cute in his palm

Chapter 1574 Return to Zurich

Chapter 1574 Return to Zurich

Lin Weishuang got up early, and when she came to see her grandson, she saw Mu Jiu sleeping next to the crib, which made Lin Weishuang very worried.

How can you fall asleep in this place?
I don't know when Mu Jiu came here, or just spent the night here last night.

I didn't even have a blanket covering my body, so I got sick.

Lin Weishuang didn't want to wake her up, so she went directly to the room and took a thick blanket to cover her.

This girl is really worrying.

Seeing that their mother and son were still awake, Lin Weishuang went out again.

In the living room, I ran into the old lady who came out of the room.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Xiao Shuang, Xiao Jiu and the child came back very late last night, right?" the old lady asked.

The old lady was a little uncomfortable last night, so she went back to her room early to rest.

"I didn't come back until after ten o'clock. I thought Xiao Jiu was a little uncomfortable, so I let her sleep. This child is worried and doesn't want to tell us. It's probably because Ding Cheng hasn't heard from her. She must be worried." Lin Weishuang Said with some distress.

"Xiaoshuang, this is the children's own business. Let's not worry too much, and don't mention the matter of the second child in front of Xiao Jiu. I'm afraid she will worry too much." The old lady said very seriously.

Lin Weishuang remembered. "Mom, don't worry, I know what to say."

When Mu Jiu came down, she saw what Lin Weishuang and the old lady were talking about, so she adjusted her mood and greeted them. "Grandma, Mom, good morning."

"Xiao Jiu, woke up, did you sleep well?" the old lady asked her.

Mu Jiu paused before speaking. "Grandma, I slept well."

Lin Weishuang knew it, she slept on the carpet in the baby room, she didn't sleep well, she just didn't want them to worry.

"Where's God?"

"Still sleeping." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

In the afternoon, she was going to fly to Zurich, so she wanted to smile at the Jiang family for a long time, so as not to make them suspicious.

"Xiao Jiu, have you bought the gift for your friend?" the old lady continued to ask.

"I bought it on purpose yesterday, and it's all packed, grandma." Mu Nai said impatiently.

Hearing this, the old lady had nothing to say.

Mu Jiu is a smart child, she knows when to do something, and the old lady doesn't say much.

"Then, it's time for breakfast." The old lady turned and went to the kitchen after she finished speaking.

Lin Weishuang looked at the figure of the old lady before asking Mu Jiu in a low voice. "Xiao Jiu, why did you sleep in the baby room like that yesterday, but you catch a cold easily, do you know that?"

There was some blame in Lin Weishuang's tone.

If they made Mu Jiu wronged and fell ill at Jiang's house, there was really no way to explain to Ding Cheng.

Mu Jiu knew that Lin Weishuang was caring about her. "Mom, I'm fine. It's probably because I was too tired last night. I fell asleep with Tian En. You covered me with the blanket. Thank you, Mom. I made you worry."

"Silly boy, what kind of politeness do you have with your mother?"

"Mom, I really appreciate you." It was Lin Weishuang who made her feel the long-lost maternal love, so Mu Jiu was grateful to Lin Weishuang from the bottom of her heart.

Mu Jiu is a child who knows how to repay kindness, and they all know this.

"Come on, let's have breakfast."

Going to the airport after lunch, the old lady and Lin Weishuang insisted on sending them to the airport.

So Mu Jiu didn't refuse, and the family went to the airport in a nanny car.

"When you arrive in Zurich, take good care of yourself. Remember to call home if you have anything to do. Don't carry it alone. It's no better than home when you are abroad." The old lady said while holding Mu Jiu's hand.

Mu Jiu paused, and hugged the two of them back heavily.

"Mom, grandma, we'll go in first, you two go back earlier, don't worry about us, I will contact you often to report that you are safe." Mu Jiu said seriously.

"Well, let's go in." The old lady looked at Mu Jiu and said.

The moment he got on the plane, Mu Jiu's nerves, which had been broken all day and night, finally broke, and she just sat there and shed tears.

Jiang Dingcheng, you must treat me well.

Nothing is allowed.

Otherwise, I will never end with you.

Such a big thing, dare to tell him now, they are all good.

When she finally received that phone call from Jiang Dingcheng, she should have sensed that something was wrong with her.

Only found out now.

It's all because she is too stupid.

The aunt handed over a tissue. "Ma'am, don't be too sad, we can see Mr. when we arrive in Zurich." Auntie comforted Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu wiped away her tears, feeling so depressed that she couldn't calm down at all.

Seeing his mother crying, the little guy also reached out to comfort his mother.

"Come on, mommy." Mu Jiu took the little guy and hugged her in her arms.

"Tianen, let's go see Dad now, Dad will be fine."

As it gets closer to Zurich, Mu Jiu's mood becomes more and more tense.

After flying for more than ten hours, the plane finally landed at the airport in Zurich, and once again set foot in this familiar but unfamiliar country, Mu Jiu's mood was complicated and heavy.

She never thought that she would come to Zurich again for a reason like this.

How much I hope that their family of three will come here healthy and happy?
Hansen and Chi Heyu came to pick them up, and Mu Jiu saw the two of them as soon as they left the gate.

"Second sister-in-law, here." Chi Heyu looked at her and waved.

"He Yu, how is the situation of Ding Cheng?" Mu Jiu asked directly.

"Second brother's situation is not very optimistic. You will know when you go back and have a look." Chi Heyu said with a heavy tone.

"Madam, welcome back." Hansen looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Although they knew that the reason for coming back this time was a bit heavy, they never thought that it would be like this when they returned to Zurich, so they felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Hansen, let's go back." Mu Jiu nodded at Hansen.

Then they pushed and saluted and led Mu Jiu and the others into the car.

When the car drove into the village, Mu Jiu's heart beat faster. This place was where she had lived for half a year, and where Jiang Tianen was born.

So there is an indescribable feeling for this place.

However, now that Jiang Dingcheng is here in a coma, Mu Jiu doesn't know what kind of mood to use to describe his heart at this moment, heavy and uncomfortable.

"Second sister-in-law, we're here." The car drove into the yard, and Chi Heyu got out first.

The little guy has never been honest with his aunt, but when he saw this house, he actually grinned, and then stared at his mother with a pair of big black eyes.

It seems to be asking something.

"Tianen, let's go see Dad now." Mu Jiu hugged Jiang Tianen and got out of the car.

Every step towards the house is heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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