cute in his palm

Chapter 1480 Don't Worry Too Much

Chapter 1480 Don't Worry Too Much

"Second sister-in-law, half of what second brother baked, and half of what I baked. Second brother let you eat, which ones did he bake." Jiang Dinghe smiled and set a difficult problem for Mu Jiu.

As soon as Mu Jiu heard this, she subconsciously turned her head to look at Jiang Dingcheng, just in time he was also looking at her, probably understood what her eyes meant, smiled with the corners of his lips curled up, and blinked at her.

The meaning is to say, let her guess well, but don't make a wrong guess.

Mu Jiu suddenly wanted to collapse, okay?

It's hard.

One must know that Jiang Dingcheng doesn't often bake it for her, and this time...he was with Jiang Dinghe, and they were baked on a plate. Judging from the color, the level is not bad, who knows which one is.

Mu Jiu glared at Jiang Dingcheng directly, then reached out to pick it up and eat it.

One skewer, two skewers... I ate five or six skewers before I got a little clue.

Jiang Dinghe's roast has a strong flavor, while Jiang Dingcheng's roast has a light flavor.

Suddenly there is an idea in my head.

So I ate what was in the previous plate, and there was probably a result.

"Second sister-in-law, have you eaten yet?" Jiang Dinghe looked at Mu Jiu expectantly and said.

Mu Jiu smiled mysteriously, not intending to answer directly.

Then he got up and walked towards Jiang Dingcheng with a bunch of strings.

"Did you figure out the problem I gave you?" Jiang Dingcheng asked directly as he saw his little wife approaching.

Mu Jiu smiled at him. "you guess."

Jiang Dingcheng didn't speak, and directly raised her chin with one hand, gave a strong and domineering kiss, and then licked the corner of her mouth with aftertaste.

"It's the smell from my roasting, so my wife guessed it right." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously.

Mu Jiu blushed so much that she didn't even look into his eyes. This man, this is a terrace, so many people around him are watching?Although it is night, the lights are not very bright.

But Mu Jiu still felt that many eyes were staring at them, making her face burn hot.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you really are..."

"What is it?" Jiang Dingcheng stared into her eyes and said.

"It's a hooligan." Mu Jiu threw out these two words directly.

He was a hooligan in the first place, so he kissed him so straightforwardly, without looking at how many eyes were watching beside him, besides, the elder brother was still sitting beside him.

"Really?" Jiang Dingcheng suddenly leaned into her ear and whispered. "No matter how rascal you look, you haven't seen it before, but I know that my wife likes my rascal look very much, and enjoys it."

The shy Mu Jiu pushed him away, then walked to the small table where the food was piled up, poured a glass of ice water and drank it.

Jiang Dingcheng went straight over and sat beside Mu Jiu.

"How are the two of them? Are you still arguing?" Jiang Dingcheng was not a gossip person in the first place, but this time it was because of Jiang Dinghe's affairs, so he was a little concerned.

"I still need to work hard." Mu Jiu could only say this.

Xu Yanke is very disgusted that she continues to torment her affairs there, so Mu Jiu needs to restrain herself.

From now on, she won't care too much.

Whether it will be successful or not depends on Jiang Dinghe himself.

"Let him do the rest." Jiang Dingcheng probably guessed why Mu Jiu behaved like this.

It is estimated that Xu Yanke is not very happy about their enthusiastic help.

This point, Jiang Dingcheng could tell when the two of them came here.

Originally, Xu Yanke was the kind of person whose personality was completely opposite to Mu Jiu's. She was strong and independent, and she was still a little stubborn. She would stick to what she decided on, and no one could regret what she didn't want to do. If she interfered too much, She will be extremely angry.

Just like now.

Xu Yanke's face showed extreme displeasure.

Some things, they can manage as much as they can, and if they can't, it's better not to intervene too much.

"Water?" Mu Jiu handed a glass of water to his hand.

"En." Jiang Ding took a sip before speaking slowly. "Fate is never determined by people, it is destined by God."

What Jiang Dingcheng meant, Mu Jiu understood.

That is, she shouldn't get involved too much, and it's best if everything goes with the flow.

"Come and sit together, let's have a drink together." The eldest brother stood up and asked everyone to come and sit at the big table.

The four brothers plus Mu Jiu and Xu Yanke, there are six people at a table, it's really a combination of handsome men and beautiful women, people can't help but take a second look.

"It's rare for us brothers to get together and have a toast." The eldest brother toasted, and everyone followed suit.

The feasting began.

In the second half of the journey, Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng went back first, mainly because there was still a little treasure at home, and the two of them couldn't go back too late.

"Brother, you guys just play for a while longer, Ding Cheng and I will go back first." Mu Jiu looked at them and said, and then specifically reminded Jiang Dinghe. "Third brother, I will leave Coco to you, and you must escort him home."

"Don't worry, Second Sister-in-law, I will be responsible for the person I take over." Jiang Dinghe agreed wholeheartedly.

What he said directly made Xu Yanke want to roll his eyes.

"No need, I'll go back by myself, I'll send someone to pick me up." Xu Yanke simply refused, and had no intention of giving Jiang Dinghe a chance to perform.


Jiang Dinghe's face changed instantly.

Why is Xu Yanke so unlovable?Isn't it okay to give him a chance to perform?

However, Jiang Dinghe tried hard to tell himself that this is the woman he likes, the woman he chooses to fall in love with, so he has to accept any personality.

"Ke Ke, if you really don't want me to send you back, I'll send someone to take you back, otherwise I won't be at ease." Jiang Dinghe said seriously.

"Yes, Keke, be obedient this time." Mu Jiu added fuel to the flames.

"Okay, you guys go back first, I need to worry more about my affairs." Xu Yanke changed the subject, obviously she didn't want to talk about this matter anymore.

Mu Jiu didn't care about anything anymore.

"Okay then, let's go back first, and we'll contact you when we need something." Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng left first.

Back at the Jiang residence, the little guy was still full of energy playing with the old lady Lin Weishuang and the others in the living room, obviously looking happy and not sleepy.

"Little Treasure, let's see who's back. Mom and Dad are back." Lin Weishuang was delighted to be hugging her grandson, even though she had just been discharged from the hospital not long ago, Lin Weishuang was delighted to be bringing her grandson together, no matter what illness It's all gone, Jiang Hehong also said to her that her grandson is her good medicine.

"Mom, grandma, you've worked hard. I'll take Xiaobao upstairs to sleep first. It's too late for him to sleep well." Mu Jiu said seriously.

Children have to develop good habits prematurely, so that will work.

(End of this chapter)

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