cute in his palm

Chapter 1531 Surpassing in Quantity

Chapter 1531 Surpassing in Quantity

Although Mu Jiu has never experienced what it's like to die when a loved one dies.

However, she can also empathize with Tao Mian's matter.

Back then, the four of them, she, Shang Jinglu, Tao Mian and Cheng Dong, had a good relationship playing together, and Cheng Dong always cared about her like a big brother.

So Mu Jiu couldn't believe Cheng Dong's death for a long time.

What's more, Tao Mian?
"Xiao Jiu, what are you staring at me for?" Tao Mian felt Mu Jiu's burning gaze, and couldn't help asking her.

Mu Jiu smiled. "Mianmian, I found that you have more emotions on your face now."

Mu Jiu really wanted to ask Tao Mian directly, how much emotion he still has about Cheng Dong's matter now, and whether he has overcome the shadow of this relationship.

However, Mu Jiu never had the courage.

They all knew that Cheng Dong was a minefield forbidden by Tao Mian, and no one could touch it.

Therefore, these years, they have been avoiding all topics about Cheng Dong.

"Xiao Jiu, I know what you want to say. Although I can't forget Cheng Dong, I am still alive after all, living with his wish to be with me, so you don't have to worry too much. At least now I won't think about committing suicide. , I will never forget him in this life." Tao Mian said easily.

In fact, Mu Jiu knew that mentioning Cheng Dong's matter was like taking a knife across her heart again.

Therefore, Mu Jiu felt sorry for her.

"Mianmian, brother Cheng also hopes to see you truly happy in the spirit of heaven." Mu Jiu comforted Tao Mian.

Tao Mian shrugged and laughed.

"It's okay, Xiao Jiu." Tao Mian smiled, but she didn't want Mu Jiu and the others to worry about her.

Mu Jiu said nothing more.

Just in time, two chefs came out with dishes.

Mu Jiu and Tao Mian got up and hurried to help.

Soon, everything was set up and the hot pot was rolling.

The four good sisters sat around the table.

"Get ready to eat." Guan Xiaotong smelled the aroma of the hot pot, and his saliva was about to flow out like a greedy cat.

The four of them chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was so lively.

"Xiao Jiu, eat more. Now you can eat alone, and you can use it for two. The little guy still needs to eat your milk." Guan Xiaotong put a lot of meat in for Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu smiled. "I can't eat that much, you should eat more."

"New Year's Eve, today is our last meal this year, let's toast." Xu Yanke raised his glass and looked at everyone and said.

The three responded and raised their glasses and clinked.

"Happy New Year, I wish all of us a prosperous and happy year ahead." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

When the hot pot was halfway through, Guan Xiaotong drank a little too much.

"Suddenly I feel that the dinner before this year is so quiet, Xiao Jiu, you should have brought the little guy here. I have prepared all the lucky money for the little guy." Guan Xiaotong took out a big red envelope with a smile on his face. Mu Jiu said in front of him.

Mu Jiu laughed. "It's the same for me to collect for him. Even if he arrives, he still doesn't know how to accept red envelopes."

"You mother, you really deserve to make a lot of money. Look, Jiang Tianen is the biggest in this circle. The first child is the most fun during the Chinese New Year. Just accept the red envelopes, and you don't need to be popular at all." The official Xiao Tong smiled and stuffed the red envelope to Mu Jiu and said.

Mu Jiu accepted it with a smile. "I thank Aunt Xiaotong on behalf of Tianen."

Both Xu Yanke and Tao Mian had prepared red envelopes for the little guy, so they gave them to Mu Jiu by the way.

Mu Jiu is really comfortable collecting money.

Looking at the thickness, the little guy received the red envelope for the Chinese New Year, and the money for milk powder for a year should be enough.

So having a child early is also good, at least the first child in this circle of friends only needs to receive red envelopes from others during the Chinese New Year, and there is no need to give red envelopes to others at all.

This is simply a profitable business.

"It's really unfair, it's unfair." Guan Xiaotong murmured there.

"If you think it's unfair, quickly find a man to marry, and then have a bunch of children. If you surpass Xiaojiu in number, you will be the winner." Xu Yanke looked at Guan Xiaotong with a serious face and gave her advice.

Upon hearing this, Guan Xiaotong's face completely collapsed.

Then, for a moment, hope was rekindled. "Yes, this is correct. If I can give birth to two before Xiao Jiu, I will make money."

Mu Jiu glanced at Guan Xiaotong, there was really nothing she could do with this silly girl, so fortunately, she believed it was true.

She knew she had drunk too much at a glance, and when she sobered up tomorrow, she would completely forget about it.

"It's just, where am I going to find a man, a high-quality man like Mr. Jiang." Guan Xiaotong became worried again.

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

"Don't think about a man like Mr. Jiang. There is only one in this world. Now he is Xiaojiu's husband and Jiang Tianen's father. You can lower your standards appropriately." Xu Yanke continued to tease her.

Guan Xiaotong who drank a lot was the funniest.

Cute, soft, and pushable.

"Well, that's lowered, by how much." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

"I think Gu Xiao is pretty good." Tao Mian said directly.

Hearing the word Gu Xiao, the intoxicated person seemed to wake up in an instant, looked at Tao Mian with wide eyes, and then blushed.

"What, what's wrong with Gu Xiao? It's just a little lower than Mr. Jiang. It's not even one-tenth of Mr. Jiang's. Why do I... want him?" When talking about the latter, Guan Xiao Tong obviously lost his confidence.

Seeing her like this, Mu Jiu smiled and said. "I am very grateful that you have such a high opinion of Mr. Jiang. I will definitely tell him this when the time comes."

Guan Xiaotong glared at Mu Jiu directly. "Xiao Jiujiu, don't talk nonsense, do you hear me?"

The crowd laughed.

"But to be honest, I think Gu Xiao is quite good, at least he is a good match for you." Xu Yanke said seriously.

What a good match, what a good match.

Guan Xiaotong was too lazy to talk to them.

But, to be honest, that man Gu Xiao is actually not bad.

She has good looks and a superior background, but her personality is a little too messy.

"Really, Gu Xiao is not bad. It can be seen that he cares about you and really wants to be with you." Tao Mian said seriously.

"What's the matter, then why didn't you agree..." Guan Xiaotong closed his mouth in time at this point.

Everyone knew that Gu Xiao pursued Tao Mian so crazily back then, and because of this, when he turned his head to pursue Guan Xiaotong, she cared very much, and there was a hurdle in her heart that she couldn't overcome by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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