cute in his palm

Chapter 1585 Want a daughter

Chapter 1585 Want a daughter

Three months later, Mu Jiu and the others were going to move all of them back to China.

Mu Jiu already has a new life in her belly, which was detected a month ago, and she hasn't been to the hospital for an examination. She plans to go back to China for another examination, so she can't stay in Zurich for too long, because Jiang Dingcheng doesn't want their second child to continue. After being born and raised abroad, they want to return to Huaicheng, so that their children can be born in Huaicheng and grow up safely.

Therefore, when Mu Jiu's stomach was still small, she insisted on returning to China.

Jiang Tianen can already walk, and he can even yell.

"Papa... Ma Ma..."

Early in the morning, the little guy was walking slowly with his arms on the edge of the bed. Although he could let go, Jiang Tianen didn't want to, and liked to walk with his arms on.

In the words of the old lady, the little guy is just lazy.

"Well, Tian En, walk by yourself, don't walk with the bed." Mu Jiu said, pulling his little hand.

Jiang Tianen stared at his mother with wide eyes. He obviously understood what her mother said, but he just didn't want to.

When the old lady and Lin Weishuang took him to bask in the sun on the lawn, the little guy would just stand there and take a few steps, and then the young master would not leave.

I'm too lazy, it's the same as his dad when he was a child.

"Mama, go play..." Jiang Tianen looked at his mother and said.

"Tian En, Mom has to pack up and has no time to play with you. Tian En and grandma are going to play, okay?" Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Tianen and said.

Jiang Tianen stared at his mother, then asked her. "Where are you going?"

Where to go.

But Mu Jiu quickly understood what his son meant.

"Let's go home, to our home in Huaicheng, where is our real home, understand?" Mu Jiu squatted there and patiently explained to his son.

"Well, go home..." the little guy said inarticulately.

Mu Jiu kissed his chubby cheek.

"Yes, go home, Tian'en is going to play with grandma, in two days after Aunt Qinqin has given birth to the baby, we will go back after seeing the baby." Mu Jiu looked at the little guy and said.

Lanqin has been feeling very unwell for the past few days. She was afraid of something unexpected, so she went to the hospital early to wait for delivery. Hansen is a rough guy, and he was afraid that Lanqin would not be able to take good care of her if she waited at home.

"Well, baby... Tianen likes babies..." Jiang Tianen said happily.

When I heard about the baby, I was really happier than anyone else.

They kept saying that Lan Qin was the younger sister.

The little guy likes his sister.

Mu Jiu touched her stomach subconsciously, really hoped that this child would be a daughter, how wonderful that would be.

However, no one knows whether she is pregnant with a boy or a girl.

"Does Tianen like your sister very much?" Mu Jiu asked him.

Jiang Tianen nodded obediently. "Well, I really like my sister..."

"Then mother gave Tianen a younger sister, okay?" Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Tianen with a smile and said.

Jiang Tianen looked at his mother half understanding, but he still understood the word "sister" and nodded happily. "Okay, Tianen wants a younger sister."

Mu Jiu took the little guy's hand and placed it on her stomach. "Tianen, Mommy will tell you a secret. There is a baby in Mommy's belly, and that is Tianen's little sister or brother."

The little guy obediently touched his mother's stomach, and murmured in his mouth, sister and brother, his little face was so happy.

The two stayed for a while, and Jiang Dingcheng came in. Every time he saw the warm scene between his son and his wife, he didn't want to break it, but the little guy spent more and more time pestering his wife, and he was a little unhappy.

"Jiang Tianen, I'll take you to find grandma." Jiang Dingcheng immediately picked up his son.

Seeing him like this, Mu Jiu couldn't help laughing.

No matter how old his son is, Jiang Dingcheng just likes to be jealous of his son. Originally, his son was on good terms with his mother, so why would he let his son be his mother's lover in her previous life?

Therefore, a certain big vinegar jar was even more unhappy.

"No, I don't want grandma, I want my sister..." Jiang Tianen said unhappily, not shaking his legs but grabbing his hands.

It's a pity that the little guy can't be his father's opponent.

Jiang Dingcheng carried him like a chicken.

"What sister?" Jiang Dingcheng didn't react for a while.

But when I met my wife's eyes, I understood it all at once. "You told the brat that you're pregnant with a younger sister? It's only been a month or two, how do you know it's a daughter?"

Not long after it was tested, who knows if it is a daughter or a son, or maybe there are more than one?They haven't even gone to the hospital yet.

"Of course I don't know, it's just that Tianen likes my sister, and I like my daughter, don't you?" Mu Jiuna glared at him. If Jiang Dingcheng dared to favor boys over girls, she would definitely not forgive him lightly.

"Of course I like my daughter. It's enough for a brat to snatch you from me. Another one... I really teach them a lesson every day." Jiang Dingcheng said in an unhappy tone.

One son is enough, but several daughters are not enough.

Mu Jiu was relieved, she could tell that Jiang Dingcheng was a daughter slave.

If he really has a daughter in the future, I'm afraid that this father will spoil his daughter.

In addition, the Jiang family has never had a daughter in two generations, so it is conceivable that there will be a daughter by then, and the entire Jiang family will be very precious.

Just thinking about it makes me a little scared.

"Actually, I really don't want to have a daughter anymore. I'm afraid you will surround her and spoil her." Mu Jiu shook her head suddenly and said.

"Then give birth to a few more daughters to distract them." Jiang Dingcheng said jokingly.

Mu Jiu glared at him. "You can give birth by yourself." I don't know how painful it is to have a baby.

Jiang Dingcheng held his son in one hand, and went to hold his wife in his arms with the other. "Jiu'er, do you know? When I accompanied you to give birth to Jiang Tianen, I said... I won't let you have another child, because that kind of pain is good once in a lifetime, but now I'm pregnant again. It was my fault."

Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously.

Mu Jiu knew that his sincerity was absolutely right.

Because Jiang Dingcheng really loves her.

However, giving birth to a child is painful for the first time and will make people die, but it will be smoother the second time. Besides, Mu Jiu really wants a daughter, and Jiang Tianen is quite lonely when he grows up alone.

One more child is more lively.

"I want to give birth to this child myself. I want a daughter." Mu Jiu said seriously.

Well, Jiang Dingcheng also agrees with his wife's idea very much, because he also wants a daughter, who is well-behaved, sensible, cute and beautiful.

The most important thing is to look like Mu Jiu, that's the only way to be beautiful.

"Jiu'er, you said our daughter looks like you, so she must be beautiful." Jiang Dingcheng wondered with infinite longing, who would their daughter look more like, and what it would be like.

Just thinking about it makes me feel hopeful.

"People say that a daughter will be more beautiful if she looks like her father." Mu Jiu said with a smile. "Besides, what if it's another stinky boy? So, don't look forward to it anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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