cute in his palm

Chapter 1556 The situation has become serious

Chapter 1556 The situation has become serious

Mu Jiu looked at Xu Yanke, no matter what, she can agree so easily, it has already made Mu Jiu relax, and it's easy to go back and deal with business.

"After the time and place are arranged, I'll send you a text message and we will set off together." Mu Jiu looked at Xu Yan and said.

"Anyway, there is nothing to prepare, just let me know one day in advance." Xu Yanke said lazily.

For a trapeze artist like her, it's rare for a few of them not to fly a month. Although there will be an assistant to help with the whole process of saluting, she has long practiced the mood of leaving as soon as she says it.

"Of course, then it's settled like this, probably in these two days." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Everything was arranged by Jiang Dinghe, so they didn't need to worry about it at all.

"I see, I'm going to the gym in a while, do you want to go together?" Xu Yanke looked at Mu Jiu and said with a smile.

Mu Jiu shook her head, she has no interest in the gym, unlike Xu Yanke who must maintain a good figure, so she has to go to the gym often, and she knows that their modeling agency has a very large professional gym .

"Okay, I'll go back first, and I'll text you when the time comes." Mu Jiu didn't stay any longer, there was still a little guy at home who needed to be taken care of.

It's different for people who become mothers, and the children come first.

"Well, be careful on the way back." Xu Yanke looked at Mu Jiu and said.

When he arrived at the door, Xu Yanke suddenly spoke. "Xiao Jiu, is Tianen's father okay?"

Years ago, she had heard from Mu Jiu that she hadn't had much contact with Jiang Dingcheng, fearing that something might happen to him in Italy.

"It's fine, he's fine, he's busy opening a new branch in Italy." Mu Jiu answered Xu Yanke's question very calmly.

It has been three or four days since that call a year ago, and I haven't received any calls from him.

The longest time they hadn't been in contact was a week, so she wasn't very afraid of losing contact with him, and she also asked Luo Yang that Jiang Dingcheng was really fine.

Therefore, Mu Jiu is willing to choose to believe that he is fine.

As long as he's okay, everything is fine.

"Well, it's fine if you're busy, and I don't have anything to say." Xu Yanke took a serious look at the emotion on Mu Jiu's face, and there was indeed nothing wrong.

Then she was relieved.

"Be careful on the way back, bye." Xu Yanke personally escorted her into the elevator.

After Mu Jiu got into the car, he dialed Jiang Dingcheng's number a little uneasy, prompting to turn off the phone.

The lingering worry in my heart became especially obvious, and then I called Luo Yang.

"Young Madam, Happy New Year." Luo Yang greeted Mu Jiu.

"Luo Yang, tell me the truth, did something happen to Dingcheng?" Mu Jiu said directly.

When Luo Yang heard this, his heart thumped.

Did Mu Jiu hear something?

Luo Yang glanced anxiously at Jiang Dingcheng who was lying on the hospital bed. He had been in a coma for four days, and there was no sign of waking up. Luo Yang flew over on the first day of the Lunar New Year. He was worried that Jiang Dingcheng's condition was serious.

If you don't wake up within 72 hours as the doctor said, the situation will be more serious than expected, and it may take longer to wake up.

I don't know exactly.

Some patients who were comatose due to injuries took several years to wake up, and some even slept forever.

So, I can't tell.

Before the doctor could give a completely definite answer, Luo Yang really couldn't think of a way to deceive Mu Jiu, fearing that he would not be able to deceive him anymore.

"Young Madam, Mr. Jiang is fine, but we are now in a village in Luoyang to watch the project, and the signal is not very stable. I will contact you when the time comes." Luo Yang said politely.

Mu Jiu was not reconciled. "Luo Yang, you know, what I hate the most is cheating. If you let me know that you cheated on me, I will let Ding Cheng punish you."

Luo Yang is also suffering in his heart now. Although he wants Mr. Jiang to get better soon, and he also wants Mu Jiu to know that Mr. Jiang is still lying on the bed and comatose, but Duan Jinhong insists in every possible way that he must not let Jiang's family and Mu Jiu know. , otherwise things will really get bigger.

"Luo Yang, did you hear what I said?" Seeing that Luo Yang on the other end didn't reply for a long time, Mu Jiu asked worriedly.

"Young Madam, I can't hear what you said... How about it, I'll call you back when we get to a place where the signal is stable..."

Soon, Mu Jiu's phone was hung up.

Mu Jiu frowned.

Why is it bad that there is such a signal in the countryside of Luoyang?
Or did the domestic number have a weak signal in the past?
Regardless of whether it is true or not, Mu Jiu also wants to deceive herself and others.

It is best because the signal is not good, just like some mountainous areas in China, there is no network power supply shortage.

Anyway, just don't let Jiang Dingcheng have an accident.

After Luo Yang hung up the phone, he broke out in a cold sweat, and then looked at Duan Jinhong and Chi Heyu.

"Young Master Duan, Young Master Chi, what should we do now? Mr. Jiang has no intention of waking up, and the young lady seems to have noticed it." Luo Yang watched them speak with difficulty.

"It's normal to be aware of it. If Xiaojiu hasn't noticed anything wrong with Dingcheng until now, it can only show that the two of them don't have a deep relationship. Now it seems that Xiaojiu really loves Dingcheng. The more you can't let her know that something happened to the second child, otherwise she will collapse." Duan Jinhong frowned.

"I see, Young Master Duan."

"Don't answer domestic calls for a few days, I have my own arrangements." Duan Jinhong glanced at him and said.

Luo Yang obeyed all of them.

"The brain department in Switzerland has contacted the authoritative neurologist. Let's go there as soon as possible. Third, get the plane ready. We will fly to Switzerland tonight." Duan Jinhong originally thought that Jiang Dingcheng could wake up here, and then Decide whether to go to Switzerland or not.

Now it seems that there is no waiting.

If he didn't leave, An Tenglong would definitely shoot. Although he was injured during the shooting, it wasn't too serious.

"I've already made arrangements. We'll leave as soon as it gets dark tonight." Chi Heyu nodded, staying here all the time, he was also very uneasy.

Jiang Dingcheng was seriously injured and unconscious, and nothing else could happen.

And An Tenglong clearly intends to kill them all.

"it is good."

"Luo Yang, when everything is arranged in Switzerland, you should return to China as soon as possible. The Jiang family cannot do without you." Duan Jinhong looked at Luo Yang and said.

He is Jiang Dingcheng's most capable assistant. This time Jiang Dingcheng came to Italy to keep him in the company deliberately, in order to stabilize the company's senior management.

"Okay, I'll listen to Duan Shao's arrangement later, and Mr. Jiang will ask the two of you to take care of him." Luo Yang really thanked them. Fortunately, Mr. Jiang has such a group of brothers who have gone through life and death by his side.

"You don't need to be so polite, Dingcheng is our brother." Duan Jinhong's words are very clear, if you are a brother, you must help.

(End of this chapter)

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