cute in his palm

Chapter 1525 I will definitely catch up

Chapter 1525
Mu Jiu's lesson is quite effective for Jiang Dinghe, but no one can relieve the depression in his heart.

After living for two or thirty years, this is the first time that I like someone so much.

As a result, no one helped, and people kept complaining.

It's really sad.

"Second sister-in-law, you also know that Ke Ke is too tough, sometimes even tougher than me, and she is completely difficult to get close to. I only get her preferences from you close friends...Really, Can't find it." Jiang Dinghe looked at Mu Jiu with an aggrieved face and said.

Mu Jiu felt a little chilly.

This guy actually acted like a baby to her.

"You really are not as tough as Keke. Keke is more masculine than you. The man she likes must be very masculine. You are like this now... I can understand why she rejected you." Mu Jiu smiled but was not a smile Said.

As for Jiang Dinghe, Xu Yan would be surprised if he liked it.

"Sister-in-law, don't you know that when two strong men meet, it's easy to lose both?" Jiang Dinghe is quite confident in his soft personality.

A man has a soft personality like a woman, and a woman has a strong personality like a man. Aren't these two people very suitable for each other?

Thinking about it feels very beautiful.

Therefore, Jiang Dinghe knew the moment he met Brother Xu Yan that he really fell in love this time. The setting of the two of them is simply a match made in heaven, a natural pair.

"What hurts both sides? Are you thinking too much?" Mu Jiu just wanted to roll her eyes at him now.

Can this man speak well, but what he says will hurt both sides.

"So, I use softness to overcome rigidity, which just complements Coco's personality. Don't you know that the best couple's personalities are complementary, just like you and your second brother, one is cold and the other is gentle, so Coco and I are just like each other. A match made in heaven, right, Second Sister-in-law." Jiang Dinghe was really good at adding drama to himself.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she didn't know how to respond.

Sometimes, Jiang Dinghe is really hateful.

Trying to refute would be exhausting.

"Okay, just feel what you think. I'm just lazy to take care of your affairs. You still have to control and pursue your own happiness. It's no good to rely too much on others." Mu Jiu reminded him kindly. .

"That's wrong, Second Sister-in-law. A smart person's pursuit of happiness is to know how to use all the resources to achieve the greatest happiness in the shortest time." Jiang Dinghe said clearly.

Dare to feel that this man regards her as a resource for him to chase his wife.

"I said Jiang Xiaosan, you are really straightforward." Mu Jiu couldn't help but give him a blank look.

With such an unreliable person, how could she trust Ke Ke to him?
It's all over.

"Second sister-in-law is over the award. I'm just telling the truth. You are a good girlfriend around Keke. If I chase after her, I will have an anti-relationship with you. Isn't that getting twice the result with half the effort? Besides, I really want to be with Keke, and I'm not just making trouble. Just kidding, can second sister-in-law have the heart to see me sad and not help?" Jiang Dinghe actually played the family card.

But for Mu Jiu, it was in vain.

"I can't bear it. Anyway, if you really want to pursue Keke, I won't intervene too much depending on your own ability. Moreover, I solemnly warn you once, if you dare to do anything to hurt Keke, I'm the first person not to spare you, understand?" Mu Jiu glared at him fiercely and said.

The grievance in Jiang Dinghe's heart, it's fine for his second sister-in-law not to help chase his wife, but she is still threatening him here, there is no love in this world.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm your third brother." Jiang Dinghe pouted cutely.

It's a pity that this trick is useless to Mu Jiu, but not to his fans.

"Ke Ke is my best friend for more than ten years. You are not as good as half a finger of hers." Mu Jiu said very seriously. When choosing between Xu Yanke and Jiang Dinghe, she would choose Xu Yanke unceremoniously. Yan Ke's side.

This is a fill-in-the-blank question, not a multiple-choice question.

"Second sister-in-law, you have really turned bad, and following second elder brother is indeed black." Jiang Dinghe sighed.

But he remembered that the second sister-in-law had just married Jiang Dingcheng, she was so pure and gentle, but now she was a little dark-bellied, as expected, eating too much second brother's saliva would turn bad.

"Thank you. After a long time, husband and wife will naturally become similar. Also, I will pass on your high opinion of your second brother to him. It turns out that his image in my brother's heart is so dark." Mu Jiu said lightly. Open your mouth and say.

Hearing this, Jiang Dinghe quickly laughed. "Second sister-in-law, you must not let the second brother know this, otherwise, I will die a miserable death."

Jiang Dinghe knew the character of his second brother, he would avenge any revenge, no matter how big or small.

Therefore, it is better not to offend his old man.

When Mu Jiu heard what he said, she laughed.

Sure enough, Jiang Dingcheng was the one who could control this younger brother.

No matter how naughty Jiang Dinghe is, Jiang Dingcheng, the King of Hades, will rule him.

"Okay, you can choose things by yourself. I can't give you much advice. Only the gifts you choose carefully can make Keke feel them. No matter how strong or cold she is, she is still a woman and needs someone to care for her. Yes, do you understand what I said?" Mu Jiu joked and became serious.

As a good friend, she has only one position, and she only hopes that Xu Yanke can be truly happy.

If Jiang Dinghe really loves her, he can put himself in her position to love her and protect her. Mu Jiu is willing to let the two of them be together.

For so many years, Xu Yanke's heart has been tightly closed, and no one can open it.

Because she lived in such an environment since she was a child, she had no expectations for love, marriage and family at all because of her parents' failed marriage and unhappy family.

In her heart, it is better to live alone than to have an unhappy family, a couple who are constantly noisy and have extramarital affairs.

Because an unhappy family will cast a lifetime shadow on a child.

Xu Yanke is like this.

Although Xu Yanke avoided talking about the Xu family's affairs, Mu Jiu and the others knew to some extent, and also understood how much she resented the Xu family and how much she resisted marriage.

Therefore, even if you don’t talk about love, every man who wants to pursue her and get close to her will make her fight back in a cold and violent way. Over the years, from the student days to the present, there are many men who pursue her every year , but none can persist.

After all the calculations, Jiang Dinghe was the one with the longest perseverance.

(End of this chapter)

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