cute in his palm

Chapter 1522 Thank you Xiaojiu

Chapter 1522 Thank you Xiaojiu

"Then I'll thank uncle for Jiang Tianen first." Mu Jiu said to his brother with a smile.

It can only be said that the little guy Jiang Tianen came from the God of Wealth, and a mother like her could receive a lot of red envelopes for him once the Chinese New Year came.

Then, Mu Andong also brought a big one. "Xiao Jiu, this is the lucky money I gave to Tianen. There will be even bigger ones when I come back to pay New Year's greetings in the next year."

Mu Jiu looked at Mu Andong and didn't know what to say, but she was a little moved in her heart. "Thank you, I will talk to Jiang Tianen."

The next one was given by Su Yaoting, Mu Jiu was a little hesitant to accept it, but in the end she took it, telling him that this is just the lucky money for the child, for the sake of safety.

When Mu Jiu was sitting in the car, she was still thinking, now it’s only from the Mu family, there are only a few older ones, if there are a few uncles and aunts from the Jiang family, they will go to the Jiang family to pay New Year’s greetings in the next year, It seems that Jiang Tianen will become the richest one during the Chinese New Year.

Sure enough, the first and oldest child is good, and you can make money without losing money.

When Mu Jiu was packing up the red envelopes and was about to start the car, someone knocked on the car window.

Mu Jiu turned her head and looked over, it was Su Yaoting, he hesitated for a moment and rolled down the window. "What's matter?"

Su Yaoting hesitated for a moment, then took a card and handed it in.

"What does this mean?" Mu Jiu asked him directly.

Why give her a card so well?
"Xiao Jiu, don't get me wrong, I gave this to Xiaotong. I know she can spend as much as she has, so she never saves money. Now she has no job and needs to spend money." Su Yaoting slightly Explained a bit.

Having said that, Mu Jiu probably understood.

He specially gave it to Su Luotong, but... Did he know that Su Luotong was with her?

Mu Jiu looked at Su Yaoting with a guilty conscience. "Since it's for Su Luotong, why did you give it to me?" Mu Jiu pretended to be angry and said against him.

Su Yaoting's eyes darkened. "Xiaojiu, I think, if Xiaotong really wants to find someone for help now, he should come to you instead of me, so once she finds you, give her this card, and with her savings, she will be alone It won't last long." Su Yaoting said seriously.

His sister, he still knows very well.

Su Luotong is the kind of person who can't bear hardships. If she is really desperate, she will ask for help. Anyway, she has a thick skin.

That's why Su Yaoting thought that one day she would ask Mu Jiu for help.

Hearing Su Yaoting's words, Mu Jiu felt relieved.

In this way, Su Yaoting is not sure that she took in Su Luotong.

"You should keep this card for yourself. If she comes to me, I will notify you. It won't be too late to give her the card when the time comes." Mu Jiu directly refused.

"Xiaojiu, Xiaotong won't ask for the money from me. I have been asking her to kill the child before, so she should hate me very much now." Su Yaoting looked very sad when he said this. .

Mu Jiu could feel his mood. ,

After all, back then he was so determined to kill the child in Su Luotong's stomach. If she hadn't run away and hid, she would have been killed by now.

"Do you also know how much it hurts her?" Mu Jiu glanced at him and said.

Not much compassion.

In fact, Mu Jiu has never cared about the affairs between their siblings.

It's just that this matter involves a small life, so Mu Jiu had to intervene.

"The situation at that time did not allow me to think too much. That man Cheng Mingfeng was not worthy of a child, let alone Xiao Tong." Su Yaoting hesitated before speaking.

It was entirely out of his resentment towards Cheng Mingfeng that he vented his anger on an unborn child.

Su Yaoting also knew that what he did was wrong, but at that time he didn't have the mood to deal with it too much, he just didn't want to keep Cheng Mingfeng's child.

"Have you ever thought about it, that is also Su Luotong's child. She is an adult, and only she can decide whether the child will stay or not. No one has this right. Even if the child's father is heinous, he cannot impose crimes on the child. body." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Hearing this, Su Yaoting fell silent, then sighed and looked at Mu Jiu. "I've thought about it these days. It's true that I was too arbitrary and selfish. I didn't consider Xiaotong's feelings at all. It's normal for her to hate me now, but I don't want to treat her badly, and I don't want her to suffer alone with the child. "

Hearing this, Mu Jiu gradually understood the meaning of his words. "So, from now on, you won't force Su Luotong to kill the child anymore, right?"

Su Yaoting was taken aback when he heard Mu Jiu's excited words, and it took him a while to react. "It's not wrong to be like this. She wants to give birth to a child. I am willing to help her raise her together, teach him to be a good person, and become an excellent person. He will not be like Cheng Mingfeng."

Hearing his words, Mu Jiu was naturally happy in her heart.

It's rare that Su Yaoting has such a high level of consciousness now, which is a good thing.

But Mu Jiu didn't intend to tell him so quickly that Su Luotong was safe.

"You can think like this, I'm happy for Su Luotong, you will be a very good uncle, and teach children to grow up well." Mu Jiu said calmly.

"So, Xiao Jiu, you should keep the card for me and give it to Xiao Tong." Su Yaoting insisted on giving the card to Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu thought about it and accepted it. "I will tell you your thoughts if I meet Su Luotong."

"Thank you, Xiaojiu." Su Yaoting said seriously.

His thanks made Mu Jiu a little embarrassed, because she still kept Su Yaoting's sister from her.

"You're welcome, I'm going back first." After finishing speaking, Mu Jiu rolled up the car window.

However, as soon as the car started, Mu Yijie ran out in a hurry and stopped her car.

"Mu Yijie, what are you doing for New Year's Eve?" Mu Jiu swallowed the harsh words, then rolled down the car window and asked him.

"Sister, red envelope, this is the lucky money for Jiang Tianen." Mu Yijie stuffed a big red envelope into it.

"You gave it? You don't need to give it. You are still a child. I will give you a big red envelope when the time comes." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

"It wasn't from me, it was from my mother." Mu Yijie said with a smile.

Mu Jiu was taken aback, Qin Kefang actually gave Jiang Tianen the lucky money?

Just didn't know how to react at all.

"Mu Yijie, are you not talking nonsense?" Mu Jiu chose not to believe it, but Qin Kefang was not so kind.

"Really, I don't believe it either. My mother secretly asked me to bring it over just now. She was embarrassed to hug her back to the room." Mu Yijie was still laughing.

It took Mu Jiu a long time to force out a word. "Thank you, Ms. Qin, for me."

(End of this chapter)

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