cute in his palm

Chapter 1450 Your Little Ome

Chapter 1450 Your Little Ome

"Okay, I will definitely call you when I come back and give you a hard time. Now you are a supermodel, it's just a big meal." Shen Ruoxi said while saving the number.

If Jiang Dinghe can take the initiative to say that he will clean up the dust for her, she will not be polite.

"Don't talk about a meal, I can even invite a hundred meals. Welcome back, little girl." Jiang Dinghe stood up and opened his arms towards her.

Shen Ruoxi understood, and immediately stood up and hugged her back.

This hug, which had been separated for nearly 20 years, was soon let go.

"Okay, brother Dinghe, I'm going to board the plane soon, see you next week." Shen Ruoxi glanced at the time and said.

"Then, the journey is smooth, remember to call me when you come back." Jiang Dinghe said with a smile.

Jiang Dinghe was very happy to see a childhood playmate whom he hadn't seen for a long time, after nearly 20 years.

"Of course I will. By the way, where are you going?" Shen Ruoxi thought of asking them the purpose of coming to the airport. It was not like where they were going, but rather like picking up people.

"No, my second brother and I came to pick up my parents. They came back from Iceland, but the plane hasn't arrived yet." Jiang Dinghe said without hiding anything.

Sure enough, as she had guessed, she was here to pick him up.

It was a bit of a surprise. The people who came to pick up Jiang's parents had to know that their jobs were very special. They were members of the national scientific research team and had been working for the country, so Xiaojia hadn't taken care of them.

"It's rare for them to come back. How long are you planning to come back? I don't have a chance to see you this time. They should still be here when I come back from the imperial capital. They have been very busy with their work." Shen Ruoxi said sincerely.

"It is estimated that I will come back to live for a while, and I will have a chance to see you." Jiang Dinghe doesn't know how long they will be back now.

"Okay, then I'll visit them when I come back from the imperial capital." Shen Ruoxi said to him with a sweet smile.

"Then I'm going to get ready to board the plane first, remember to say hello to my second brother." Shen Ruoxi didn't forget to remind him, and she didn't know where Jiang Dingcheng had gone. She didn't have time to wait, so she could only wait until she came back next week and see you again a,

"It's okay, you go first."

As soon as Shen Ruoxi left, Jiang Dingcheng came back with two cups of coffee and handed him one.

Jiang Dinghe quickly took a sip of the strong and bitter black coffee before looking up at Jiang Dingcheng. "Second brother, do you know who I just met here?"

"Huh?" Jiang Dingcheng just glanced at him lightly, not having much interest in the person he was talking about.

"Second brother, I don't think you can guess it anyway." Jiang Dinghe continued to pretend, but Jiang Dingcheng didn't have much interest in knowing.

"How much time is left, the plane lands." Jiang Dingcheng glanced at the time, it was almost seven o'clock.

They shouldn't have come to the airport so early. Waiting for someone is the worst feeling. Jiang Dingcheng hates waiting for someone the most. Of course, except for Mu Jiu, it doesn't matter how long it takes to wait for her.

"I haven't received the news yet, I didn't expect you, second brother, to see your parents so impatiently." Jiang Dinghe said excitedly.

"Wait another half an hour. If there is still no one, I will go back first. You wait for them here." Jiang Dingcheng directly told him with his actions how unwilling he was to expect them to come back.

Who is going to pick them up? This time, if the boss Jiang Dingfan hadn't urged him to come and pick them up on the phone, and the old lady, he would never have come over.

Well, hearing what the second brother said, Jiang Dinghe probably knew how unwilling he was to come to pick up Jiang's father and Jiang's mother in his heart.

It seems that the second elder brother's knot with his parents cannot be solved in a short period of time. The knot cannot be solved in a day or two.

"Second brother, let's guess who I just met here. If you had been 2 minutes earlier, I would have met her." Jiang Dinghe decided to change the subject.

I still plan to share with him the incident of meeting Shen Ruoxi by chance, in fact, it was the girl who met him by chance.

"So, you dislike me for buying coffee for a long time, you can consider not drinking it." Jiang Dingcheng said coldly.

Jiang Dinghe had an urge to swear at people.

Why is this big brother always so easy to criticize? He can't even hear the point when he is obedient.

He didn't want to think that it took him a long time to buy coffee, although this was true, it was indeed a bit long.

"Second brother, how dare I blame you for buying coffee for a long time. I definitely don't mean it. There are often queues to buy coffee at the coffee shop at the airport, I know." Jiang Dinghe said that he understands, and also wants to clarify that he really has nothing to blame What he meant, he didn't dare to blame him.

"The little granddaughter of the Shen family near grandma, do you remember?" Jiang Dinghe decided to get straight to the point, and let the person out by himself. If this cold-faced old man guessed, he would definitely not want to.

"The little granddaughter of the Shen family?" Jiang Dingcheng pondered for a while.

"Yes, second brother, do you have any impression?"

Jiang Dingcheng shook his head directly. "No impression."

Well, now, except for Mu Jiu, Jiang Dingcheng has no superfluous impressions of all women, especially since he was a child when he was a child, how could he remember it.

The person who played a lot with Shen Ruoxi when they were young was always Jiang Dinghe, not Jiang Dingcheng, so he naturally didn't have a deep impression.

"Shen Ruoxi, I like that little girl called Dirty. She's so cute. Is Second Brother really not impressed?"

"There is nothing to remember." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

In short, it means that this woman Shen Ruoxi is not important to him, so there is no need to remember that such a simple and rude thing can only be done by Jiang Dingcheng.

"Okay, I get it, anyway, I'm just telling you, you don't remember him, but he still remembers you, Second Brother Jiang, she's going to the imperial capital today and coming back next week, I'll treat her to dinner, and then you will come with me Ah, second brother." Jiang Dinghe invited him enthusiastically.

"Your little Qingmei, it's not suitable for me to go." Jiang Dingcheng coldly refused.

What is his little childhood sweetheart? Even though they have grown up together for a few years, they are not childhood sweethearts anymore. It is a bit serious for the second brother to say this.

"Second brother, Shen Ruoxi really wants you to go." Jiang Dinghe said unwillingly.

But he cared so much about Shen Ruoxi, it made Jiang Dingcheng think a little bit.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years, right? The little girl looks beautiful now?" Jiang Dingcheng asked him calmly.

Jiang Dinghe laughed directly. "Second brother, don't tell me, this girl has changed in her eighteenth year, and she really looks better and better. The little girl is really a beauty now. If she didn't recognize me first, I really dare not compare her with me when I was a child. Get in touch."

(End of this chapter)

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