cute in his palm

Chapter 1483

Chapter 1483

Mu Jiu found Jiang Dingcheng who was in the study, he was reading some materials, his brows were tightly furrowed, which seemed to make Mu Jiu very worried.

"Dingcheng, what are you looking at?" Mu Jiu went over and asked him.

Jiang Dingcheng calmly closed the relevant materials, and then opened another one.

"The company's project cooperation contract has some data problems, it's not a big deal." Jiang Dingcheng explained calmly.

When Mu Jiu heard what he said, she no longer had any doubts.

Mu Jiu didn't know much about Jiang's situation, so he said that she didn't know much about the company's situation and what happened, so she really couldn't help with the company's affairs.

"Is it serious?" Mu Jiu asked him cautiously.

Jiang Dingcheng shook his head. "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, it's just that some data is not right, just change it, don't you believe in your husband's ability?"

"Of course I believe that my husband can solve any troublesome things." Mu Jiu laughed, and said very seriously, with an expression that I was proud of my husband.

Jiang Dingcheng got up with a smile, and hugged his little wife into his arms. "I am very happy to have a wife who trusts me like this."

"Of course I believe you, you are my child and I rely on." Mu Jiu said very seriously.

"It's good to have you, Jiu'er." Jiang Dingcheng kissed her lightly on the forehead before opening his mouth. "Jiu'er, we will go to Italy in a few days. After the details here are confirmed, we will go there. If everything goes well, we will be back in less than a week. If it is difficult, we must come back before the year Spend the New Year with your mother and son."

Jiang Dingcheng said with some uncertainty.

For this uncertain matter, he can't give a [-]% answer now.

Hearing his uncertain words, Mu Jiu was even more worried.

You must know that Jiang Dingcheng has always been confident in everything, as if there is nothing in this world that he can't do or trouble that he can't solve. Now he is so uncertain, which shows that things are really tricky.

"Ding Cheng, is it difficult to talk about the cooperation over there? If that's the case, we don't have to go to Italy. It doesn't have to be to expand business in Italy." Mu Jiu said a little uneasy, I don't know why listening When he was going to Italy, she would feel a little flustered.

Of course, Mu Jiu also knew that what she was thinking now was purely a woman's opinion, after all, it's not as easy for a man to get angry as she thought.

Business is inherently risky. If you gain something, you will lose something. If you gain something, you will lose something.

Mu Jiu didn't understand the reason for this.

However, between any interests and Jiang Dingcheng's safety, she naturally chose Jiang Dingcheng.

As long as he is safe, it doesn't matter if there is nothing, she is capable of supporting him anyway.

"It doesn't matter. You don't need to worry. No matter how big the trouble is, there will be a solution. It's just a matter of time. There are always more ways than trouble in this world. Believe me." Jiang Dingcheng rubbed her head and said, I just hope she can trust him completely.

Mu Jiu nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"Anyway, I only have one request. You must come back safely. No matter how long it takes, Tianen and I will wait for you." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

This is her only requirement, and it is also the minimum requirement.

"Okay, I promise you, I will come back safely. By the way, what do you want to see me in the study?" Jiang Dingcheng remembered and asked her.

Mu Jiu would not come to him for no reason, she must have come here for something.

"Oh, by the way, Su Luotong said that she invited us over for dinner tonight, but I don't know what she's thinking, what's your opinion?" Mu Jiu looked at him and said.

Su Luotong actually wanted to invite them to dinner. Although they paid for food and lodging, it was rare to see her thinking like this.

Has conscience found it?
"It's just for a meal, but it's okay to go, it's rare that she wants to treat guests." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu didn't care much.

"I thought the same way, let's go there tonight." Mu Jiu also wanted to see how Su Luotong was doing these days.

After all, she is a pregnant woman, and with her, she needs some snacks.

"Well, I'll go out and talk to the servant first, and let her go back and talk to Su Luotong." Mu Jiu glanced at Jiang Dingcheng and said.


Mu Jiu went out directly to talk to the servant.

Before going to Su Luotong's place, Mu Jiu fed Xiaobao to Bao, and didn't plan to take him there with him. After all, bringing a child would inevitably cause noise, and I was afraid that it would disturb Su Luotong. Anyway, Xiaobao hadn't arrived at the table yet. At my age, I couldn't eat in the past, so I simply didn't bring it.

The two couples changed their clothes, dresses and suits, which can be regarded as quite grand.

After all, this was Su Luotong's first time inviting them to dinner, so at least it should be a little more grand, otherwise it would be ignored.

"Mr. Jiang, you are really handsome today." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng wearing a long black trench coat over his suit, really looking like a male model, so handsome.

"Thank you Mrs. Jiang for your boast. Mrs. Jiang is also very beautiful today." Jiang Dingcheng took off a long camel-colored woolen dress and put it on for her.

Even if the dress is not thin, it's still cold this winter, he doesn't want Mu Jiu to freeze.

"Mr. Jiang is really good at complimenting people, let's go, we have to pass." Mu Jiu glanced at the time and said.

It's almost over.

"Let's go, Mrs. Jiang." Jiang Dingcheng took Mu Jiu's hand and the two walked towards the small building where Su Luotong lived.

The sky was a little dark, and all the street lights in the community were turned on. Mu Jiu liked this quiet night very much, holding Jiang Dingcheng's hand and walking forward step by step, even if he didn't know where his purpose was going. Walking aimlessly like this is also a very good thing.

"Dingcheng, don't we seldom take him for a walk like this?" Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng slightly sideways by the light of the street lamp and said.

Jiang Dingcheng clenched his big hand even tighter, and then spoke. "Um."

"I like this feeling very much, do you like it? If possible, I hope that after we finish our meal, or when you are resting, we can take it out like this and take a walk to relax." Mu Jiu suggested Said.

Of course, Jiang Dingcheng is willing to accept such a proposal from her. In his own opinion, he owes Mu Jiu too much, and wants to make up for her and the child too much, but now is not the time. Only after all the business matters are resolved, can I accompany Mu Jiu with peace of mind and do what she likes.

"Of course, if we have time in the future, let's take a walk in the community." Jiang Dingcheng nodded in tacit agreement.

Mu Jiu's mood instantly improved.

(End of this chapter)

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