cute in his palm

Chapter 216 Get out of here

Chapter 216 Get out of here

Hearing Jiang Dingcheng say this, Mu Jiu suddenly felt a burst of glory, and the guilt towards Su Luotong in her heart immediately decreased a lot.

It was originally Su Luotong who provoked him, so she had nothing to do with him.

She was just fighting fire with fire.

"Of course, I will definitely strengthen my abilities in the future, and I won't let anyone bully me too much. Let them know that I also have a temper." Mu Jiu said confidently.

Through this incident, she deeply realized a fact.

People can't blindly tolerate it because they are afraid of trouble. Once this happens, people will be bullied even more. Su Luotong is like this. Every time she bullies herself, she doesn't say a word, bear it for a while, or directly Just avoid it, I don't want to have any confrontation with Su Luotong, but this woman will become more arrogant and bully blindly.

It's all right now, let's see if she dares in the future.

"Well, my Jiu'er has a temper. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, you must tell me." Although Jiang Dingcheng saw that Mu Jiu was capable of protecting herself, what he hoped was that Mu Jiu had something to do with her. He said, and then asked him to teach those who dared to bully her.

In this way, he can be her only support.

"Thank you husband, I know you want to help me, but it doesn't matter, you can save me for a while, but not for the rest of my life." After the divorce, she still has to rely on herself to protect herself, so coveting him The momentary benefits are of no use at all.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard her words, he suddenly fell silent.

Because what Mu Jiu said is not wrong, she has the ability to protect herself, it is better than waiting for someone to save her every time she is in trouble, but he doesn't like her sentence very much, saving it for a while, not forever, because in his life In this world, preparations have been made to protect her for the rest of her life.

"Jiu'er, actually..."

"Jiang Dingcheng, the one in front is my favorite brand of women's clothing." Mu Jiu interrupted Jiang Dingcheng happily.

Jiang Dingcheng looked over by the way, a not too well-known domestic clothing brand, he didn't quite understand, there are many international big-name women's clothing on this floor, Mu Jiu is a designer himself, and Yan Rui's own clothing brand is also there, why? Just chose this brand.

The style is relatively single and simple, and the color is not very prominent, but this brand is taking the comfortable route.

Mu Jiu wouldn't tell Jiang Dingcheng, because the brand Shang Jinglu gave her was the first piece of clothing, so she has always liked this brand, as always, for so many years, even though she is now Yan Rui's designer, except For certain styles, she will buy clothes from famous international brands and Yan Rui's own clothes, and in the rest of the time, she wears more clothes of this brand.

Because the meaning is different.

"I like this brand." Seeing her happy face, Jiang Dingcheng knew the answer was affirmative.

He has limited knowledge of Mu Jiu, so he doesn't know exactly what brands and styles she likes.

"Well, their clothes are comfortable." Mu Jiu simply answered Jiang Dingcheng's words.

This is just one of the reasons.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything, and began to watch her pick out clothes patiently.

From the moment he entered the door, Jiang Dingcheng became the focus of everyone's attention. This is Mr. Jiang of the Jiang Group, and he came to the shopping mall today, so he hurriedly took photos and posted them on Weibo.

As a result, the next day, no accident, there was a photo of Jiang Dingcheng shopping with a mysterious woman on Weibo.

When Gu Xiao saw this photo, he was dating a girl among the flowers.

She deserves to be a good lover of the nation, and she will be accompanied by beautiful girls every day.

A party today, a party tomorrow.

He was the loudest of the five of them, making endless noises.

"Isn't this Mr. Jiang, why is there a woman around him?" A woman next to Gu Xiao said while scrolling through Weibo.

"Yes, this is Mr. Jiang himself."

"Accompany the mysterious woman to buy clothes, wow, I really can't tell, which lady is the woman who can accompany Mr. Jiang himself?"

"I don't look like a young lady, she's just a street vendor."

"Wow, there are still people buying rings here. Could it be... that they are asking for marriage. What kind of woman can capture Mr. Jiang's heart."

"It doesn't look like a decent woman at first glance..."

Before the woman could finish speaking, Gu Xiao snatched her mobile phone with a dark face, and threw it on the ground hard, smashing it to pieces.

"What is a dishonest woman? If you dare to say that my second brother's woman is dishonest, all of you are dishonest." Gu Xiao yelled at her.

Several well-dressed and charming women were suddenly frightened and dumbfounded, and they all looked at Gu Xiao in horror.

This playboy Gu Xiao was recognized as the most temperless and generous young master, but now...he yelled at them.

"Gu, Young Master Gu, please forgive me." The woman was trembling with fright, who would dare to mess with this little ancestor.

If Gu Xiao wants them to get along in Huaicheng, they will not be able to get along. No one can offend this unreasonable little bully. Gu Xiao has been the same little bully since he was a child.

Simply an unreasonable master.

"Damn it, fuck me, hurry up and get the hell out of me. Did you hear me, get out... get out of here, dare to speak ill of my second sister-in-law." Gu Xiao yelled at her angrily. Dao, and even flew up with a kick, but the delicate woman fell to the ground with a groan.

Nima, it really doesn't matter what happens to Gu Xiao, it doesn't matter if the other party is a woman or not, as long as it makes him unhappy, everyone will leave.

These women with no eyesight, want to rely on him to make a scandal, develop their modeling career, and offend the young master. The young master will make them lose their jobs and disappear in Huai City in no time.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Young Master Gu, I, I didn't do it on purpose... I won't dare again."

"Fuck you, be quick, don't let me see it again, it will dirty my eyes." Gu Xiao didn't even bother to look at her again, and then reached out to another woman.

"Gu, Young Master Gu, what are you...?" The woman was quite frightened, thinking that she would be the next woman to fall under Gu Xiao's feet.

******It's too awful.

"Let me take a look at what was discussed just now." Gu Xiao returned to his calm expression, and he still had a goofy look on his face. He never tired of Jiang Dingcheng's gossip.

You must know that Jiang Dingcheng, who has been dubbed as abstinent, wants to dig a gown on his body, which is rare in a hundred years. Now it is a hot search on Weibo. How can he miss such a fun thing.

(End of this chapter)

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