Chapter 22

When Mu Jiu pushed open the door, Jiang Dingcheng had just finished a conference video, and looked down at the time on the bottom right of the computer, which was 19:50.

Didn't you say that you will come back very late after talking today?

So early.

Jiang Dingcheng closed his notebook, looked up at Mu Jiu who was changing shoes in the entrance, his mood was not very high.

"Come back so early?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her.

Mu Jiu changed into her slippers, and walked over with a bag of food.

"You're really so good today, why didn't you go out after staying at home all day?" Mu Jiu smiled when she saw Jiang Dingcheng's cold face.

It is good to have such a handsome husband at home, at least it is eye-catching. When you look at him when you are in a bad mood, you will feel that the world is really beautiful.

"Of course a married man is obedient. Since I am so obedient, there is nothing to reward." Jiang Dingcheng stared at her big bag of things and said, he knew that the bag should be full of food.

"Of course there is a reward. It's really lucky to have such an obedient husband. You didn't eat dinner." Mu Jiu carried her things into the kitchen. The kitchen was clean, and the living room and dining room were clean. Did not eat.

It's almost eight o'clock, and I haven't eaten yet.

"Jiang Dingcheng, aren't you hungry?" Mu Jiu asked him as he poured the vegetables into the sink, then turned and went out to pass the living room.

"Hungry." Jiang Dingcheng answered truthfully.

"Why don't you eat? Don't you know how to do it yourself? You can do takeaway, and restaurants deliver takeaway."

"I've been busy, I forgot." Jiang Dingcheng said with a glance. After Mu Jiu left, he had been holding an international video conference. He held three meetings in a row. He didn't eat anything but drank two cups of coffee.

This woman is very relaxed in front of him, that's what he wants, he doesn't want a woman to be too nervous in front of him, or too pleasing.

Mu Jiu will not, she is very natural.

Probably because she mistook herself as gay, so she got along comfortably.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with his guessing like this. Mu Jiu gets along so comfortably because he thinks that he is a man who doesn't like women, so naturally he has nothing to worry about.

It's as comfortable as suddenly having a sister, but there is still a lack of extra time to understand.

"Very hungry. If I'm not very hungry, I'll change clothes first, and then cook. I'm not full." Mu Jiu simply explained the situation.

Unexpectedly, this vacation is also full of work.

In fact, Mu Jiu was really sorry, because she came here, in order to prevent the relationship between the two of them from going back to Jiang's old house, Jiang Dingcheng let Aunt Zhang go back, so Jiang Dingcheng was hungry all day.

It should be a young master who can't cook.

Jiang Dingcheng nodded, Mu Jiu went straight upstairs, the light footsteps made Jiang Dingcheng feel at ease for a moment.

A woman suddenly appeared in the room, and there was a faint feminine aura in the air. Jiang Dingcheng thought that he could not accept it before, but after two or three days, he felt that it was not bad.

I stayed by myself for a day, and the moment I saw Mu Jiu came back, I felt a sense of peace in my heart, especially when I saw her carrying a big bag of food, just like a little wife returning home from get off work.

It feels good.

After a while, Mu Jiu, who had changed into white home clothes, tied up her hair, revealing her beautiful neck, then smiled faintly at Jiang Dingcheng, and went straight into the kitchen.

Jiang Dingcheng heard the crackling sound inside, and then Mu Jiu's voice came.

"Jiang Dingcheng, if there is anything you don't want to eat, just tell me." Generally, rich people will have some problems with picky eaters, depending on whether it is serious or not.

Jiang Dingcheng got up directly, walked towards the kitchen, then leaned lightly on the door of the kitchen, looking at Mu Jiu who was cutting vegetables in an orderly manner wearing an apron.

"I'm not a picky eater."

"Then it's best, go sit outside for a while, about 10 to [-] minutes will do."

(End of this chapter)

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