cute in his palm

Chapter 1465 Domineering Old Lady

Chapter 1465 Domineering Old Lady

"How do you think you can leave your mother? It's only been half a day." Mu Jiu pinched his chubby face and said.

The little guy laughed even harder.

It's good to have my mother around. I really miss her so much after being away from her for a long time.

At this time, children are most likely to rely on their mothers, and they will die if they don't see her for a day.

The little guy wowed and grabbed his mother's shoulders, and then kept arching and coquettishly on his mother's shoulders, as if he was asking his mother why she didn't take him with her after leaving for a long time.

"Let me hug you, you're tired." Jiang Dingcheng took Jiang Tianen from her hand naturally, and was suddenly carried away from his mother's arms by his father. The little guy was still a little unhappy?The small brows are very beautiful when they are knitted together.

"What's wrong with you, do you still despise Dad?" Jiang Dingcheng glanced at him lightly and said.

The brat actually dared to despise him, it's good that he didn't despise him.

Seeing him so hard on Mu Jiu's body, a certain man expressed his displeasure. That's his wife. Not to mention that this brat took advantage of it, it's so heavy now that Mu Jiu hugged her. It will be easy to get tired, so Jiang Dingcheng, who loves his wife, took the brat over, and the result?The little guy actually looked like he disliked him.

"Come on, let's go in. What are you angry about being a father and a son?" Mu Jiu looked at the father and son amusedly. The old lady and Jiang Hehong and his wife had already entered, and Mu Jiu suddenly felt that this is a happy reunion. .

Who is most angry with him? It's this brat who doesn't know what to do.

"If you keep making trouble, brat, I'll throw you out." Jiang Dingcheng threatened his son coldly.

The little guy seemed to be really frightened by him like this, staring at him with a pair of bright black eyes, as if to see if his father was really angry or pretending to be angry?

Then, the little guy directly stretched out his chubby hand and grabbed Dad's face, making you angry.

Seeing this, Mu Jiu laughed.

This pair of father and son are simply enemies. When they are together, they will hate each other, and then toss each other in various ways. Now that the little guy is still so young, he knows all kinds of fathers who come to abuse him. When he grows up, it will be nothing. ah.

Mu Jiu suddenly looked forward to what would happen to Jiang Tianen and his father when he was three or four years old.

Thinking about it makes it very fun.

"Jiang Tianen, stop messing with your father. I won't help you if you make your father angry." Mu Jiu looked at the little guy and said seriously.

As soon as the little guy heard what his mother said, he seemed to understand the meaning of what his mother said, and stopped the chubby hand that was grabbing his father's face.

"Let's go, we're going in too, it's not good to keep them waiting." Mu Jiu glanced, and there were only three of them in the yard, urging Jiang Dingcheng to go in.

They are juniors, and it would not be a good thing to keep the elders waiting.

And she knew how much Lin Weishuang wanted to hug Jiang Tianen.

A family of three entered, and the family members were sitting in the spacious living room chatting and drinking water, basically surrounding Lin Weishuang's body.

"Xiaoshuang, whether you agree or not this time, I'm in charge of this matter, and I'll talk directly to your leaders when the time comes, either to retire in advance, or to be a professor in the Academy of Sciences and lead the students, and run away Going outside in the sun and rain, the two of you can't bear to be around, understand?" The old lady said very seriously.

Hearing this, Lin Weishuang didn't say anything, but turned her head to look at Jiang Hehong. It was still up to him to decide everything, so she didn't answer the old lady's question directly.

In fact, her body was a little weak four or five years ago, but she was able to survive by gritting her teeth, but as she got older, her body was really getting worse every year, and she also had the idea of ​​​​retiring.

In addition, now that Jiang Dingcheng is married and has children, Lin Weishuang, who has become a grandmother, really wants to come back to take care of her grandchildren. Because of work, her four sons have never been properly taken care of, and she can no longer miss the growth of her grandson.

But if Jiang Hehong didn't want to, Lin Weishuang would not be able to leave him alone for the surgical examination, and she would stay by his side to take care of him.

"He Hong, it's not that mother said you, you have to think about Xiaoshuang. You are a man, and you can still suffer for a few years outside, but Xiaoshuang is a woman. When she gave birth to four sons, none of them sat for a full month. Damn, I think you should know better than me what is going on with her body, this time it is fatal and there is no danger, if there is another mistake, it may not be possible to save her back." The old lady said directly Casting his eyes on his son, he said with a serious face.

She gave birth to such a son, but he was over half a hundred years old, and he never spent a good time by her side, but the four grandchildren still lived with her for a longer time.

Now, the old lady should make such a simple request, hoping that the husband and wife will come back sooner, so that the old lady can enjoy family happiness in her lifetime.

"Mom, I understand what you said, and I have considered it, but now... no one who can take over our class has been cultivated, temporarily..."

"Don't tell me this. What do you mean you haven't cultivated it? Could it be that if you can't cultivate it in a lifetime, you two will spend your old lives on it?" The old lady said angrily directly.

Of course she understood what Jiang Hehong meant. The old lady was also a patriotic person. If not, how could she have agreed to let her only son and daughter-in-law both devote themselves to scientific research?They pay more and get less, and their lives may be in danger anytime, anywhere. It is enough for them to work for more than [-] years.

Impossible, there have been no talents coming out, and they will spend their entire lives on it.

"You have to agree if you don't agree with this matter. I will discuss this matter with your leader tomorrow." The old lady said firmly.

I can't indulge Jiang Hehong again and again. He will not let go of his life's work. The old lady knows this better than anyone else, but when taking everyone into consideration, he must also consider the happiness of the small family.

"Mom, I'm here to talk to the leader about this matter. It's better if you always pay attention to your health, so don't worry too much about our affairs." Jiang Hehong knew the old lady's temper, or just let it go, and if he wanted to take care of it, he would definitely take care of it In the end.

"You said that. I will tell the leaders of your hospital tomorrow. If you don't tell me, I will go to see them myself." The old lady said forcefully.

Since disregarding Jiang's affairs, the old lady has rarely been so strong.

Jiang Dinghe, who was sitting not far from Mu Jiu, immediately laughed and gave a thumbs up. "Second sister-in-law, you see, our Lafayette has a temper, don't mess with her."

Mu Jiu nodded, expressing his approval.

I have never seen such a domineering side of the old lady.

(End of this chapter)

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