cute in his palm

Chapter 1454 Makes You Sad

Chapter 1454 Makes You Sad

When the two walked outside the hospital, Jiang Dingcheng let out a heavy breath. Lin Weishuang's condition was uncertain, so his heart would be extremely heavy.

Although he has been pretending not to care about these two old people on the surface, they are his biological parents after all. How could he exist without them? Parents have given it.

Now that Lin Weishuang is sick and is being rescued, Jiang Dingcheng is no less worried than his brothers, especially now that he is married and has a child and became a father. He is very aware of the bond between children and parents, which is a blood relationship that cannot be broken in a lifetime. Relationship, it doesn't mean that you don't care, you really don't care.

Mu Jiu knew that he was in a bad mood, so she reached out and patted his back. "I believe that my mother is lucky, and nothing will happen. It just so happens that I can check her body in all aspects this time, which is also a good thing."

Mu Jiu is actually not a person who is particularly good at comforting others, but this time she really wants to comfort Jiang Dingcheng, because she loves him so much.

"There is a coffee shop in front, let's go there to buy coffee." Mu Jiu took his hand and led him directly to the direction of the coffee shop.

Looking at it from Jiang Dingcheng's point of view, it was the first time that he felt that this petite woman was full of magic power, which could give him strength and pull him back from the brink of pain.

He became even more determined, his determination to protect her for the rest of his life.

"Jiu'er, it's really good to have you by my side." Jiang Dingcheng said sincerely.

Mu Jiu laughed. "I also think it's good for you to come to me, let's go, sir, I'll buy you coffee."

After entering the coffee shop, Mu Jiu asked Jiang Dingcheng to sit there, and then went to buy coffee by himself, first brought a cup of hot coffee over, and filled the rest there.

"Mr. Jiang, your coffee is ready." Mu Jiu handed the coffee to him and said.

Jiang Dingcheng looked up at Mu Jiu, saw the smile on her face, felt at ease immediately, took a sip of the coffee she handed over.

“The coffee is delicious.”

"Today is special. I didn't want to drink coffee for you at first. It's not good for your health. Since my mother is sick, I will allow you to drink a cup." Mu Jiu said seriously.

She knew that Jiang Dingcheng drank a lot of coffee when he was working in the company, so let him drink less coffee if he could. When he was at home, she would let him drink more juice and water. Good for the body.

"En." Jiang Dingcheng silently took another sip, and then handed it to her mouth. "Take a sip and warm up."

Mu Jiu didn't refuse, took a sip as she said, and then looked at him with a serious expression. "Dingcheng, I didn't want to worry about you and your parents, but now that my mother is sick, can I say a few words?"

Jiang Dingcheng probably knew what she was going to say, but he nodded anyway. "Tell me." Now he knows that Mu Jiu is only thinking about their family and wanting to be good for him, so why can't he accept his wife's kindness.

"Dingcheng, although I'm not very clear about the misunderstanding between you and your parents, it can make the relationship between you two become so indifferent. You are obviously related by blood. You are now Tianen's father. I miss you." It should be clearer, blood is thicker than water, isn't there any misunderstanding, can't we make it clear?" Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng seriously and said.

"I know that you have always longed to get along with your parents." Mu Jiu looked into his eyes, held his hand and said sincerely.

Jiang Dingcheng held Mu Jiu's hand in one hand, and the warm coffee in the other, with complicated emotions in his heart.

Of course he wants to get along with his parents every day like other children, but he looked forward to it when he was a child, and resented him when he was an adult. This process took nearly 30 years. This knot is already very big. How can it be so easy? untie it.

"Jiu'er, I..."

"Dingcheng, I know it might be difficult for you, but think about it, now that my parents are getting old, and my mother is still sick, and the situation is unknown, she should hope that all of you children can stay by her side, right? Instead of resenting her like you, Dingcheng, I am a mother, and I absolutely understand this kind of heart." Mu Jiu said emotionally.

Jiang Dingcheng's mood began to waver.

"There is no parent in this world who doesn't love their children." Except for that woman, who cruelly left her and her brother, who was only three years old, to go away, and she was not worthy to be their mother at all.

"Dingcheng, look, you still have a mother. I haven't had a mother since I was a child. Your mother left you because of work. My mother is different. She left me and my brother selfishly. She never She never loved us, unlike your mother, who has always loved you brothers." The more Mu Jiu said, the more excited she became.

In fact, she has been reluctant to talk about that woman for a long time, saying that she is a mother, but in fact she has never done anything except for giving birth to them.

Just give birth, no matter what kind of mother is the woman with?
"Jiu'er, I'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable." Jiang Dingcheng could hear the choking in her voice, and knew that when her biological mother was mentioned, Mu Jiu felt very uncomfortable.

After all, it's really uncomfortable for a three-year-old child to be directly abandoned by his biological mother.

Since the age of three, I have never seen my mother again. Unlike them, I still have the opportunity to meet at least once a year. Even if I don’t meet, I will make a video whenever I have the opportunity to let them know that their mother still loves them. of.

It's just that Jiang Dingcheng refuses the video every time.

His situation is completely different from Mu Jiu's.

One is loved but not seen, and the other is completely abandoned, which one hurts the child's heart more, you don't need to compare it to know.

If possible, he really wants to let Mu Jiu mention this sad matter again.

"I'm fine. I've been used to it for a long time. After all, it's been 20 years." Mu Jiu smiled, with a calm expression on her face. Although she pretended not to care, she still cared.

Jiang Dingcheng stood up, pulled his little wife into his arms, hugged her tightly, let her stick to his chest, and patted her on the back. "Jiu'er, the first twenty or so made you suffer, and for the rest of my life, I will give you happiness, and I won't let you suffer any more. I promise you, no matter what happens, I will never leave your side, okay? good."

These words are not very nasty love words, but they are the words that moved Mu Jiu the most.

A man committing to you for the rest of his life is a sign of deep love.

(End of this chapter)

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