cute in his palm

Chapter 1467

Chapter 1467

"Grandma, isn't it? I haven't graduated from university yet? It's too early for me to take the entrance examination for the Conservatory of Music." Jiang Dingce, who was lying on the ground for no reason, immediately cried out for his grievances.

I have no idea, if my grandma really catches my eye, it will really be hard to live a good life.

Of the three elder brothers, only the second elder brother got married and had children. Isn't there still two elder brothers who have not resolved it?Besides, there is another big brother?Eldest brother is so old, a person who is conquering academics and has not considered lifelong affairs, grandma should worry about elder brother's affairs first, why is he also named.

You must know that in Jiang Dingce's heart, this kind of marriage and childbirth is still too far away for him. At least he has to wait until he graduates from university and is admitted to his favorite music major. Some achievements, so that he can consider his lifelong events.

At that time, Jiang Tianen was supposed to be a happy primary school student, but why he was suddenly so many years earlier really scared him.

Jiang Dingce is in his current life plan, but he hasn't considered it yet.

It was understandable that he would look distressed.

"It doesn't affect your studies. It's enough to be twenty." The old lady said directly. The old lady didn't have the feudal thinking of the old era. Besides, the little grandson is already twenty, and he has always been well-behaved. So when you are in college, you can consider dating or something, and then you can get married after a few years of dating.

"Well, but..."

"Okay, what about you, after all, you're still young, I won't force you to rush, just slowly find a suitable girl to fall in love with, don't be in a hurry to get married and have children, but the eldest and third... ..."

"Grandma, I'm going to be a professor in the first half of next year, and I have to bring a Ph. D. I don't have time." Jiang Dingfan calmly rejected the old lady's idea.

So... "Are you still unwilling to consider getting married? If you hadn't had four brothers, I would have..."

"Grandma, I know, so I am very grateful to the three younger brothers." After Jiang Dingfan finished speaking, he put his lips together and smiled, and then glanced at the three younger brothers.

If he was the only child in the Jiang family, he would have been tied up and married by the old lady long ago, and the child should be able to make soy sauce.

"Brother, there is no need to thank you. When I get married, you must come with a big red envelope." Jiang Dinghe took his brother's thanks for granted.

"Little San'er, you're making trouble with me again. It's not your turn to talk about you yet. After talking about your elder brother, I'll talk about you." The old lady gave the third grandson a direct look and said.

Jiang Dinghe smiled directly, and then made a grimace.

Anyway, he has a goal, and if he catches up with him, he will have a wife.

As for the eldest brother, after so many years of academic research, he is completely a nerd, and he has never even had an affair with a woman. Since middle school, some female classmates have written love letters to him, but he said that he puts the emphasis on studying and rejected him.

Later, I kept immersing myself in my studies, and got the first grades all the way. I graduated from undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate, and then... Now I am a doctoral supervisor and professor, and I have been conquering academic things abroad.

Of the four children, the eldest son is the one who most resembles Jiang Hehong and his wife.

The second child is in business, the third child is in the fashion industry, and the fourth child is obsessed with music.

Fortunately, although the fields are completely different, they are all leaders in that field.

They are really the four grandsons who can make the Jiang family proud.

"Grandma, I really haven't planned to think about this matter..." Jiang Dingfan said seriously. In fact, he has a very headache now. There is a student who has been showing love to him, and the headache is dead.

The student was about the same age as the fourth child, which was too different from him, so he flatly refused.

Of course, he never took it to heart, no matter what the student said.

"I don't think about it yet. You are over 30, how long do you plan to spend? In the first half of next year, you can be considered for the evaluation of professors in the second half of the year." The old lady said directly.

It was only now that Mu Jiu suddenly realized how much pressure it is to live in a big family. Fortunately, she came to save Jiang Dingcheng. They got married and had a child, otherwise it would be Jiang Dingcheng who was nagging.

Mu Jiu reached out to hold Jiang Dingcheng's hand, and then looked at Jiang Dingcheng.

Jiang Dingcheng fully understood what his wife's eyes meant, and smiled at her with the corners of his mouth bent.

The husband and wife are of the same heart, so there is a tacit connection between the hearts.

Jiang Dingcheng's eyes seemed to say, my wife, thank you for coming to save me.

The family chats casually, drinks tea and eats fruit, and it's lunch time.

Today, in order to celebrate Lin Weishuang's safe discharge from the hospital, and also for the Jiang family's first family reunion, the old lady specially invited two chefs, plus the original two chefs from Jiang's house, and four chefs to cook a sumptuous dinner. meal.

On the long table for 16 people, there is a table full of food, which looks too rich.

When Mu Jiu saw it for the first time, she felt that it was Chinese New Year.

But it's almost Chinese New Year, and it's not even a month.

A year really flies by.

"Everyone, hurry up and sit down." The old lady happily let everyone sit down.

The old lady sat on the main seat, and the children sat on both sides consciously.

"Today is the first time that all of us in the family have a meal together like this. Let's have a toast for our reunion." The old lady said with a smile, and then raised her glass.

Everyone echoed.

After a lively lunch, the men were going to play ball in the gym at the back.

This was proposed by Jiang Dingce.

Usually the four brothers get together, but this time Jiang Hehong will be added, so the five father and son are playing together for the first time.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't want to go at first, because seeing that Jiang Hehong was going to play, he still felt a little awkward in his heart. Naturally, Mu Jiu could see his awkwardness. There will be awkwardness, it is really enough.

So, he went directly to Jiang Dingcheng's side and encouraged him to go.

Later, she will take Xiaobao to watch them play and cheer him on.

Therefore, it was entirely for the sake of his wife that he agreed to play, otherwise he would definitely find a bunch of excuses to leave.

"Go ahead, you guys go change your clothes to warm up first, I'll feed Xiaobao, and I'll be there later." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

"Yes, second brother, it's rare that we have all the people. It's been a long time since so many people have played tennis together. Go, you see, elder brother, they go first." Jiang Dingce walked behind and saw Jiang Dingcheng's hesitation , said directly.

"Go, don't let them down." Mu Jiu shook his hand and said.

In Mu Jiu's heart, he really hoped that in the repeated contact between father and son, the relationship between Jiang Dingcheng and Jiang Hehong and his son would be truly eased, open their hearts, and forget all the unhappiness in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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