cute in his palm

Chapter 1545 Do You Hate Me?

Chapter 1545 Do You Hate Me?

Luo Simiao's heart ached when she heard his coughing, even though Chi Heyu was such a big man, he still didn't know how to take care of himself.

It's really worrying.

Luo Simiao hurriedly asked him. "Uncle Yu, are you feeling sick with a cold? Where are you? I went to the villa before the winter vacation. The housekeeper told me that you had gone abroad, but he didn't tell me where you were. I thought he was hiding from me."

For this reason, Luo Simiao has not been happy in the past half a month when she returned to Ancheng's home.

Thinking of her being so annoying to Chi Heyu, I couldn't be in a better mood.

Chi Heyu didn't expect that his emotions could affect that girl so much, and he didn't need to think too much about it. At this time, the little girl would definitely be wronged there with her mouth flat and unhappy, and there might be tears in her eyes.

Ever since she was a child, she has been an exceptionally strong child, and Chi Heyu knows this well.

However, Chi Heyu also understands that apart from the difference in generation and age, there are many other things that are different between the two people. They are people from two worlds.

Luo Simiao is a newcomer who hasn't fully stepped into this society. She obviously doesn't know the dangers of this society, but he is different. He has been in this society for ten years and has seen too many things. On the dark side, he hopes that Luo Smyao can still maintain the purity that has not been polluted.

"I don't need to hide from you." Chi Heyu said lightly.

In fact, he felt a little ashamed of himself trying to avoid a child.

After all, he, a man who has grown up for a long time, actually wants to hide from a girl who has just grown up, and it would really make people laugh if he said it.

But what to do, he was really avoiding her for a while.

After sending her to school, refuse her to come to the villa for any reason, or before she comes to the villa, he will go on a business trip abroad, anyway, let her stay alone in the villa.

Luo Simiao is a smart girl, Chi Heyu has made it so obvious, if she still pretends to be stupid, she is really stupid.

I didn't go to his villa for two months, and when I answered his phone, I also talked to him in the same tone as my enemy, and hung up before I could say a few words.

During that period of time, she was uncomfortable, and he was also not having a good time.

Having grown up so big, no woman has ever touched her nerves so much.

Chi Heyu is a man whose rationality completely overcomes his emotions, so he knew that it was wrong to do this, so he naturally refused. If he could hide it, he would hide it. When he should be nice to her, he should also be nice to her. Whoever let it be hers Uncle, her elder.

"Uncle Yu, it's good that you didn't hide from me. I thought it was me who made you angry. You don't want to see me so much. By the way... I sent you the New Year's gift a long time ago. I don't know if you have received it. "Luo Simiao finally became a little happier.

She thought at the time that if Chi Heyu hung up her phone directly, she would understand it, but fortunately she hasn't hung up for so long.

"Thank you for the New Year's gift, but I'm not in China right now, I'll see it when I return to China." Chi Heyu didn't ask what it was, but just described his situation calmly.

"Then where are you? When can you come back? Can you come back after the winter vacation?" Luo Simiao asked after her.

After asking, she regretted and blamed herself again.

She should know that Chi Heyu doesn't like women who are too active and obsessive.

And she has always been too active to pester him to make him so annoying.

It is said that after she came, Chi Heyu's chances of traveling abroad became higher and higher. Isn't this subconsciously avoiding her?

Just like now, they are still abroad after Chinese New Year.

Thinking of this, Luo Simiao felt extremely uncomfortable.

"I'm in Italy, and I won't go back for the time being. I don't know when I will return to China?" Chi Heyu said calmly, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

With Jiang Dingcheng's current situation, no one knows when he will wake up.

If you still can't wake up after three days, then you are planning to be in a coma for a long time. It is possible for one month, two months or three years.

After all, a bullet had grazed the back of his head and damaged a nerve that they hadn't noticed before.

Therefore, Chi Heyu has no idea how to answer Luo Simiao's question.

As soon as Luo Simiao heard this, she was full of disappointment, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh. Chi Heyu heard her sigh, and frowned slightly.

Luo Simiao had never concealed her feelings for him, so he was quite clear about it.

This girl really fell in love with him, but he couldn't respond.

He used to avoid her specifically, but this time it was not like this.

"Uncle Yu, I know you hate me, avoid me, don't worry, I won't bother you after the new semester starts." Luo Simiao said in a serious tone.

So, is it promising him to get out of his life completely?
"Uncle Yu, I know you hate me. Where is I, Luo Simiao? Although I like you very much, I really like you, but I won't like you without dignity. You hate me, so I won't bother you anymore. You, I am very grateful for your care before, and I will repay you when I have a chance in the future." Luo Simiao said seriously.

Suddenly the atmosphere became extremely serious.

The fact that he came to Italy this time may have caused Luo Simiao to misunderstand and avoid her.

He obviously didn't want her to misunderstand like this, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"Uncle Yu, I have never missed someone who likes me, and I have no regrets about liking you. I think I will always like you in a short time, but I will gradually forget you if I work hard. You are doing well in Italy. Take care of your own body, happy new year, I'll hang up first." Luo Simiao was about to hang up the phone after speaking.

Before she hung up, he opened his mouth.

"Luo Simiao, remember, I have never hated you, I have always treated you like a little niece, your feelings for me have gone astray, I can't let it continue, you are still young, Maybe you don't understand, but when you get older, you will know, I did this for your own good." Chi Heyu said calmly, regardless of whether she heard it or not.

Luo Simiao on the other end was obviously taken aback.

So, Uncle Yu really doesn't hate her, but just can't accept her love?

If this is the case, she still has a chance, right?

Hope was rekindled a second before it was extinguished.

"Uncle Yu, is this your truth?" Luo Simiao asked him seriously.

"There should be a reunion dinner soon in China. Go and have dinner with your family. That's it." Chi Heyu didn't want to answer her questions any more, fearing that she would get involved again, so he hung up the phone resolutely.

(End of this chapter)

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