cute in his palm

Chapter 1441

Chapter 1441

Mu Jiu understands the truth, but she doesn't want to risk an innocent life.

Who can say what will happen in the future.

After all, it was Cheng Mingfeng who committed the crime, not the child.

"Su Yaoting, you go back, there is no Su Luotong here, if there is any situation, I will tell you." Mu Jiu directly opened her mouth to chase away the guests, she was afraid that if Su Yaoting stayed here for a long time, she would find something wrong.

So forget it.

"Then I'll go back first. If there is any news about Xiaotong, you must tell me." Su Yaoting didn't stay any longer.

Because he knew that if Mu Jiu really didn't want him to find Su Luotong, then he wouldn't be able to find him even if he stayed here.


After confirming that Su Yaoting had left Lanwan, Mu Jiu went directly to Xiaolou.

Su Luotong has been nervously waiting for Mu Jiu to come over.

"My brother..."

"He's gone, don't worry, he doesn't know you're here, but your phone won't work anymore." Mu Jiu said very seriously. "Your brother came here only after receiving your mobile phone signal, and next time, I will send you directly to him."

"I just wanted to see if Cheng Mingfeng called me, so I turned it on and then turned it off." Su Luotong was also a little afraid that her brother would follow the phone signal, so she didn't dare to turn it on, but she really wanted to check it out Did Cheng Mingfeng call her or something?

Unfortunately not.

Cheng Mingfeng is indeed a heartless person.

"Okay, don't turn it on again in the future, Cheng Mingfeng won't call you again, you should give up on it, by the way, give me your phone, and I'll get you a new one." Mu Jiu said directly Said.

Su Luotong didn't have any comments.

"Okay, let's pretend that this incident never happened. You can just take care of your baby here. If you need anything, just use your landline to make a call." Mu Jiu told her some more things, and then left with her mobile phone .

Jiang Dingcheng was holding Jiang Tianen at the door and waiting for her to come back.

"Clarified?" Jiang Dingcheng asked.I
"Well, to make it clear, if she messes up again, I will directly ask Su Yaoting to pick her up. Whether the child can be saved or not has nothing to do with us. Su Luotong cares about the child very much and will not take it easy. It was destroyed, and she should still be very concerned about Cheng Mingfeng, and took the risk of being caught by her brother to turn it on just to see if Cheng Mingfeng had called her." Mu Jiu said a little angrily.

"Cheng Mingfeng probably won't call her again, because he never loved this woman at all." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously.

Mu Jiu agrees with this statement. "I know."

"Okay, take Jiang Tianen well at home, I'll go to the company, I need to deal with something." Jiang Dingcheng put Jiang Tianen in Mu Jiu's hands.

"Okay, go get busy. I'm here at home, so I can take care of it." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

The bad mood was cured by Jiang Dingcheng.

"Okay, I'll be back earlier in the evening." Jiang Dingcheng kissed her and left.

When Mu Jiu was holding Jiang Tianen and was about to go back to the house to play, she received a call from Guan Xiaotong.

"Xiao Jiujiu, do you have time to come over and have a meal together?"

Mu Jiu thought that the sisters needed to get together, so she agreed.

"Okay, I'll go directly to Time to find you in a while."

Mu Jiu quickly took her aunt and Xiao Bao out.

When it's girlfriend time, all three friends are there.

They are all very busy now, except for Guan Xiaotong who is the most free, they basically don't have much time to get together.

"Little Tianen, come and hug me." Guan Xiaotong hugged Jiang Tianen without shame.

Mu Jiu didn't bother to pay attention to her, and went to the private room on the second floor together.

Auntie didn't follow and sat on the first floor by herself.

"What to drink and eat, order yourself."

Mu Jiu talked about the matter of taking in Su Luotong, and everyone objected, not to mention that she was pregnant with the child of the enemy of Mu's family. Too right.

"Xiao Jiu, are you crazy to take that woman in?" Guan Xiaotong simply didn't know what was going on in Mu Jiu's mind?

He actually took in Su Luotong.

"I have no other choice, I can't just watch Su Yaoting beat the child." Mu Jiu is a mother, knowing how broken Su Luotong will be as a mother if the child is about to be beaten.

"Although I quite object to your doing this way, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it." Guan Xiaotong didn't make any further comments.

It's purely a personal opinion, I just don't want to take in a woman like Su Luotong, because it's not worth it.

"Okay, this is Xiao Jiu's own decision."

"With Mr. Jiang here, nothing will happen." Xu Yanke said calmly.

"I hope nothing will happen. I really can't do it just to raise the child of my enemy." Guan Xiaotong said directly.

Actually, Mu Jiu couldn't do it either.

However, the innocent life of a child.

It's okay if she doesn't know, but if she knows, she will definitely take care of it.

They all understood Mu Jiu's personality.

"Anyway, let me remind you that this woman Su Luotong is an ungrateful little white-eyed wolf. I'm afraid she won't know how to appreciate what you have done." Guan Xiaotong reminded.

"I didn't think about asking her to thank me. I did it voluntarily, so don't say any more." Mu Jiu said lightly.

Since she promised to do this matter, she will not regret it easily.

"I still know the personality of this woman Su Luotong. I have never been ungrateful. It's not the first day I know her personality." Mu Jiu said calmly.

"You, just think about it. I'm afraid she won't be grateful and will repay her kindness. After all, it's Cheng Mingfeng's child. A woman who is willing to give birth to a man's child shows that she loves him." Guan Xiaotong said seriously .

These words really touched Mu Jiu's mood.

Su Luotong turned on the phone for Cheng Mingfeng, which shows that she really loves this man.

It's a pity that this man's heart has obviously never been on her.

"Well, it's okay, don't I still have Jiang Dingcheng? With him here, I don't need to deal with all the troubles," Mu Jiu said reassuringly.

In fact, I was still a little worried.

"I'm really envious of me. Seeing that you and Mr. Jiang are so affectionate, what should I do if I want to get married?" Guan Xiaotong said jokingly.

"Marriage is a good thing. As long as you meet the right person, you will be very happy." Mu Jiu said happily.

When it comes to marriage, she actually has something to say.

"I also want to meet the right person, but what if I can't, brother, marry me." Guan Xiaotong turned to look at Xu Yanke and said.

"I love men!"

(End of this chapter)

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