cute in his palm

Chapter 1443 Stay away from Luo

Chapter 1443 Stay away from Luo

Listening to the old lady's words, Mu Jiu didn't answer directly, but was quietly thinking about it.

Since the old lady would take the initiative to talk to her, it means that the old lady has already thought it over clearly, and this time it will be Luo Shiyang who she is willing to help.

"Grandma, I think what Luo Shiyang wants to see is Ding Cheng, and you should ask Ding Cheng directly." Mu Jiu said directly, with some displeasure in her tone, but it would not be too obvious.

She knew that it would be difficult for the old lady to be in the middle.

"Don't worry, grandma also knows that you are in trouble. Grandma didn't agree to any of the Luo family's requests. After all, it was Shiyang who was unkind and the second child who took the lead and ruined our Jiang family's relationship. If it wasn't for her Because I watched and grew up, I will never care about this matter, grandma will stand by your side." Seeing Mu Jiu say this, the old lady immediately expressed her position and attitude .

Of course she would take Mu Jiu's side, no matter what, Mu Jiu is her current grand-daughter-in-law, who also gave birth to her a big fat great-grandson.

What's wrong with her, Luo Shiyang, besides hurting the second child's heart and ruining the friendship between the two families, the old lady doesn't like selfish women?

This time, if Mrs. Luo and Mrs. Luo hadn't come out together to beg her for this favor, the old lady would never have softened her heart, and she had no extra mood to take care of Luo Shiyang at all.

This time he couldn't evade it, and it was indeed because Luo Shiyang looked pitiful that he couldn't bear to ask Mu Jiu.

"Grandma, I'm very happy that you can stand by our side. You can rest assured that I will handle this matter, and I will handle it well." Mu Jiu looked at the old lady and said.

She doesn't want to tell the old lady now that she has been to the hospital before, so as not to make the old lady think too much.

"Xiao Jiu, I have wronged you, of course grandma believes in you." The old lady said seriously while holding Mu Jiu's hand.

"Yeah." Mu Jiu nodded.

This matter is over for the time being. "Xiao Jiu, even if you don't want to, grandma won't blame you, grandma can understand."

Hearing the old lady's open-minded words, Mu Jiu calmed down instead.

No matter what trick Luo Shiyang plays, she has a way to handle it.

"Grandma, it's okay. You say this because you still care about the friendship between the Luo family and the Jiang family. I can understand, but you can just leave this matter to me. Grandma believes that I can handle it." Is it okay?" Mu Jiu looked at the old lady and said.

The old lady was quite satisfied when she heard Mu Jiu say this. "Xiao Jiu, of course grandma believes in you, and believes that you can do this well."


"Even if you don't interfere, I won't blame you. Remember, grandma doesn't want to embarrass you. She will tell you. She just thinks you have the right to know about this matter." The old lady said calmly.

She actually doesn't want to interfere too much with the juniors' affairs.

The main reason is that this time Mrs. Luo and Mrs. Luo came to look for her together. For the sake of old friendship, she heard that she was willing to try to help.

"I see, grandma." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Since the old lady entrusts this matter to her, she will handle it well.

"Xiao Jiu, let's go back for a while. I didn't go to the second child first to find you. I just wanted to let you know about their past. You are now the grandma's granddaughter-in-law, so don't worry. No matter what happens, grandma is on your side." The old lady said while holding Mu Jiu's hand.

Mu Jiu's heart is still quite warm.

It was rare for the old lady to stand by her side like this.

"Grandma I know, thank you for trusting me and standing by my side." Mu Jiu thanked the old lady very seriously.

"Of course I am willing to stand on your side." The old lady said sincerely, because she really likes Mu Jiu, the granddaughter-in-law, who is beautiful and generous, and has a kind heart, which is very rare.

"I will discuss this matter with Ding Cheng. As for the result, I am not sure now." Mu Jiu also said truthfully.

In fact, she didn't even intend to disturb Luo Shiyang's affairs. Last time in the hospital, she had already made it clear that she didn't want to give up.

Can the situation be saved by pulling out the old lady in the future?It seemed that she had overestimated her status in the hearts of the Jiang family.

Of course, Mu Jiu is not in the mood to take care of her affairs, it is her business to do whatever she likes.

"Grandma, let's go back first, it's too cold outside, it's not good for your health if you stay for a long time." Mu Jiu said with concern.

"Okay, let's go back first." The old lady turned around directly.

The two returned to the house, the Jiang family was there, the old lady hurriedly went to tease Jiang Tianen, the little guy is now a big celebrity in the Jiang family, and he is the most popular everywhere.

Jiang Dingcheng simply put the little guy in the old lady's arms, and walked towards Mu Jiu.

"What did the old lady tell you?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu with a serious expression and asked her worriedly.

If Mu Jiu seemed to be in a good mood, he wouldn't ask more questions.

"Tell me about Luo Shiyang. Mrs. Luo and Mrs. Luo came to her a few days ago. I guess grandma can't save face and refuse. After all, the two families have been friends for so many years, so it took so long to tell me." Mu Jiu told the matter. I said it roughly.

Jiang Dingcheng frowned after listening.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Honey, do you want to see her? It can be seen that Luo Shiyang really wants you to see her." Mu Jiu said this deliberately.

"Jiu'er, are you telling the truth?" Jiang Dingcheng couldn't tell that this little woman was teasing him.

What's the truth, she doesn't want him to see that Luo Shiyang at all, okay, it's better not to see the Luo family again.

"If you really want to go, there's nothing I can do to stop you." Mu Jiu gave him a big white eye.

Jiang Dingcheng laughed directly.

"Don't worry, I'll listen to you." Jiang Dingcheng said with his arms around her shoulders.

"Remember what you said, otherwise, I will definitely make you look good." Mu Jiu said directly.

Jiang Dingcheng put his arms around her shoulders and kissed her lightly on the face.

Mu Jiu blushed with embarrassment.

"Where are so many people?" Mu Jiu patted his hand and said.

"Don't worry about it." Jiang Dingcheng said generously.

Mu Jiu ignored him, and got up directly to go to Jiang Tianen's place. After staying with Jiang Dingcheng for a long time, he would really lead him to become more and more unscrupulous.

So it's better to stay away.

As soon as Jiang Tianen saw his mother coming, he immediately rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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