cute in his palm

Chapter 1491 Let's go again

Chapter 1491 Let's go again
Jiang Dingcheng's seafood feast was well prepared, and judging from the color and aroma alone, he knew it was very delicious. Looking at the table full of dishes, Mu Jiu was in a great mood.

"Dingcheng, you are too good." Mu Jiu gave him a thumbs up and said to him with a happy face.

Hearing this, the smile on Jiang Dingcheng's face grew wider. "It's all prepared for you, so you must eat more later, and you are not allowed to eat less."

This glorious task is not difficult for Mu Jiu.

"Of course, you can sit down, and I'll peel the shrimp for you." Mu Jiu had already washed her hands, and began to peel a prawn.

In fact, she doesn't like peeling shrimp very much, but she is quite willing to do it for Jiang Ding.

Jiang Dingcheng washed his hands and came over to sit down. Mu Jiu had already peeled the prawns and put them in his bowl. "It's hard work, Dingcheng, you eat."

Jiang Dingcheng smiled and picked it up, dipped it in some sauce, and put it in Mu Jiu's mouth. "Hey, open your mouth."

Mu Jiu was taken aback for a moment, and then came to her senses.

Laughed, opened his mouth and ate it.

This was originally what she wanted to peel for him to eat, but he still fed it back.

"Jiu'er, only I can do this for you, I don't want you to do this for me." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously.

In his opinion, Mu Jiu can't let Mu Jiu do this kind of thing with his own hands, and it will hurt his hands if he gets dirty. As long as he does it, she can just eat it obediently.

"Dingcheng, it's not fair to say this. We are husband and wife... Things like this should be mutual. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. On the contrary, I feel very happy." Mu Jiu said with a smile .

In her opinion, being able to do such a thing for Jiang Dingcheng is also very good, so in Mu Jiu's opinion, it's just peeling a shrimp, it's not a big deal, he has to be so nervous.

Jiang Dingcheng was very moved when he heard her words. His little wife has always been so considerate and caring. Can he not feel happy?Because of this, he was even more worried about what would happen to him this time. If something happened to him, the one who would be most sorry would be his wife, Mu Jiu.

"As long as you feel happy, you can do whatever you want." Jiang Dingcheng is completely spoiled by his wife, so he supports everything that can make Mu Jiu feel happy.

Mu Jiu bent her mouth and gave a slight smile, her eyes were full of smiles, she was so happy.

"Honey, you're so kind." Mu Jiu peeled another shrimp while speaking. "This one, you must eat it, don't refuse it." Mu Jiu pretended to have a tiger's face, and yelled at him with a serious face.

Of course Jiang Dingcheng would not refuse, he opened his mouth obediently. "feed me."

Mu Jiu glared at him directly, this guy.

To act like a spoiled child to her, thinking it was her son.

However, Mu Jiu didn't hesitate, and directly picked it up and fed it into Jiang Dingcheng's mouth.

"As expected, the one fed by my wife is the best." Jiang Dingcheng ate with relish, and then commented very seriously.

He praised everything his wife did.

Professionally praised my wife for 100 years.

"It's delicious, then eat some more, and I'll peel it for you." Mu Jiu was very happy, and seeing him happy eating the things she peeled, she would also become happy.

This is the principle of the coexistence of honor and disgrace between husband and wife.

"No need, now I'll peel you. Whatever you want to eat, I'll make it for you. Shrimp or hairy crab?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and asked.

Mu Jiu stopped arguing too much, and was going to be a foodie to be fed.

Simple and easy.

So for the next thing, she obediently ate in front of her, and then Jiang Dingcheng patiently peeled the crab meat for her.

"Very good, you can eat some too." Mu Jiu fed Jiang Dingcheng while eating by herself.

Thinking that he was going to the airport tomorrow morning, Mu Jiu really felt a little uncomfortable, no matter how delicious the food was, it would lose its taste in an instant.

It's really uncomfortable.

But Mu Jiu didn't want to let Jiang Ding take responsibility by showing it by himself, so he could only endure it silently by himself, and couldn't show it.

So, the two were there, one shelling and the other feeding.

It fits very well.

Jiang Dingcheng actually felt Mu Jiu's sadness, and tried his best to hide his inner discomfort there, which really made Jiang Dingcheng feel distressed.

"Jiu'er, eat by yourself, don't worry about me." Jiang Dingcheng made her a bowl of clam soup and told her to eat it well.

He was leaving early tomorrow morning, and there was very little he could do for her today, so he tried to do as much as he could.

"Let's eat together." Mu Jiu didn't want her to eat alone, he was making things there.

"The hardest thing today is you, the chef. Of course, I want you to eat more." Mu Jiu smiled and picked up a piece of salmon.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything more, and the two happily had dinner together like this.

Xiaobao had asked his aunt to take him upstairs a long time ago, so there was nothing to disturb the two of them, and they could enjoy their dinner slowly.

In fact, they all know it well in their hearts, that is, they regard this meal as the last farewell dinner.

We all know each other well, but we just don't want to say it directly. It will exaggerate the sad feelings, which is not good.

"Dingcheng, I'm so full." In the end, Mu Jiu ate until her stomach was full. She sat there rubbing her stomach, and then glanced at the night outside the window.

She suddenly thought of the Star Watching Tower.

Suddenly, I really want to go with him again.

No matter whether he wants to fly to Italy tomorrow or not, she still wants to see it once.

"If you're full, take a good rest. Who told you to keep eating so much? You're just a greedy cat." Jiang Dingcheng stretched out his hand and pinched her nose and said.

"It's really delicious." Mu Jiu said coquettishly.

"I will often make it for you in the future." Jiang Ding admitted that he really said.

Hearing Mu Jiu say this, he was very happy, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he looked happy. He was really happy that the food he cooked could get such a high evaluation in front of his wife.

"Of course, but I want to go out for a walk now, can you accompany me?" Mu Jiu had an idea.

I just want to go to the Wangxing Tower to have a drink, and drink wine while watching the starry sky with the sea breeze blowing. This feeling is really wonderful, especially when I have a lover by my side.

This feeling is really not too good.

"Of course, where do you want to go, in the community or by the sea?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her.

He also wants to create more good memories with his little wife, even if there are few, it doesn't matter, as long as they can be together.

(End of this chapter)

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