cute in his palm

Chapter 1494 One person is boring

Chapter 1494
There are so many hitchhikers, but there should be very few hitchhikers.

What Duan Jinhong said was so natural, Jiang Dingcheng had nothing to do with it no matter how unwilling he was, the plane was not his, but Chi Heyu's.

If he disagreed, only Chi Heyu had the right to speak, and obviously he would not refuse his eldest brother to board the plane.

Jiang Dingcheng sighed inwardly, just think about it.

And with a few of them accompanying him on the plane, it wouldn't be so boring. You must know that if there were only Ye family's bodyguards on the plane for more than ten hours, it would be really boring.

Because they dare not say a word to Jiang Dingcheng.

"All right, you guys can do whatever you want." Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything more to stop him, since they all came with salutes, they were bound to get on the plane.

Now it's just a notification to him, and it doesn't mean to ask for his consent.

Therefore, Jiang Dingcheng no longer expressed any opinions.

"It's almost time, let's get on the plane first." Jiang Ding glanced at the time and said.

They fly at this time to reach Italy in the middle of the night. If they arrive during the day, the goal is still a bit bigger.

The mafia's eyeliner is all over Italy.

"Let's go, go up first, let them carry things up." Chi Heyu said.

A group of five people all got on the plane first, and then the bodyguards came over, and the crew members were already waiting on it.

After everything was ready, the plane took off 10 minutes later.

The cabin was divided into two compartments, one was relatively private and belonged to the brothers, and the other was relatively large for the crew and bodyguards.

"Second brother, if you're tired, why don't you take a rest first?" Gu Xiao sat closer to Jiang Dingcheng, saw his tired face, and said directly.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng shook his head. "Not tired." He just closed his eyes and rested his mind, not intending to sleep.

Now that he is still in the sky above Huaicheng, he is willing to take a closer look at everything that belongs to Huaicheng. There are still his wife, children and family here. Only a place with a home can have a sense of belonging.

Jiu'er, son, I'll be back soon.

Peace and safety.


When Mu Jiu woke up, it was almost ten o'clock, and there was an indescribable gray feeling outside the winter window, which made Mu Jiu feel a little depressed anyway.

A heart is dull.

Turning around, I saw that the bedside was empty, and the temperature had already been lost.

It suddenly occurred to me that Jiang Dingcheng flew to Italy this morning.

When he left, she didn't know what time it was. She had no memory at all, and she blamed herself for sleeping too hard. Last night, he really tormented her for too long and was exhausted.

Otherwise, if Jiang Dingcheng got up, she would definitely react.

Jiang Dingcheng left.

It should be on the plane to Italy now.

Mu Jiu suddenly felt a piece of her heart was pulled away, leaving it empty.

Sitting up, he hung his hands on the quilt and stared blankly for a while.

Until the aunt's voice sounded outside.

"Ma'am, are you up?" Auntie knocked on the door and said softly.

"I think Auntie is here, is Xiaobao hungry?" Mu Jiu glanced at the time, the little guy should be hungry by this time.

"Tianen is hungry, that's why I came to call you." Auntie said calmly.

"Auntie, please bring him in, I'll feed him." Mu Jiu responded to her auntie's words.

"Okay." Auntie pushed open the door, and the little guy she was holding was chattering all the time, and she was very happy when she saw her mother.

A pair of small fleshy hands were about to pounce on her, it seemed that she was really hungry.

"Madam, feed Xiaobao first, I'll go downstairs and let them prepare breakfast for you." The aunt said as she handed Xiaobao to Mu Jiu.

"Well, auntie, when did Dingcheng leave?" Mu Jiu asked auntie while feeding Xiaobao.

"Sir, he went out at five o'clock, and told the servant not to disturb you and Xiaobao." The aunt replied.

Jiang Dingcheng left very early, just when his aunt got up, Jiang Dingcheng confessed a lot to her, all related to his wife and children.

It can be seen that Jiang Dingcheng really loves his wife and children.

"Five o'clock, it's so early." No wonder she didn't have much of an impression. She remembered that they didn't go to bed until almost three o'clock last night. At that time, she was fast asleep. No movement would wake her up, especially Jiang Dingcheng. It was still light-handed, which made her feel even more insensitive.

"Madam, sir loves you and your child very much. He said that he will come back as soon as possible when he is on a business trip. Don't worry, he will call you to report his safety when he arrives there." The aunt said seriously.

"I see,"

"Then I'll go down first, madam." The aunt said seriously.

"Well, okay." Mu Jiu nodded.

After the aunt left, Mu Jiu hugged Xiao Bao and fed him. After he was full, Mu Jiu teased him and told him about his father.

"Jiang Tianen, your father is on a business trip today, to Italy." Mu Jiu pinched his little face and said.

The little guy blinked his big eyes and looked at her half-understood, then grinned.

"Are you happy that Dad is not at home?" Mu Jiu asked him when he saw him smiling happily.

Xiao Tianen didn't know what his mother was asking, nor did he know what it meant that his father was not at home. He only knew that he could still be by his mother's side.

At this time, children don't know what missing is and what is difference.

As long as I can see my mother every day and have milk to eat.

If there is no food, he will cry loudly. If there is food, the world will be peaceful.

After talking with him for a long time, Mu Jiu finally realized that this little guy doesn't know the pain of parting at all, and his father is dispensable to him now.

If we don't see each other for a month, we won't see each other.

Mu Jiu suddenly became envious of her son. It would be great if she could be like her son. She doesn't know the pain of separation and longing.

He just left, and Mu Jiu has already started to miss him.

It's still a month away, what is she going to do, thinking about the time makes her feel uncomfortable.

Putting the little guy on the bed, Mu Jiu went to the bathroom to tidy up and came out, carrying the little guy downstairs.

The kitchen has re-prepared breakfast for her, and the aunt came to pick up Xiaobao.

"Ma'am, you go to have breakfast, I'll take Xiaobao, the kitchen prepares everything you like." Auntie looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Mu Jiu glanced at the breakfast, it was indeed what she liked, but without Jiang Dingcheng's company.

Inexplicably, I feel that the days are a bit difficult.

"Have you eaten, auntie? If you haven't eaten, come have breakfast with me." Mu Jiu looked at her auntie and asked.

"I have eaten, ma'am."

"It's boring to eat breakfast alone." Mu Jiu sat down, picked up a deep-fried dough stick and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it unpleasantly.

My aunt felt sorry for her when she heard her words.

(End of this chapter)

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