cute in his palm

Chapter 1433 Eating is too exaggerated

Chapter 1433 Eating is too exaggerated

"Su Luotong, does the food suit your taste?" Mu Jiu sat down and asked her directly.

In fact, seeing her eating so happily, I know that it should be considered a good taste, otherwise, how could she eat so happily.

"The chef hired by Jiang's family is really different. The taste is very good. I have already eaten two bowls of rice." Su Luotong looked at Mu Jiu and said with a smile.

At this moment, Mu Jiu felt that Su Luotong was not that hateful, and inexplicably felt sorry for her.

Losing her parents since she was a child, and following her aunt to marry the Mu family, the only thing she can rely on is her brother, but now her brother is forcing her to find the child, or she will sever the relationship.

In order to keep the child, Su Luotong lost his brother, the only support, and came to find her in a desperate situation, which was considered the most helpless move.

If it were her, no matter what, she would never ask her enemy to take her in. This is a shame.

"As long as you like to eat, eat slowly, and no one will compete with you." Seeing her like this, Mu Jiu really couldn't help but laugh.

Does this woman want to be like this?

"Well, okay, we prepare so many dishes, are we the only three to eat? By the way, where is Mr. Jiang?" Su Luotong stopped his chopsticks and looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Mu Jiu thought for a moment, and only after eating two bowls of rice did she remember to ask where the owner of the house had gone, if she was too open-minded.

"He's gone to the company, eat slowly, we'll talk about things after eating." Mu Jiu ate very slowly, which could be considered elegant, not as crazy as Su Luotong's.

"Oh, okay." Su Luotong originally thought about how to talk to Mu Jiu about this matter, but now that Mu Jiu took the initiative to speak up, it saved her a lot of trouble, which is considered a good thing.

"Then you eat slowly, if it's not enough, I can ask the kitchen to make it again." Seeing her eating, Mu Jiu was really worried, what if she choked.

"It's okay, I'm really hungry. It turns out that pregnant women really eat a lot." Su Luotong looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"Well, now you are eating alone for two, so naturally you eat more than usual." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Mu Jiu completely understood Su Luotong's reaction as if she had discovered a new world. When she was pregnant with Jiang Tianen, she also had a lot of things she didn't understand. Fortunately, there was an aunt who was always by her side and told her too much. Things, so that she wouldn't be frightened in a hurry.


The two of them didn't say anything more, just focused on eating.

After the meal, the two moved to the living room. The servants prepared fruits and juices, and Su Luotong was eating without any hesitation. Her appetite was astonishing, which made Mu Jiu amazed.

Although she ate a lot when she was pregnant with Jiang Tian'en, she didn't have as much as Su Luotong, she could have had more than two of her.

Of course, this is also normal.

"Mu Jiu, I'm sorry that I came to your house to disturb you this time, but now I have no one to look for except you, and I realized that I don't have a good friend who can take me in. Why have I always envied you since I was a child?" Su Luotong said to Mu Jiu after drinking a glass of juice.

Mu Jiu was shaking Jiang Tianen's crib, looking back at her. "Jealous of me? No, you just keep looking down on me."

Mu Jiu still knew about it. From the first day Su Luotong lived in Mu's house, she treated her like an enemy. Mu Jiu had self-criticized at the beginning. She had offended Su Luotong before she realized that this girl was innocent. Just hate her.

Anyway, it's right to target her everywhere.

"Actually, it's not. The real reason why I don't like you is because I used to own everything you own. Before the Su family went bankrupt, I was a lady who was flattered by everyone. Bankruptcy, I immediately fell from a princess in the clouds to a Cinderella covered in ashes. At that time, all relatives avoided us as brother and sister, and they didn’t want to take us two oil bottles. My aunt who was in college gave up. Xue Xue took the initiative to become our guardian, and then took us to marry your father. Otherwise, how could it be possible to marry a man who is ten years older than her on the terms of my aunt? Of course I am not saying how old your father is, but it is true It is much older than my aunt, but at that time only your father was willing to let my aunt bring the two of us together, and the Mu family had money to support us, so my aunt got married, and when I arrived at the Mu family, I realized that you are like a princess. It's even worse, so I hated you from the beginning because you are the eldest lady and I am the boarder." Su Luotong said this passage very calmly.

This is the first time she confides her heart to others. She has always wanted to maintain her vanity as the young lady of the Su family. Anyone who says something like this is on their minds.

Especially Mu Jiu.

It was also the first time Mu Jiu heard her say these things, so she knew what Su Luotong thought of her.

It's so natural to say it.

If you hate her, you hate her, you have to give a reason.

"Speaking of which, you didn't actually do anything bad to me, but I just hated you." Su Luotong said calmly.

"Thinking about it now, I'm so naive, I don't know how many people I hurt with that little vanity." Su Luotong laughed a little self-deprecatingly. "The way I am now can be regarded as God's punishment for me. When I was at my worst, I could only beg you."

When talking about the latter part, Su Luotong's heart obviously had a sense of helplessness and distress. Mu Jiu was a little surprised, never thought that this woman who has always had a higher eye than others would show such helplessness and sadness one day It's really rare to have such an expression.

"Su Luotong, what do you want to say?" Mu Jiu looked at her directly and said.

"I want to say, thank you for helping me take me in this time. In fact, you don't have to worry about me at all, and I won't blame you, because I have no reason to blame you." Su Luotong said with a smile.

When she said this, only she knew how uncomfortable she felt.

"Don't worry, although you have hated me since childhood, we are not real enemies, so since I promised you to stay, I will do my best to help you." Mu Jiu said calmly.

"I will repay the kindness between you and Mr. Jiang in the future, but can you promise me, don't tell my brother that I live with you, otherwise he will still come to arrest me, as long as five or six Yue, if you let him know, you won't be afraid." Su Luotong still said nervously.

After all, if Su Yaoting knows, then her happy life will come to an end.

Mu Jiu naturally knew her worry.

"Don't worry, I won't tell him. I just want to tell you where you will live next." Mu Jiu turned directly to the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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