cute in his palm

Chapter 1471 This is the condition

Chapter 1471 This is the condition

Jiang Dingcheng glanced at Mu Jiu, then held her hand even tighter.

"I'm not tired. Seeing you, I have all the energy." Jiang Dingcheng was telling the truth, now Mu Jiu is his spiritual food, no matter how hard or tired he thinks of her, he will feel that he is not tired at all.

"It's too exaggerated. Seeing me makes me feel energetic. Does that mean that seeing me makes me feel full?" Mu Jiu said mockingly.

"Idiot, what are you talking about? I'm really happy to see you. Once a person feels happy from the bottom of his heart, he won't feel tired." Jiang Dingcheng explained calmly.

When you love someone deeply, in fact, there are many things that cannot be described with ordinary language. It can only be understood, but it cannot be expressed in words.

"Okay, it's weird if I believe what you say. It's really ridiculous." Mu Jiu looked at him with a smile and said.

Jiang Dingcheng laughed when he heard his wife say this. "If you don't believe what your own man says, who else do you believe?"

Mu Jiu pinched his palm and played with it. The palm of his hand was still sweating and slippery after playing. "It's too dirty." Mu Jiu said with disgust.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard her childlike words, he couldn't help but be in a good mood. "Dirty is also your man's hand. Don't dislike it. Do you hear me?"

"Who dislikes it." Mu Jiu said softly.

"Seeing that you are all so handsome in sportswear, I really want to design a set of exclusive sportswear for you." Mu Jiu said sincerely.

As a fashion designer, she still has such a little ability.

Although she has never designed sportswear.

"You can design a suit for the two of us. As for them, forget it, so as not to waste your energy." Jiang Dingcheng refused directly.

He only wants to wear couple outfits with Mu Jiu, and he doesn't want to wear brother outfits with them, it's so boring.

When Mu Jiu heard his words, she felt both sweet and uncomfortable, almost dumbfounded.

How can a man be jealous like this.

"Pretend I didn't say anything." Mu Jiu said helplessly.

"No, you can design our couple outfits, wife." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously.

Mu Jiu didn't listen to his fuss, she felt embarrassed for a big man, she just raised her head and glanced at Jiang Hehong who was vigorously beating.

"Just watched you play with Dad, how do you feel?" Mu Jiu didn't intend to ask more questions, but just wanted to know how Jiang Dingcheng was feeling now.

This should be regarded as the first time he played with Jiang Hehong since he grew up.

Hearing Mu Jiu's question, Jiang Dingcheng was silent for a while, and then spoke. "Mrs. Jiang, do you know how I would answer the question just now if someone else asked it?"

Seeing his serious look, Mu Jiu laughed. "If you don't answer, just leave."

She knew Jiang Dingcheng's temperament too well. This man always walked away from the things she disdained.

Hearing Mu Jiu's words, Jiang Dingcheng's smile deepened. "Since you know that I will do this, why do you ask again?" Jiang Dingcheng meant that he didn't really want to answer this question.

"But I want to know, I'm your wife, not someone else." Mu Jiu stared into his eyes and asked.

Jiang Dingcheng really had nothing to do with her, because he was his wife, he couldn't bear to refuse her question, but he was very unwilling to answer.

This is really confusing.

"I know you've always wanted to avoid this matter, but just now when I saw you playing with Dad, I was very happy. If a person really hates another person, there will be no happy expression on his face. I promise, there are some things that can fool everyone, but not your heart." It is rare for Mu Jiu to talk so much with him, because it has never been her strong point to talk about the truth.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard her so logical words, there really was a little bit of truth in them, so he couldn't help but curled up his mouth and laughed.

"It seems that my wife really knows me too well, so do I have no secrets in my heart now?" Jiang Dingcheng said half-jokingly.

Mu Jiu understood, and this was an admission. He really liked playing with Jiang Hehong, and this was a good start.

"Secrets are also allowed, who said there are no more." Mu Jiu said directly.

There are still many secrets in Jiang Dingcheng's heart, and sometimes they are hidden too deeply, so there is no way for others to know what he is thinking.

But Mu Jiu is not the kind of person who has to dig out all the secrets in people's hearts.

In this world, who doesn't have a few secrets that can't be told, even she herself has some.

"I just hope that the relationship between you and dad can be improved. They are father and son who love each other, but they want to act like enemies. Who will see this? It will also make mom and grandma worry." Jiu spoke earnestly to Jiang Dingcheng.

Jiang Dingcheng was not angry, but just looked at his wife seriously. "Come on, tell me how much benefit you have received from them, and how to speak for them like this."

Hearing what he said, Mu Jiu couldn't help laughing. "What's the trouble, you, I'm serious. I didn't take their benefits. I just want to see you all doing well."

Mu Jiu's idea is very simple, it's not as exaggerated as he said, and he still needs to take advantage of others.

Has he been a businessman for a long time, only interested in profits?

"I know you are serious, I know you always hope that we will be good, or else, let's exchange." Jiang Dingcheng thought of Mu Andong's matter.

Mu Jiu's situation is much more serious than his.

A biological mother who abandoned her, but now she has returned to China but dare not show her identity to her daughter, a father who clearly loves his children but doesn't know how to express his feelings.

Jiang Dingcheng always hoped that Mu Jiu could get along well with them.

Now is the perfect opportunity.

Suddenly found that the two of them are really a good match, and their childhood experiences are somewhat similar.

"Well, what?" Mu Jiu couldn't understand what he said for a while, so she could only look at him in a daze.

"Xiao Jiu, Mr. Jiang and I are reconciled, can you reconcile with your father-in-law?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu expectantly and said.

Upon hearing this, Mu Jiu was stunned.

Taking her reconciliation with Mu Andong as the condition for his reconciliation with Jiang Hehong, Jiang Dingcheng is really a businessman.

Unexpectedly, even this is on condition.

"Are you serious?" Mu Jiu looked at him and asked.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled. "Jiu'er, when do you think I'm not serious about you?"

He has always been more serious about Mu Jiu's affairs, and he has never dealt with it in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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