cute in his palm

Chapter 1439 1 must be kept secret

Chapter 1439 Must keep secret
Now, it's rare that Mu Jiu offered to drink with him. Regardless of his son's affairs, in Jiang Dingcheng's view, his status is slowly rising, and he has already surpassed that brat Jiang Tianen.

"Okay, let's have a drink." Jiang Dingcheng took the red wine from her hand and poured it for the two of them.

It was the first time for them to drink a glass of wine in such a leisurely way after giving birth, so Mu Jiu also thought it was pretty good, and felt like they had returned to the time when they first got married.

"Wow, it's delicious." Mu Jiu picked up the wine glass and took a small sip to taste the taste.

It's been a long time since I've had a drink, and this taste comes out as soon as it touches her mouth. It's full of mellow aroma, which is her favorite.

In the past, she occasionally drank a little red wine to refresh her mind and stimulate inspiration, but after having Jiang Tianen, she basically stopped drinking.

"It's delicious, but don't drink too much." Jiang Dingcheng immediately reminded her to save her from drinking too much.

"I know, are you full?" Mu Jiu looked at him suddenly and asked.

"Well, what happened?"

"How about we go to the roof for a drink? Although the weather is a bit cold now, the atmosphere on the roof will be better." Mu Jiu said directly.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard what she said, he immediately laughed happily.

Unexpectedly, his little wife is starting to be a little romantic now.

"Okay, let's go upstairs, I'll ask the kitchen to prepare some fruits and snacks." Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and said, then got up directly.

Mu Jiu followed him and got up.

The two went upstairs on foot. Auntie was a smart person, so she knew that the young couple wanted to live a two-person life, so she stopped disturbing them. After coaxing Xiaobao to sleep, she hugged him to sleep.

Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng came to sit on the deck chairs on the roof, and Jiang Dingcheng took a small blanket beside her to cover her. "It's too cold outside, put on a blanket, and come and hug me if it's still cold."

Hearing this, Mu Jiu laughed.

"You just want me to hug you, you have to give a reason for this." Mu Jiu wrapped the blanket tightly and said, then glanced at the large blanket and the clothes on his body. "Come here, let's build together."

Satisfied, Jiang Dingcheng went to sit down, covered her with a blanket, and put his arms around her waist directly with one hand.

Mu Jiu leaned into his arms without any hesitation.

"Jiang Dingcheng, drink." Mu Jiu raised his glass with one hand and touched him.

Jiang Dingcheng touched them back, the two of them looked up and smiled, and then drank the wine.

With the night wind blowing, the two leaned on each other to drink and drink. This feeling was really great.

Mu Jiu leaned gently in his arms, not wanting to move anymore.

The wine was also drunk and wanted another glass.

"You don't need to drink any more, Jiu'er, I promise you that I will only give you one drink." Jiang Dingcheng resolutely forbade to drink any more, and she had already had half an extra glass of wine.

As soon as Mu Jiu heard that she was not allowed to drink, she immediately became unhappy. After all, this was the first postpartum abstinence from alcohol, so how could she say that she was not allowed to drink.

"It's such a beautiful day, how can you only drink a little, it's a letdown." Mu Jiu came straight up without reasoning.

Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and continued to shake his head.

"Jiu'er, too much alcohol is not good for your health."

"Husband, if you want to keep yourself healthy, just have another glass, just one, okay." Mu Jiu began to act coquettishly towards him.

Jiang Dingcheng had nothing to do with her, so he just poured half a glass. "After drinking half of this glass, no more wine is allowed, huh?"

Mu Jiu nodded obediently.

"Okay, I'm obedient."

This time Mu Jiu was obedient, and stopped drinking after drinking, but nestled in Jiang Dingcheng's arms and started chatting with him in various ways.

The two chatted so heart-to-heart until midnight, and in the end she was really stuck on his body, and just fell asleep like this.

Jiang Dingcheng put down his wine glass, looked at Mu Jiu in his arms and smiled, then picked her up and carried her back to the room.

Mu Jiu slept extraordinarily soundly that night. When it was dawn, she saw the corner of the mouth of someone lying beside her, and began to think of bad ideas.

She reached out and pinched his nose, which woke him up directly.

"Good morning, Mrs. Jiang."

"Good morning, Mr. Jiang."

However, the two of them didn't stay for two more seconds before they heard an eager knock on the door from the aunt outside.

"Ma'am, sir, it's not good. Miss Su is in a hurry, and she said that her brother came here." As soon as the auntie finished speaking, Mu Jiu sat up directly.

Su Yaoting knew it so quickly.

This is tantamount to making a big deal, Mu Jiu didn't dare to delay any longer, so she got up quickly.

"Jiang Dingcheng, if Su Yaoting is here, something bad will happen." Mu Jiu was extremely worried.

Jiang Dingcheng comforted her.

"Don't worry too much, nothing will happen." Jiang Dingcheng doesn't know what's going on now, in fact, he has already expected that Su Yaoting will come, but when he actually comes, he is still a little worried.

Su Yaoting is a man who has always been stubborn, and he will be paranoid to the end when he decides on something.

So, did he know for sure that Su Luotong was here, or did he just come and ask.

But no matter which one it is, go and meet him first.

"Let's go, go out and have a look first to find out." Jiang Dingcheng hurriedly got up.

The two hurriedly tidied up and went downstairs, and saw Su Luotong standing in the living room, as soon as they saw them coming down, they rushed up and took Mu Jiu's hand.

"Mu Jiu, Mu Jiu, something has happened. My brother seems... seems to know that I'm with you, what should I do, what should I do now?" Su Luotong was in a hurry.

Mu Jiu took her hand directly. "Don't worry, nothing will happen, did you hear me?"

Of course Mu Jiu knew why Su Luotong looked at her with such a terrifying look. The elder brother who loved her the most, now wanted to kill her child, so he changed from a protector to a demon. How could he not be afraid?

"Your brother called you, or..."

"No, no, when I was about to go out today, I saw my brother's car at the gate, so he must have come looking for you after me. I was frightened, so I hurried over." Su Luotong Seriously.

"That is to say, you are not sure, does he know that you are here? That's all right, don't worry, you go back to the small building first, and I will deal with him." Mu Jiu said soothingly .

"Okay, I know, then please Mu Jiu, don't let my brother know that I'm here, don't." Su Luotong said seriously.

Mu Jiu urged her to leave.

"Go back to the small building, Dingcheng and I are here, nothing will happen." Mu Jiu can't guarantee [-]% now, so he can only say this first.

(End of this chapter)

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