Chapter 238

Luo Shiyan was angry, and Mu Jiu was also angry, so the two women stood on the roof, and the surrounding atmosphere was extremely cold.

Mu Jiu drank the cold coffee in the cup in one go, and then prepared to leave.

"Director Luo, I am very grateful to you for your proposal to let me go back. I will consider it carefully. If you think I am rude, just pretend that I didn't mention this matter. I won't blame you." Mu Jiu's attitude changed Very sincere.

After all, she is still in Yan Rui, Luo Shiyan is her boss, this is an unchanging fact.

It's professional ethics to respect your boss, she can't be so willful not to take Luo Shiyan seriously.

Hearing Mu Jiu's tone softened, Luo Shiyan felt a little better, even though Mu Jiu is Jiang Dingcheng's wife, so what, she is the boss here, and Mu Jiu still has to listen to her.

The reason why she would let her come back so mercifully could not be simpler. On the one hand, it was for Ou Sixing's face. After all, this is the apprentice brought out by Ou Sixing. On the other hand, it was for Jiang Dingcheng's sake. Luo Shiyan didn't want to Jiang Dingcheng felt that she was a woman who used power for personal gain.

Although she really has done so.

"Mu Jiu, do you think I'm targeting you on purpose?" The moment Mu Jiu turned around, Luo Shiyan stopped her.

Mu Jiu stopped, didn't turn her head, and shook her head after being silent for a while.

Luo Shiyan was targeting her on purpose, but now Mu Jiu doesn't want to make any comments.

Just when the phone rang, it was Shang Jinglu calling.

After returning from the cemetery that day, I have been busy and have no time to contact him. I originally thought about contacting Shang Jinglu to thank him for saving Mianmian.

"Brother Jinglu." Mu Jiu didn't care about Luo Shiyan standing behind her at all, and answered the phone directly, the emotion on her face became relaxed and happy naturally.

Luo Shiyan didn't care about her answering the phone at first, but the sweet voice of Brother Jinglu made Luo Shiyan jump, her tone was completely different from the tone when she was talking to her just now.

Suddenly thinking of something, he smiled.

Sure enough, Mu Jiu is not a serious girl, she is married to Jiang Dingcheng, but...has an affair with another man.

That kind of tone, no one can hear it like the calling voice of ordinary friends.

Either couples or people who are too close will have it.

What kind of relationship will Mu Jiu have with the man on the phone?

Does Jiang Dingcheng know that man?

"Brother Jinglu, I haven't properly thanked you for what happened that day, so you just left, and I happen to be busy these days, so I don't have time to call you." Mu Jiu didn't go much at all. Taking into account that Luo Shiyan behind her will go to listen to her call.

While going downstairs, he picked up the phone.

Mu Jiu didn't even look back at Luo Shiyan when she left. If she turned her head, she would find a malicious smile on the corner of Luo Shiyan's mouth.

The wind on the roof was a bit strong, but it didn't matter to Luo Shiyan, because at this moment, she was very happy in her heart.

Thinking of what Su Huan said that day, although Luo Shiyan hated it, she had other thoughts.

Su Huan said that she had been chasing Jiang Dingcheng for a long time, and she wanted to see him if Jiang Dingcheng could attend the endorsement banquet this time.

Su Huan is a beautiful, brainless porcelain doll.

This kind of female follower is easy to use, she is not like Mu Jiu, this woman is so difficult to control.

Maybe, this time she can take advantage of this woman.


"Is it because Jiang Dingcheng came over that day, that's why you left unhappy?" Mu Jiu asked Shang Jinglu still uneasy.

"I left first because I had something to do, and I haven't had time to say hello to you." Shang Jinglu felt a little embarrassed when he heard her say this.

Because of Jiang Dingcheng's incident, he himself left that day when he lost control of his emotions. In turn, it was Xiao Jiu who took the initiative to apologize to him, which made him, a big man, lose his face.

"Is that so, aren't you angry because of this?" Mu Jiu still asked a little uneasy.

Jiang Dingcheng's mood was not right that day. She didn't see Shang Jinglu, so she probably guessed that his mood was not much better. What else could they talk about? , the other one should have a worse complexion.

That's why Mu Jiu was more worried about Shang Jinglu.

Because I haven't seen him, I don't know what happened to him.

"Xiao Jiu, so in Xiao Jiu's heart, am I such a narrow-minded man?" Shang Jinglu smiled.

Hearing Shang Jinglu's laughter, a big stone in Mu Jiu's heart dropped.

"No, I didn't say you were such a stingy person, I just... I was just worried that you would get angry." Mu Jiu's mood became better.

Because the unpleasant period with Luo Shiyan just now is over.

"Xiao Jiu, are you caring about me?" Shang Jinglu stopped his smile, became serious, and said to her seriously.

"Brother Jinglu, are you kidding me? I'm worried about you." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Of course she cared about Shang Jinglu, who else would she care about if she didn't care about him?

Mu Jiu doesn't want to show too much enthusiasm now, for fear of frightening Shang Jinglu, she might run away without making a sound like three years ago.

"I know, Xiao Jiu, I've always known."

Shang Jinglu's sudden and thoughtless words made Mu Jiu a little confused.

Could it be, could it be that he had already understood his own mind?
"Brother Jinglu, let's have a meal together, I invite you." Mu Jiu took the initiative to invite him to dinner.

When Shang Jinglu heard this, he immediately agreed, and the smile on the corner of his mouth widened.

"Okay, you decide the place."

Mu Jiu hung up the phone happily, and she didn't become a little happier until today.

I looked at the time, and it was almost noon anyway, so let's go straight to dinner.

When I went downstairs, I saw Fang Caicai researching what to eat for lunch. Recently, this girl is not fascinated by the cafeteria, but started to be obsessed with all kinds of fast food outside.

"Sister Mu, what do you eat in the cafeteria for lunch? I'll order it for you." Seeing Mu Jiu come in, Fang Caicai immediately asked her excitedly.

Mu Jiu shook his head. "No, I'll go out to eat later."

"Having a big meal, with my brother-in-law... Oh no, is it Mr. Jiang?" Fang Caicai was originally interested in Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng's affairs, but Jiang Dingcheng was the one who came together, so let's forget it.

You can be curious about some things, but you must not be curious about some things, otherwise you will die very quickly.

For example, it is best not to go to the private affairs of Bagua Jiang Dingcheng.

Ba Gua Jiang Ding's private affairs may even cost his life. Ba Gua is precious, but saving his life is more important.

(End of this chapter)

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