cute in his palm

Chapter 1520

Chapter 1520

In fact, Mu Jiu really didn't want to talk too much about him, especially about Jiang Tianen.

Putting on a look of how much she loves her little grandson, it's a pity that Mu Jiu doesn't like seeing him like this at all.

"Okay Dad, don't ask Xiao Jiu any more, she just came back, so let her rest for a while." Knowing that Mu Jiu was not in a very good mood, Mu Liangchen said directly.

"It's because I asked too many questions. Xiao Jiu has a rest. I'll go to the kitchen." Mu Andong didn't say anything more, just smiled and turned around and walked inside.

After Mu Andong left, Mu Jiu's mood became better, and she sat down on the sofa farthest from Qin Kefang.

Ever since Qin Kefang got married, she habitually didn't want to sit together, and always sat alone on the single sofa.

Qin Kefang looked at Mu Jiu coldly, with an extremely unhappy expression.

This girl is really not polite at all, and she doesn't clean up when she sees her elders.

"Heh, you still remember coming back?" Qin Kefang said in a strange tone.

Mu Jiu knew that she was targeting her. After something as big as Cheng Mingfeng happened, this woman's bad nature still hated her so steadily.

Mu Jiu didn't bother to care about her so much.

It was Mu Yijie who was on the side who spoke. "Mom, if you're just looking for trouble, you're just targeting my sister. How did she offend you? Today, my sister came back specially to give a New Year's gift. After all, you can be regarded as Tianen's grandma. Don't you give red envelopes?"

Qin Kefang was unhappy at first, but now that her son said this, she immediately became angry.

What kind of son did she raise herself, and she was so focused on Mu Jiu and the others.

It's really going to piss her off.

What's the use of raising such a son? Originally, she was counting on this son to turn to her and snatch Mu Shi into her own hands. Now it seems that she has raised her for nothing.

"Mu Yijie, you really haven't improved at all." After speaking, Qin Kefang went upstairs directly, as if she didn't want to see them.

Out of sight is pure.

"Mu Yijie, Ms. Qin is your own mother after all. She will definitely feel uncomfortable when you treat her like this. Don't do this in the future. I don't want to magnify the conflict between your mother and child because of me." Mu Jiu looked at Mu Yijie said.

Although there have always been conflicts between her and Qin Kefang, she didn't want to involve Mu Yijie.

Mu Yijie laughed when he heard this. "Sister, are you still worried about this? My mother's temper will turn against anyone, but she will never be angry with me. I understand, so I have nothing to eat."

Sure enough, it was my own son.

The corner of Mu Jiu's mouth twitched.

Qin Kefang was lucky not to be pissed off by Mu Yijie.

However, this is also a matter between their mother and son, since there is nothing to do without her, then forget it.

So, their next chat was okay.

"Brother, how is Mrs. Mu doing now? Are you doing well in your studies?" Mu Jiu looked at his brother and asked.

Mu Liangchen has been working in Mu's for a while, so he should have some achievements.

"It's not bad. It's better than I imagined. With Yaoting beside me, it's very quick to get started." When Mu Liangchen talked about Su Yaoting, he was full of emotion.

Hearing what he said, Mu Jiu was relieved.

That's right, Su Yaoting was born with a mind for business, Mu Jiu actually has nothing to worry about.

Having him as Mu Liangchen's teacher will only allow him to learn quickly and get twice the result with half the effort.

"Of course, sister, don't worry, my cousin is so powerful, and my brother is so smart, I will definitely let my brother get acquainted with the work." Mu Yijie really thinks that both brothers are super powerful.

In the future, he must be as good as his two elder brothers.

"Just you praising them, it will make the two of them proud." Mu Jiu couldn't help jokingly said.

"However, since my cousin moved out, he hasn't come back for a few days. I wonder if he will come back during the Chinese New Year?" When Mu Yijie mentioned this, he felt a little disappointed.

Hearing that Su Yaoting moved out, Mu Jiu was a little surprised. "Don't you live here?"

"Well, I bought an apartment in a neighborhood near the company some time ago and moved out. After I take over the company, he will leave." Mu Liangchen said calmly, and he could hear some disappointment.

In fact, they all knew that Su Yaoting used to live in Mu's house, and there was only one reason for coming back every day, hoping to see Mu Jiu. ,

Now that Mu Jiu is married, he doesn't have anything to think about, and he doesn't have to worry about moving out.

Mu Jiu didn't say anything more, this was Su Yaoting's own decision.

"Lunch is ready, come and eat." Mu Andong called the three of them.

"Sister, let's go to eat, I'm starving to death." Mu Yijie shouted loudly.

"Mu Yijie, why don't you call your mother?" Mu Jiu looked at him and said.

Mu Yijie smiled. "Don't worry, when did my mother treat herself badly? She will come down to eat naturally when she is hungry. A woman's temper cannot be maintained."

Mu Jiu had nothing to do with him.

With such a personality, it would be easy to lose Guan Linlin.

Fortunately, this girl treats him so well with all her heart, she likes her to death.

But it's quite sensible.

"Let's go, sister, let's eat first." Mu Yijie really didn't care about his mother, and went directly to the dining table to sit down.

"Xiaojie, go ask your mother to come down for dinner." Mu Andong looked at his youngest son and said.

As soon as Mu Yijie's butt landed on the chair, he was taken aback for a moment when he heard what his father said, before speaking. "Dad, it's okay, don't spoil my mother, she is not a child, she will come over to eat by herself when she is hungry."

Mu Andong was almost pissed off by this son. "If you are told to go, go, where are there so many words, hurry up."

No matter how unwilling Mu Yijie was, he could only nod and agree. "Then I'll call her. If my mother still doesn't want to come down, forget it."

Mu Yijie hurried upstairs, but as soon as he got to the stairs, Qin Kefang just opened the door, holding something in his hand, and put it in his pocket as soon as he saw his son coming.

"Why are you here?" Qin Kefang glanced at her son coldly.

"Mom, let's go down to eat." Mu Yijie said with a smile.

"You still call me when you eat, don't you wish I didn't go down to eat?" Qin Kefang was a little happy that her son knew to come up and call her, but she wouldn't show how happy she was.

"Mom, what did you hold in your hand just now?" Mu Yijie asked his mother curiously.

Qin Kefang immediately glared at her son and refused to answer his words.

"Going on, where are there so many problems?" Qin Kefang said lightly.

Mu Yijie didn't ask any more questions, and quickly followed his mother downstairs. He was really hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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