cute in his palm

Chapter 1424 The child is innocent

Chapter 1424 The child is innocent

Mu Jiu hurriedly called the security department of Lanwan.

"Mrs. Jiang, there is a lady surnamed Su at the door who wants to see you by name. She is unwilling to leave. Is she your friend, Mrs. Jiang?" the security guard asked calmly.

After all, the people living in Blue Bay are rich and famous people, ordinary people can't let them in casually.

Who can afford to pay for the loss caused by the owner.

Those who call so-called friends and relatives without the owner's permission will not be released.

And this Miss Su has a sad look on her face, which is very suspicious.

"I understand what you said. You ask Miss Su to come over and answer the phone. I have something to tell her." Mu Jiu said to the security guard.

For his conscientiousness, Mu Jiu was quite relieved.

It's just that Su Luotong came to look for him in such a hurry, there must be something important, otherwise how could Su Luotong come here in person with Su Luotong's character.

"Mu Jiu, it's me." Su Luotong quickly identified himself as soon as he got the call.

"Well, what do you need, you ran to Lanwan to find me at night." Mu Jiu asked directly.

Su Luotong didn't hesitate anymore. "My brother knew that I was pregnant with Cheng Mingfeng's child. He wanted to take me to the hospital to kill him. He refused to let me give birth to this child, but I didn't want to. I just ran out of the hospital today and hid for a long time thinking about it. I can only help me, I know you may not want to, but the child in my belly is innocent, after all, it is a life, I don't want... I also know that he is Cheng Mingfeng's child, you don't want to keep it, Mu Jiu counts me as begging you, please persuade my brother to let me keep this child, I will never forget your kindness in this life, please."

Su Luotong said it in a crying voice, Mu Jiu is already a mother, so she naturally understands what Su Luotong is feeling like.

A good child will be forced to be aborted. This is the last thing a mother wants to happen.

Mu Jiu also knew why Su Luotong, who never begged her, came to beg her.

Knowing this matter, Su Yaoting would definitely pull Su Luotong to fight, this is understandable, Mu Jiu didn't need to think about it at all.

With Su Yaoting's personality, how could he allow Su Luotong to give birth to Cheng Mingfeng's child? Naturally, he dragged her to fight. It was for this reason that Su Luotong kept keeping Mu Jiu a secret.

Now Cheng Mingfeng was hated by all of them, especially Su Yaoting.

So, how could it be possible to allow the younger sister to give birth to the enemy's child.

Naturally, it is to fight.

From the standpoint of Mu's family, of course he didn't want Su Luotong to give birth to Cheng Mingfeng's child, but from the standpoint of a mother, Mu Jiu was unwilling to let this unborn child die.

Mu Jiu can deeply understand why Su Luotong insisted on giving birth to this child, because she was reluctant to give up, maybe because she once really loved Cheng Mingfeng.

No matter what the reason is, Mu Jiu has only one thought, to keep the child for her.

"Mu Jiu, this is the first time I beg you, maybe the only time I beg you in this life, you are also a mother, you should know how I feel, I don't care how many people hate Cheng Mingfeng, but I really want to give birth to this child Come down, let me beg you, please help me this time, I can't let my brother find me." Su Luotong begged Mu Jiu bitterly.

Looking at it now, Mu Jiu is her only hope.

Cheng Mingfeng's whereabouts are unknown, and he took away so much money from the Mu family, which almost caused the Mu family to go bankrupt. As the daughter of the Mu family, Mu Jiu should hate Cheng Mingfeng and the child in her belly.

However, Su Luotong would not come to beg Mu Jiu unless it was absolutely necessary.

Su Yaoting's personality is too stubborn, and he must do what he decides, so he feels that this child is not suitable to come to this world, and if he catches Su Luotong, he will forcibly kill the child.

And what Su Yaoting listened to most was Mu Jiu's words, this was a last resort.

Mu Jiu was still thinking about whether to help Su Luotong, after all, she was pregnant with Cheng Mingfeng's child, the child of the enemy of the Mu family.

However, it is still a life.

Children are always innocent, and no matter how great the hatred between adults is, children cannot be involved.

If Su Luotong doesn't look for her, she won't take care of their mother and son's affairs, and won't take the initiative to take care of Su Luotong's life and death or whether she will give birth to this child, but now Su Yaoting has taken the initiative to find her Even now, you can't just ignore death.

"Give the phone to the security guard, stay at my house temporarily tonight, and discuss it when we go back tomorrow." Mu Jiu finally decided to help her.

The rest will be discussed when they return to Blue Bay tomorrow.

Unless it was a last resort, she knew that Su Luotong would not come to her.

Since it was for the sake of the child, Mu Jiu softened her heart for a while.

"Thank you, Mu Jiu. I sincerely apologize for my ignorance before. I'm sorry." Su Luotong's voice was choked with sobs.

Mu Jiu knew why she apologized. A mother is really willing to do anything for her child, and dignity is nothing to them.

"Don't mention the past for now, return the phone to the security guard first, I want to have a few words with him." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Compared to Su Luotong's excitement, Mu Jiu's mood is still very calm.

Although she knew that Su Luotong was actually kind in his heart, Mu Jiu still cared a little about the many immature things she had done before.

"it is good."

"Mrs. Jiang, what are your orders?"

"Miss Su is my friend. Please take her to my house first. My husband and I can't go back for a while, so I will trouble you." Mu Jiu said to the security guard very gently.

It was Su Luotong's first visit to Lanwan, afraid that she would not find her, so he specially asked the security guard to take her in.

"Okay, I know."

After Mu Jiu finished the phone call with the security guard, she hurriedly called her aunt back.

"Auntie, Miss Su, Su Luotong, will stay at home for one night and take good care of her for me. She is a pregnant woman. We will talk about the rest when we go back tomorrow, please."

"Madam, I will take care of it, don't worry."

After Mu Jiu hung up the phone, she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Jiang Dingcheng was extremely worried when he saw her serious face.

It seems that this matter about Su Luotong made Mu Jiu extremely worried.

"Jiu'er, what's the matter?" Jiang Dingcheng put his arm around Mu Jiu's shoulder and asked her.

Mu Jiu looked back at him, then spoke, and told him about Su Luotong's situation. "I don't know if it's right to do this. In fact, she is pregnant with Cheng Mingfeng's child. Cheng Mingfeng almost caused Mu's bankruptcy. I should hate him, but I can't bear not to help her. After all, the child is innocent. "

(End of this chapter)

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