cute in his palm

Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527

As soon as Guan Lan heard Jiang Dinghe asking her like this, she didn't know how to answer the question for a moment, but who is Guan Lan, and it takes minutes to deal with such an embarrassing scene.

Guan Lan curled the corner of his mouth and looked at Jiang Dinghe with a gentle smile.

"Jiang Sanshao, it's true that noble people forget things too much. I am Yan Rui's designer. I was the keynote speaker for Yan Rui's big show before. Jiang Sanshao is also the queen's main show model." Guan Lan said with a smile .

Jiang Dinghe had known for a long time that this Guan Lan was not a cheap lamp.

This time, he took the initiative, directly targeting him.

It's just that what Jiang Dinghe usually dislikes the most is such a woman who takes the initiative to post back, just like Guan Lan, do you think he will really fall in love with such a scheming woman?
One must know that Jiang Dinghe has somewhat heard of the quarrel between Guan Lan and Mu Jiu.

He didn't care about it before, but now that Mu Jiu has become his second sister-in-law, he will naturally care, so for a woman like Guan Lan who has bullied Mu Jiu, it's good if he doesn't bully her back, so why should she have sex with her? friend.

It's just fantastic.

If all the women in this world were like the cold and cold goddess Fan like Ke Ke, there would be fewer messy things.

"Oh, it's you, what a coincidence, are you here to buy jewelry?" Jiang Dinghe said with a faint smile.

He suddenly thought of a funny thing, since Guan Lan had bullied his second sister-in-law and wanted to get close to him, then he would teach her a lesson so that she would not be able to hold her head up for the rest of her life, how about that?

It is not easy for Guan Lan to climb to his current position with no background and by means.

It's just that such a woman can obviously sit back and enjoy the blessings. She is too dissatisfied and wants more. What Jiang Dinghe has to do is to tell her that if she wants to get more, she has to pay more. , Guan Lan didn't understand this truth before, but now Jiang Dinghe will teach her.

"Well, isn't the new year coming soon? Come and pick, is Jiang Sanshao picking a gift for himself or giving it to someone else?" Guan Lan looked at Jiang Dinghe curiously and said.

Originally, this Third Young Master Jiang was as cold and difficult to approach as Mr. Jiang. I met Jiang Dingcheng several times in the company before, and he always walked over coldly. Even if he greeted him, he just nodded his head slightly. of.

Now it seems that this high-cold supermodel's private personality is not as rumored, so Guan Lan is very happy that she took the initiative to greet him.

If possible, she would like to treat him to a meal or something.

After all, for a big family in Huaicheng like Jiang's family, getting a relationship is tantamount to reaching the sky in one step, and it doesn't matter if they don't marry into Jiang's family.

Unlike that woman, Mu Jiu, who was so lucky to marry into Jiang's family and became Jiang's second young mistress, the wife of the president of the Jiang Group.

It's really infuriating, Guan Lan thinks he can't lose to this woman anywhere.

"Dinghe, I'll go to the supermarket downstairs to buy some things, why don't you go shopping by yourself?" Mu Jiu came over and said to Jiang Dinghe.

I just received a call from Guan Xiaotong, saying that she was short of something in the store, and asked Mu Jiu to go to the supermarket to buy some when she came over. It happened that the basement floor of this shopping mall was a large supermarket, so she agreed directly, and now go downstairs to shop I bought something at once.

Seeing Jiang Dinghe and Guan Lan chatting together, Mu Jiu couldn't accept this style of painting. Guan Lan is a woman with a lot of eyes. Who knows why she took the initiative to find Jiang Dinghe? Finished?This is not Guan Lan's style.

However, Mu Jiu believed that Jiang Dinghe had his own opinions and judgments, and he knew very well what kind of women he could get in touch with.

And now he is still in the juncture of chasing after Xu Yan, if he tries to get involved with other women, Mu Jiu will judge him out for the first time.

So he directly gave Jiang Dinghe a warning look.

"Second sister-in-law, go to the supermarket to buy first, and ask me to help you carry the things after buying." Jiang Dinghe easily accepted the warning from Mu Jiu's eyes.

He will defend himself like a jade for Xu Yanke.

"Well, then I'll go down first, you and...Miss Guan have a good chat." Mu Jiu smiled lightly at Guan Lan, turned around and left.

She was still thinking silently in her heart, if Jiang Dinghe dared to hook up with women again, Xu Yanke would definitely be the first to eliminate you, not even giving him the qualification to pursue.

It's useless whether the second sister-in-law is not the second sister-in-law.

Jiang Dinghe seemed to feel the resentment from his second sister-in-law. For Xu Yan, he really didn't want to say a word to other women, especially women like Guan Lan.

But in order to help the second sister-in-law out, he still decided to deal with Guan Lan. It would be nice to give her an unforgettable memory.

Seeing Mu Jiu leave his son, Guan Lan became even more unscrupulous.

"I really didn't expect that Third Young Master Jiang and his sister-in-law get along so well." Guan Lan said with an unintentional expression, but his heart was sour.

Why Mu Jiu can have all these now, she could have them in the first place.

On looks, she wins.

In terms of talent, she still wins.

But it happened that she lost to Mu Jiu due to luck.

This is where Guan Lan is the most unwilling to admit defeat. Why is God so ungrateful and gave Mu Jiu all the good things, and nothing good was left to her.

But the Third Young Master Jiang in front of him is pretty good, with excellent looks and background, although he doesn't have the aura of Jiang Dingcheng as the president of the Jiang family, if she really helps behind the scenes, the president of the Jiang family can still win it back.

"Of course, she is my sister-in-law. If I don't treat her well, who can I treat well? Miss Guan can really make jokes." Jiang Dinghe said lightly, half joking and half serious.

The deep eyes couldn't see the real emotion, Guan Lan didn't know whether what he said was true or not.

There are not many rich men who can hide their thoughts. Guan Lan dislikes them the most. They are colorless, making people unable to guess their thoughts, and there is no way to attack them.

"That's right, it's my villainous heart. Have you picked out Third Young Master Jiang's gift?" Guan Lan changed the subject.

"Not yet, I'm in the process of choosing. My second sister-in-law is gone. I plan to buy a gift for a female friend. Miss Guan can help me make up my mind. Will you help?" Jiang Dinghe looked at her and smiled. Said.

female friend?
Hearing this word, Guan Lan had some complaints in his heart.

I'm afraid it's not just as simple as a female friend.

It was widely rumored that Third Young Master Jiang had always been romantic, and had a lot of female and male companions. Because of this, no one could be sure whether he had a normal sexual orientation or not.

But it doesn't matter to Guan Lan, whether it's homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual, as long as he can get Jiang Dinghe's trustworthiness and take him down little by little, it doesn't matter.

After marriage, they can play their own way. Anyway, Guan Lan is not the kind of woman who would treat love as bread.

In her world, bread is always more important and loyal than love.

(End of this chapter)

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