cute in his palm

Chapter 212 Saving the Galaxy

Chapter 212 Saving the Galaxy

When the two of them came out of the sea banquet, Mu Jiu was almost stretched into a ball, and she didn't notice how much Jiang Dingcheng ate for her today.

After getting into the car, Mu Jiu sat on the passenger seat and gently rubbed her belly, while Jiang Dingcheng drove the car calmly.

Rubbing and rubbing, Mu Jiu thought of a strange piece of news she saw on the Internet.

In order to prevent the goddess who has become a girlfriend from being pursued by other men, a man spent two years feeding the goddess into a big fat man, just to make other men stay away.

and so……

"Jiang Dingcheng, you feed me so desperately, do you want to feed me into a big fat man, so that others won't want me anymore?" Of course, Mu Jiu's words were completely joked at Jiang Dingcheng.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Dingcheng nodded and acquiesced with extra seriousness.

"Well, that's a good idea."

What's the matter, she won't be fed into a big fat man.

"I don't want it." After speaking, Mu Jiu pretended to be angry and turned her head to look out of the window. The neon lights were already outside, and she hadn't looked at the night of Huai City like this for a long time.

Sometimes rushing to design until the moon is already on the treetops in the middle of the night, and then rushing home from the company, I don’t have the leisure to look at such a dazzling night outside the window.

The night view of Huai City has always been said to be beautiful.

"Want to go around more?" Jiang Dingcheng saw the longing in her heart, so he asked her.

"Okay." Mu Jiu hadn't visited the night view of Huai City for a long time anyway, and wanted to.

Although she is not in the main design team now, she is still a designer, and the designer is looking for inspiration every day to enrich her design.

Seeing her smiling so happily, Jiang Dingcheng naturally raised the corners of his mouth slightly, forming a particularly nice arc, thinking that after being married for so long, Jiang Dingcheng hadn't bought her any gifts yet, so he drove the car directly to the There in the mall.

"Why are we here at the mall? Do you want to buy something?" Mu Jiu looked at the big sign in the mall and asked him with some doubts.

Jiang Dingcheng smiled and got out of the car directly. "Let's go and buy something with me."

Mu Jiu now feels that the roles of the two of them have been reversed. Originally, it was women who wanted men to accompany them to go shopping, but now Jiang Dingcheng wanted her to accompany them.

However, Mu Jiu is willing to accompany him here.

By the way, she also wanted to show Shang Jinglu a gift, which was the first gift to celebrate his return.

"Jiang Dingcheng, what do you want to buy?"

"I'll know in a while."

Jiang Dingcheng is a person with a strong purpose, and he will do what he thinks right away, so the shopping is the same, he will go directly to jewelry.

And Mu Jiu didn't care much about what he wanted to choose, a pair of beautiful eyes had been staring at men's collar clips and cufflinks since entering the store.

I didn't expect that this store still sells these things, but it can be seen that they are all well-designed, with diamonds and gold, low-key and luxurious, which is quite in line with the temperament of Shang Jing.

She was thinking, should the first gift be a cufflinks collar clip or something else?

It's really confusing.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the latest ring design. You can take a look." The salesman had already shown the diamond ring to Jiang Dingcheng, but when he turned around, he didn't see Mu Jiu by his side, but looked at it at the counter on the other side When she arrived, she was lying on the counter.

I don't know what I'm looking at, so seriously.

"What are they selling over there?" Jiang Dingcheng asked casually.

"Mr. Jiang, over there is our brand's men's accessories area. There are various high-end design collar clips and cufflinks, and they are basically limited editions." The salesman happily introduced, with his eyes fixed on Jiang Dingcheng all the time. His face never moved away.

Jiang Dingcheng, the current president of the Jiang Group, is young, handsome and wealthy. He never thought that he is much younger and more handsome than in the photo. Even though the store is already brightly lit, it still can't hide Jiang Dingcheng's aura.

Really handsome.

If any woman could marry him, it would really save the entire galaxy.

However, I heard that until now Jiang Dingcheng has no girlfriend and no marriage contract. He is a real diamond king, and he has almost zero scandals. A man like this has long since become a rare animal. How many do he have? Let the famous ladies and daughters of his family go forward and throw themselves into his arms one after another.

I really want to know what kind of woman can get into his eyes.

"Oh, is that so?" Jiang Dingcheng responded lightly.

I didn't expect Mu Jiu to go to the men's jewelry counter as soon as she came. It seems that her thoughts are not on him, but she wants to give him a gift.

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Dingcheng burst into fireworks one after another in his heart.

"Put this away for now, come and have a look later." Jiang Dingcheng returned the diamond ring to the salesman, intending to go over to see what Mu Jiu would choose for him.

This was the first time Mu Jiu wanted to give him a gift, and she was a little curious, what would she choose to give him?

"Does Jiang always want to look at the accessories?" The salesman said enthusiastically.

Because Mu Jiu came in a little behind Jiang Dingcheng just now, as soon as she came in, she walked directly towards the men's accessories section, so the shop assistants didn't regard the two of them as a couple.

She didn't know that the woman she thought of as saving the Milky Way was this slightly pretty woman in front of her. She was dressed casually, so it's okay if she wasn't the daughter of a famous lady.

"What are you looking at, Jiu'er?" Jiang Dingcheng walked directly behind Mu Jiu, and said softly, his gaze had already passed over her shoulder and saw something that made her stare.

A pair of beautiful thin diamond cufflinks, very delicate and beautiful.

Therefore, the designer's eyes are so special, and he took a fancy to the best-looking and most special pair at a glance.

"Jiang Dingcheng, do you think this pair of cufflinks looks good?" Mu Jiu was about to ask Jiang Dingcheng to come over to help choose, so he came here by himself, which was exactly what she wanted.

She actually likes several styles here, from cufflinks to collar clips. She can't make a decision all at once. She wants Jiang Dingcheng to choose for herself. After all, men's eyes and women's eyes are somewhat different. .

"Which pair do you like?" Jiang Dingcheng decided to start with Mu Jiu's preferences and choose the one she likes better.

Jiang Dingcheng is usually not a man who focuses too much on these accessories. All his accessories are specially provided by the jewelry company under the group. Luo Yang will go directly to the company to get them back for him every quarter, and he does not need to get them.

Therefore, this is the first time he has entered a physical jewelry store.

"These two pairs are very beautiful, one is a silver scarlet diamond dragon shape, and the other is a pure diamond drop shape, both of them are very special and beautiful." Mu Jiu said with a hint of hesitation in his tone.

She doesn't have any choice phobia, the main reason is that these two are too beautiful, which makes it difficult for her to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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