cute in his palm

Chapter 1469 The price of bullying

Chapter 1469 The price of bullying

When they arrived at the arena, the five father and son had all changed into sportswear. The uniform white ones were really a beautiful sight.

There is an indescribable sense of handsomeness.

Anyway, if people see it, they just can't take their eyes off it.

The youngest son was playing a warm-up ball with Jiang Hehong, Jiang Dinghe stood beside him with a racket and cheered, Jiang Dingcheng and his eldest brother sat there and chatted for some reason.

The afternoon sun shines through the glass wall into the gymnasium. This scene is really like the one in The Prince of Tennis, and I can't bear to break it.

"We're fighting now. I'll send someone to deliver fruits and drinks. You can eat them later." The old lady spoke first.

Jiang Dingcheng directly looked up, and saw Mu Jiu in a light blue sportswear, and he liked it very much.

Although Mu Jiu's figure is a bit petite, but she complements this set of sports very well. From a distance, she really looks like a professional athlete.

Jiang Dingcheng walked over directly and stood in front of Mu Jiu. "Really professional." Jiang Dingcheng praised Mu Jiu very earnestly. As soon as these words came out, Mu Jiu became a little uncomfortable.

What is true professionalism? She is not professional at all, okay? This Jiang Dingcheng boaster doesn't know how to be modest.

"It's over." Mu Jiu looked up at him and said.

There was shyness in her eyes, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, which showed that she still liked being praised by Jiang Dingcheng very much.

It's rare for him to praise him like this once, how can he not be happy.

Moreover, when she had just changed, she was still worrying and uneasy thinking, would it be too unsuitable for her who seldom wears such sportswear? I like it.

Now that she heard him boast like this, her worry was completely unnecessary.

As long as Jiang Dingcheng thinks it looks good, then it's fine.

"No, it's really pretty." Jiang Dingcheng put his arm around her shoulder and said seriously, holding her in his arms.

Sometimes it's a lie, but if it sounds too sweet, people can't help but believe it.

Mu Jiu asked him with a smile. "Really?"

"Of course, when the housekeeper sent people to buy your clothes, he asked for my opinion. Basically, I chose them. Naturally, the clothes I chose are beautiful. When you wear them, they are as beautiful as I expected. Yes." Jiang Dingcheng not only praised his little wife, but also praised himself.

Mu Jiu laughed when she heard this, it's no wonder that when she looked at the closet in the room, there were all her clothes in it, everything she wanted, it turned out that he had someone make it.

At that time, the old lady in their room was redecorated, and then they needed to buy clothes and daily necessities for the two of them, so the housekeeper directly asked Jiang Dingcheng.

Jiang Dingcheng took care of everything for Mu Jiu.

Thinking of how much he cared about her things, Mu Jiu's mood immediately became exceptionally better. Jiang Dingcheng is really a man who cares about her things.

She never doubted this.

"You, you, look at how many things you have done without telling me, tell me about it?" Mu Jiu reached out and squeezed his big hand and said.

Taking advantage of the situation, he grabbed her hand with his big hand and held it in the palm of his hand.

"I have done a lot, and I will do more and more." When Jiang Dingcheng said this, he said it in her ear, so the warm breath was all in her ear, making Mu Jiu bear it. His body trembled uncontrollably.

This man didn't even look at where he was, there were so many people at home, they were all looking at them.

"Second brother and second sister-in-law, don't come to the arena to show your affection, the second brother is here to play." Jiang Dinghe shouted loudly towards the two of them.

Mu Jiu shoved him embarrassedly.

Jiang Dingcheng consciously let go of her.

"Go play and teach me later, I haven't praised you yet, you look really handsome in sportswear." Mu Jiu said seriously.

"Really, is he handsome?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her with a smile and said.

You know, no matter who says he is handsome, Mu Jiu will never praise him to make him happy.

Only when his wife compliments him can he show that he is really handsome. No matter how nice others praise him, he won't care a little bit.

"It's really handsome, and I found out that the few of you wearing sportswear together are just a picture. It's so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off them. With such a big gym, it seems that everyone loves sports." Mu Jiu said sincerely.

Jiang Zhai has a gymnasium of more than 200 square meters, which is comparable to a professional level. It has all kinds of fitness equipment, including the indoor tennis court, and of course not including the outdoor golf course on the lawn outside.

It shows that the men in the Jiang family are very sports-loving.

"Well, do you know why our figure is maintained so well?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and asked with a smile.

"I see, the figure that has been exercising all the year round is definitely not going to be bad." Mu Jiu agreed, each of them has a very good figure, although Jiang Dinghe is a model who needs to maintain his figure, I have to say that they The rest of the builds are equally good.

Even the eldest brother who often stays in the research institute is in good shape.

"and also……"


"How can your poor health give you sexual blessing?" Jiang Dingcheng said and sneaked a kiss on her face.

I don't know if she thinks wrong, why she thinks wrong.

His face turned red all of a sudden.

"Jiang Dingcheng, what nonsense are you talking about?" Mu Jiu glared at him directly and said.

Seeing her blushing, Jiang Dingcheng must have sensed the meaning behind his words, so he laughed out loud, how could his little wife be so cute, she is getting cuter and cuter.

"Could it be that I didn't give you the sexual blessing you want? it not enough?" Jiang Dingcheng deliberately leaned over and whispered in her ear.

What the hell, what is not enough.

I don't want to talk to him anymore.

"Hurry up and play, I'm ignoring you, I'm going to find my mother and the others." Mu Jiu didn't forget to step on him, and then walked directly towards Lin Weishuang and the others.

The smile on Jiang Dingcheng's face grew wider, and he walked directly towards Jiang Dinghe and the others.

"Xiao Jiu, what's the matter, I think the second child is smiling very happily, you look unhappy and sad, did that guy bully you?" The old lady looked at Mu Jiu's unhappy expression ask directly.

"It's okay, if it's really the second child who dares to bully you, just tell me and grandma, we will help you get justice." Lin Weishuang was having fun hugging her little grandson, and when she heard the old lady's words, she quickly raised her head Glancing at Mu Jiu, he said.

Lin Weishuang is still very clear, on the issue of her son and daughter-in-law, she has the same attitude as the old lady, and she is determined to help Mu Jiu.

The Jiang family's son is really pathetic, he will fall out of favor if he has a daughter-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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