang, go on a date with me happily today. No one will disturb you. It's just a date for the two of us. How about it? Do you want to?"

Mu Jiu deliberately didn't answer him.

Now she finally discovered that Mr. Jiang's routines are not as deep as usual.

I used to think that this man was indifferent and aloof, and he was never a romantic man, but now I finally understand that it's not that he doesn't have these things, but that he hid them too deeply before.

"Why, don't you want to, Mrs. Jiang?" Seeing that Mu Jiu had been silent, Jiang Dingcheng spoke directly.

"How can you not want to? It's rare that Mr. Jiang took the initiative to ask me out once. If you don't want to, you can't just say it." Mu Jiu stood up, looked at Jiang Dingcheng's handsome face and said with a faint smile.

"I'm just worried about our little treasure, if we leave him alone on a date, will it..."

"Don't worry, Auntie will take care of it. Mrs. Jiang don't think about anything today, just leave it to Mr. Jiang. Let's go." Mr. Jiang directly took her hand and said.

Mu Jiu was inexplicably excited about this sudden date.

There are actually some small secret joys, just like a girl who just fell in love.

Because it's her first date with a man.

Naturally, there will be a little excitement.

"Mr. Jiang, where are we going to date?" Mu Jiu let him into the elevator, and then asked him curiously.

After all, this kind of date without a destination, although it is very exciting and surprising, of course it will also make people feel a little bit uncertain.

"I will follow Mrs. Jiang's advice first. Where do you want to go for dinner? After all, you invite me to dinner first." Although Jiang Dingcheng is not a romantic man, but because of his business over the years, he still has a little bit of the most romantic place in Huaicheng. Cognitive, so prepare for a simple romantic date, and he's still sure of it.

"Since it's a date, let's go to the couple's restaurant in Huxin Park. I'll treat you to the most romantic set meal." Mu Jiu was still looking forward to and excited.

In the past, in order to be able to use it when pursuing Shang Jinglu, she knew all the places and restaurants suitable for dating in Huai City, but it was a pity that she couldn't use it with Shang Jinglu once.

Now it has helped her a lot.

Suddenly, there was a feeling that she had done so many strategies in the past because she had the opportunity to do it with Jiang Dingcheng now.

God is really naughty.

(End of this chapter)

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