cute in his palm

Chapter 1499 is their biological mother

Chapter 1499 is their biological mother

Mu Jiu knew what his brother's subtext meant.

Just let her forgive Mu Andong, and then go back to Mu's house often.

However, she doesn't want to be like this for the time being.

As long as Mrs. Mu and her brother are fine, she has nothing to think about.

What worries her most now is Jiang Dingcheng who is far away in Italy.

"Brother, if it's going to be lively, we should have had dinner in the hall on the first floor just now. It's full of people, how lively it is." Mu Jiu said half-jokingly.

Hearing what his sister said like this, Mu Liangchen really had no choice.

Sometimes he really has nothing to do with this sister, or he has always had nothing to do with this sister. Although they are twin brothers and sisters, their personalities are very different.

All along, he didn't know what was going on in his sister's mind.

Can't even guess.

Simply do not guess.

"Xiao Jiu, you know that brother doesn't mean that." Mu Liangchen looked at his sister helplessly and said.

"I know, that's why I didn't want to nod." Mu Jiu also said straightforwardly.

Well, he lost to his sister this time.

"I have to go back anyway." Mu Liangchen said lightly.

"Let's talk about it later, how is the company going?" Mu Jiu asked him, changing the subject directly.

When it came to the company's affairs, Mu Liangchen's face was a little solemn.

"What's the matter, did something happen to the company?" Mu Jiu asked him directly, seeing his face change slightly, he was afraid that something happened.

"No, it's just that I haven't fully mastered it yet, so I'm a little slow." Mu Liangchen said.

After all, he has never studied a systematic business management major, and this is the first time he has come into contact with Mu's business. Many things start from scratch.

Naturally, it was a bit difficult.

Therefore, he is acting unilaterally like this now because he has not really entered the state to take over the work of the Mu family.

A little worried.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu was relieved. "Brother, don't worry about this. With the commitment, there will be no problems."

"By the way, what about Dingcheng? I heard that he was on a business trip to Italy a few days ago. How long will he be going?" Mu Liangchen asked directly after hearing about Jiang Dingcheng.

Mu Jiu was silent for a while. "It's about a month. It's a matter of the new company. There should be a lot of problems to deal with."

Just in time, the dishes they ordered came up.

Mu Jiu brought the topic to the dishes. "Brother, let's eat first, I'll get cold later, I'll just hold Xiaobao."

Mu Jiu is already used to holding Xiaobao in one hand and holding vegetables in the other.

"Xiao Jiu, eat more, the signature pickled pork with preserved vegetables." Mu Liangchen picked up two extra pieces of meat for his sister.

In his opinion, my sister has been too thin for a while, and she needs to eat more meat to make up for it.

It is said that what you eat makes up for what you eat.

"Brother, I... I can pick it up myself." Seeing that big piece of fat, Mu Jiu felt bad all over.

She has not liked fatty meat since she was a child.

"I know you don't like to eat fat, but now you are too thin, you need to make up for it." Mu Liangchen looked at his sister and said.

Mu Jiu could only bite the bullet and eat a piece.

Not too fat.

So after this pause, Mu Jiu desperately asked his brother to feed him.

On the contrary, Mu Liangchen himself ate very little.

Mu Liangchen's idea is actually very simple, he just wants to make up for his sister's kindness to him.

In the past, my younger sister tried her best to treat him well, but she couldn't do anything.

Now I want to simply treat my sister better.

"Brother, I told you, don't pick up any more vegetables for you, I can do it myself, you can eat more." Mu Jiu stopped the big piece of meat that his brother picked up again and said.

If she eats any more, she will really faint.

"It's inconvenient for you to hold Xiaobao, so I'll hold it for you." Mu Liangchen said calmly.

What he said made Mu Jiu have no rebuttal at all.

"Xiao Jiu, you have to go on a business trip for a month. If you have anything to do, you must call me. I'll help you." Mu Liangchen urged her.

In fact, what he wants to say more is to let her take Xiaojia back and forth to live in Mu's house, at least someone will take care of her.

"It's okay brother, there are servants at home, so Xiaobao and I will have nothing to do." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

She thought she understood what her brother meant.

Don't you just want her to go back to Mu's house?

But I don't want to.

Kettle is so strong that sometimes it hurts.

Therefore, Mu Liangchen was reluctant to really force his sister.

If she doesn't want to, just forget it for now.

"Call me if you have anything to do, it's best if nothing happens." Mu Liangchen said with a smile.

After the meal, Mu Liangchen sent their mother and son to the car, and then stood at the door of the restaurant by himself.

Shang Jinglu saw Mu Liangchen from a distance, Tao Shuqin was still following behind him, maybe because of a tacit understanding, Mu Liangchen turned around at this time.

"Jinglu, are you coming over for dinner?" Mu Liangchen greeted Shang Jinglu.

"Let's come over for dinner, Liangchen, who are you waiting for?"

Good day?

Mu Liangchen?
Tao Shuqin originally turned around, but when she heard Shang Jinglu calling this name, she turned her head quickly and saw Mu Liangchen standing there.

Maybe the two children don't know what she looks like anymore, but Tao Shuqin knows what the two children look like.

So I recognized it at a glance, this is her son.

Tao Shuqin also knew that Mu Jiu hated her, but Liang Chen didn't hate her unreasonably like her younger sister, so after Tao Shuqin saw Mu Liangchen now, she suddenly had an idea to have a good time with him. chat.

She was afraid that she would not have many days left, so she had some secrets that she was not going to bring into the coffin.

"Xiao Jiu brought the children to eat with me, so I sent them to the car." Mu Liangchen smiled gently, and then subconsciously fell on Tao Shuqin who was behind Shang Jinglu. "Jing Lu, who is this?"

"It's my aunt." Shang Jinglu explained lightly.

"So it's Uncle Xiaoshang's wife. Hello Aunt Shang, I'm Mu Liangchen, you can call me Liangchen." Mu Liangchen said politely.

"Liangchen, do you have time? I want to chat with you." Tao Shuqin said directly.

This made them both express surprise.

This is the first time we have met, and it is strange that we actually want to chat.

"Auntie, did you know Liangchen before?" Shang Jinglu first expressed his doubts.

"I know his father, so I want to talk to him about his father." Tao Shuqin said directly, she planned to meet Mu Liangchen by accident today, so she would explain her identity to him clearly.

She is their biological mother.

No matter how he looked at her, it was his business not to forgive her, but it was Tao Shuqin's business to speak out.

After seeing Mu Liangchen, she urgently had such an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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