cute in his palm

Chapter 201: Too Late to Regret

Chapter 201: Too Late to Regret

Guan Xiaotong looked at Mu Jiu who was sitting on the sofa with a strange expression and was smiling happily all the time.

From entering the door to now, I stayed like this for half an hour.

"Xiao Jiujiu, have you won the 500 million grand prize or the designer achievement award, why are you smirking like this?" Guan Xiaotong looked at her seriously and said.

It was agreed to stay at her place tonight, and she giggled like this as soon as she came over.

"Neither of them," Mu Jiu shook her head, looked at her seriously and said.

"If none of these are true, then it's because of...Jiang Dingcheng?" Guan Xiaotong said seriously, staring into Mu Jiu's eyes.

Guan Xiaotong was a little surprised.

But it was also expected.

It seems that Jiang Dingcheng is a man with poison, and he will be poisoned if he touches it.

Therefore, Mu Jiu is completely poisoned by Jiang Dingcheng now, and his emotions become so abnormal because of him, it's like crazy.

"Xiao Jiujiu, tell me the truth, do you... like Jiang Dingcheng?" Guan Xiaotong said seriously while holding her shoulder nervously.

Guan Xiaotong's words awakened the dreamer.

Mu Jiu never seriously thought about this aspect.

"Xiaotong, what nonsense are you talking about? How could you like Jiang Dingcheng? We are a fake marriage, a fake marriage, a fake marriage, do you understand, we are a fake couple, we don't need any feelings." Mu Jiu said very seriously, He purposely emphasized the fake marriage, just to let Guan Xiaotong recognize this fact clearly, and also to let her remember this fact.

They are a fake marriage, a fake couple, so naturally they can't have any real feelings.

"Okay, you just know what's in your heart, you don't need to explain it to me." Guan Xiaotong said while holding down her over-excited mood.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she fell silent.

"Little Jiujiu, even if you can fool the whole world, you still can't fool your own heart. No matter what, you must follow your heart." It was rare for Guan Xiaotong to say such words to her in such a serious manner.

It has always been Guan Xiaotong who is not serious and talks nonsense all day long.

Mu Jiu became more silent.

That's right, even if she can fool the whole world, she can't fool her own heart.

Jiang Dingcheng's influence on her is not 100%, but some.

Maybe now her feelings for him can't be called love, but she can't let go of it anymore, that's why she cares so much about his affairs and cares about him so much.

This fact is something she herself has been unwilling to admit.

If she had known that she couldn't control her heart, and would be tempted by Jiang Dingcheng, she really shouldn't have gotten married like this.

Now, it seems too late to regret.

"Xiao Jiujiu, take your heart back while you can hold it back, Mr. Jiang is not someone who can be tempted casually." Guan Xiaotong said seriously.

Hearing her words, Mu Jiu objected even more silently.

In the past, she always felt that Guan Xiaotong's speech was unreliable, but this time, she was unable to refute her every word of ridicule.

"I know he's not someone I can mess with casually, and I have no intention of really messing with him. It's one thing for him to like men. Because Brother Jinglu is back, I can't let this opportunity go. If I don't work hard, maybe There is really no chance." Mu Jiu said a little downcast.

Shang Jinglu was the point of her hesitation.

As long as Shang Jinglu is present, everything is secondary to Mu Jiu.

"Xiao Jiu, do you really... still plan not to marry someone other than Shang Jinglu?" Guan Xiaotong is really the first and the second eldest now.

Mu Jiu nodded without hesitation.

"Of course." Mu Jiu said without hesitation.

Shang Jinglu was the man she had been attracted to throughout her girlhood, and the man she most wanted to marry when she grew up.

Lost for three years, now I finally hope that he will come back, why should she miss it.

Especially after having a relationship with Jiang Dingcheng, she became more determined in her mind. If she continued to stay with Jiang Dingcheng, she was afraid that it would be even more dangerous.

To be able to leave Jiang Dingcheng's side smoothly, he can only let brother Jinglu help him.

It was agreed at the beginning that as long as the true love between each other appears, then they will go for a divorce.

Because of a momentary fever, she chose to marry Jiang Dingcheng, which was the worst decision she ever made.

She and her brother kept their positions in the Mu family, but they almost lost their hearts.

Therefore, if she didn't leave sooner, she was afraid that she would really fall into it. Jiang Dingcheng was a man she couldn't love.

When one's heart can still hold on, it is most appropriate to stop.

"Xiao Jiu, Shang Jing told him..."

"Don't say anything depressing, I know you don't like Brother Jinglu, but he still has a place in my heart." Mu Jiu said loudly and seriously.

In fact, he said this to make Guan Xiaotong believe it.

"Xiao Jiu, you're clearly treating Mr. Jiang..."

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed." Mu Jiu no longer wanted to continue talking about Jiang Dingcheng with Guan Xiaotong, and now she wanted to delete all the topics about him.

Just like this, Jiang Dingcheng quietly invaded her life, her feelings, this was not what she had imagined at the beginning.

When Guan Xiaotong saw that she strongly refused to say anything about Jiang Dingcheng, she could only shake her head helplessly.

It was she who pulled Mu Jiu into this dilemma.

If he hadn't asked her to be his wife, the matter wouldn't have come to this point.

It's just a coincidence. Mu Jiu married Jiang Dingcheng instead of Jiang Dinghe. This was something she never expected. Jiang Dingcheng's charm value is too high, and he is a real straight man. Any woman Everyone will fall into the trap without knowing it, and Mu Jiu is no exception.

The next day, Mu Jiu woke up early, and saw Guan Xiaotong was already up, grinding coffee in the kitchen.

It is really surprising that this god who sleeps late wakes up so early in the morning for an unprecedented time.

"Xiaotong, did you wake up so early?" Seven o'clock was really too early for Guan Xiaotong, a woman who only considered getting up after nine o'clock every day.

"Well, do you want coffee?" Guan Xiaotong poured the ground coffee powder into the coffee machine and brewed it. She would not tell Mu Jiu that she didn't wake up so early, but she didn't sleep all night.

Because of the catastrophe she caused, she was becoming more and more unable to hold back, so she couldn't see it.

As soon as you close your eyes, you will dream that after knowing the truth, Mu Jiu came to her to settle accounts with a kitchen knife.

Guan Xiaotong, why did you harm me, why did you lie to me.

So, terrible.

"Drink, the coffee you brewed by yourself is not something you can drink casually." Mu Jiu smiled coquettishly, and then sat on the high stool.

"Xiaotong, you are very strange today."

After sitting down for a minute, Mu Jiu realized that Guan Xiaotong had been distracted four or five times.

(End of this chapter)

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