cute in his palm

Chapter 1418 Strict father, strict father

Chapter 1418 Strict father, strict father
The Huahai Garden on the outskirts of the city is the most beautiful flower field in Huaicheng.

It is also the largest flower planting base in the whole city. Mu Jiu is quite familiar with these places. Although she doesn't come here often, she is still very happy when she gets off the car and sees a large sea of ​​flowers.

"Husband, is this the surprise you mentioned?" Mu Jiu looked back at Jiang Dingcheng beside him and said.

Jiang Dingcheng bent the corner of his mouth and hooked it slightly. "Yes, then do you like it?"

Of course Mu Jiu likes this place, even if she didn't answer directly, just a simple expression is enough for Jiang Dingcheng to know that she likes here very much.

This is the largest and most beautiful sea of ​​flowers in Huaicheng. Mu Jiu is a designer, so he will definitely like this kind of beautiful place.

In fact, Mu Jiu has always liked flowers, except for roses.

So he chose this sea of ​​flowers because they don't grow ordinary roses outside here, and the high-end roses are all grown in the glazed greenhouse, so you can go to watch them without being afraid of allergies.

Jiang Dingcheng's considerations are now extremely for Mu Jiu's sake, that is, not to let her suffer any harm, especially for such things that can be avoided directly, and he will not obviously hurt her.

"Of course I like it. It's really beautiful here. It really surprised me. You, a big man... would know this big flower field."

"Actually, this is the place where Jiang's special flowers are produced. Every year, the group needs a lot of flowers, and they are all sent here. As long as you like it." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

In fact, even if Huatian has such a relationship with the group, Jiang Dingcheng, the president of the dignified Jiang family, actually doesn't need to take care of this matter at all.

It was only because Mu Jiu liked it that he paid a little attention.

That's all.

No matter what the reason was, Mu Jiu was very moved.

Mainly because she likes it very much.

Jiang Dingcheng is such a man, he does everything she likes, and then he doesn't fully admit that he does it for her.

"I booked a glass greenhouse, and I'll take you to see it later." Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and said.

Glass house?

It's exciting to hear.

"Mr. Jiang, are we really not going back tonight? Can Xiaobao stay at home? He's still breastfeeding." Mu Jiu said worriedly.

After all, Jiang Tianen is only three months old, and he still needs a little milk baby from his mother.

"It's okay, don't worry, the Jiang family's son is not that weak. There is a nanny and aunt at home, so he won't be hungry. I really hope he grows up soon and doesn't need to worry about anything." Especially not coming Steal his wife with him.

Brats are the most annoying.

Mu Jiu's heart was full of black lines.

Sudden sympathy for Jiang Tianen's little milk baby, who has been hated by her father since she was born, but it's okay when she grows up, silently distressed.

I still don't know how Jiang Dingcheng will come to train Jiang Tianen specially.

Suddenly she regretted it very much, why Jiang Tianen is not a daughter but a son.

The daughter is the lover of the father in the previous life, but the son is the enemy of the father in the previous life, and there is no bloody hatred.

When Jiang Tianen grows up, he will feel so sad knowing that his father has treated him like this since he was a child.

How could there be such a father.

"Husband, our little treasure is only three months old, how can it be..." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng with some dumbfounding, how could there be such a petty and capricious man?
"Three months is enough. The four of us brothers were brought up by the old lady in one month, and we grew up anyway." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu's heart felt a little sore and distressed.

It turned out that because of this, the brothers had never really received any love from their fathers and mothers since they were young. What they had was only the strict education given to them by the two old people, so when they grew up, there was still a hurdle in their hearts that was difficult to overcome. of.

Now Jiang Tianen is very lucky to grow up with his parents by his side, and it is only natural for him to let his parents come out for appointments occasionally.

"Dingcheng, I'm sorry." Mu Jiu said with a sour nose.

She couldn't imagine how sad it would be to be thrown by her parents to someone else after she was born for only a month, because she hated that woman very much when she was abandoned by her mother when she was three years old.

My heart is full of distress.

In the future, she will treat him more well, make up for the part he lacks, and double supply him.

Hearing her sorry, Jiang Dingcheng's heart tightened, he pulled her into his arms, and patted her back lightly. "Fool, they gave birth to me and left me alone, not you. Why do you want to apologize to me? I told you a long time ago. I don't want to hear your apology in this life. Have you forgotten?"

Jiang Dingcheng's words brushed her ears over and over again, and every word passed to her heart.

Of course she remembered, how could she forget.

"I haven't forgotten, but I'm sorry for what happened when you were a child." Mu Jiuyi murmured in his arms.

"That's my experience. I won't let Jiang Tianen behave like this again. I just want him to grow into a real man, starting from a young age." Jiang Dingcheng said still calmly.

Jiang Dingcheng deliberately cultivated Jiang Tianen in this way. On the one hand, he really hoped that he could grow into a real man who can stand up to the sky. On the other hand, he wanted to train him to be independent so that he would be less clingy to his mother in the future.

In this way, he can often be alone with his wife.

Jiang Tianen is a light bulb, I really don't want him to appear often.

This father is selfish and black-bellied.

"I understand what you said. When Tian En grows up, he will thank you for such a serious education." Mu Jiu somewhat agreed with Jiang Dingcheng's approach.

Originally, she also thought that boys should not be raised too delicately, they must have the courage to bear everything upright.

It's just that she feels that Jiang Tianen is still young, and it's okay to wait until he is a little older, and then do this after a few years. After all, she is a mother, so she is somewhat reluctant.

It is said that a loving mother often loses children, and it is probably Mu Jiu's idea.

"Don't you object?" Jiang Dingcheng was a little surprised when he heard Mu Jiu's words. Originally, Mu Jiu had always insisted that Jiang Tianen was still too young to instill some tough things into him so early. What boy? Be manly or something.

Mu Jiu was always worried that the two of them would have conflicts because of their children's education.

Now it seems that if it is a son, the father will teach it, and the mother only needs to play the role of a bad face and love the son well.

Jiang Dingcheng did a good job at this point, hurting wantonly when it should hurt, and being strict when it should be absolutely unambiguous.

Although Mu Jiu can now foresee that Jiang Dingcheng will carry forward the glory of his strict father in the next ten years, but I believe they will also be a pair of father and son with deep affection, because Jiang Dingcheng really loves his son.

(End of this chapter)

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