cute in his palm

Chapter 258 The Excuse Is Too Bad

Chapter 258 The Excuse Is Too Bad

Mu Yijie knew that it was his own negligence, and he didn't care what Guan Linlin was talking about. In the end, he let this girl take advantage of her loopholes. She probably said that she wanted to go to the countryside with him, and he agreed.

No wonder there was a time when Guan Linlin was so excited that she almost jumped out. It should be when he agreed to this matter. At that time, all he could think about was to go back to visit his brother earlier, so he didn't care what this girl was talking about. .

Guan Linlin was born with handsome facial features, especially her big black eyes, which are exceptionally beautiful, but now there is such a mist, and she looks like she is about to cry, which is really disturbing.

What Mu Yijie hates the most is that women cry and talk too much and make trouble for no reason, but Guan Linlin takes up two of them. It would be great if he was like his sister Mu Jiu. If you don't cry or make trouble forever, there will be less talk, just be with his mother It's a little loud when it's arguing.

Mu Yijie never stood on his mother's side, because he knew how unreasonable his mother was. Knowing that his sister was allergic to rose pollen, he deliberately asked people to plant all kinds of roses in the garden. For this reason, Yijie got up in the middle of the night and pulled out the rows of roses closest to her sister's window.

"Yijie, how can you...don't count your words?" Guan Linlin tried her best to hold back her tears, because she knew that Mu Yijie hated girls crying the most, and she didn't like to see girls crying. Tears, so this little girl who always cried when she was wronged, as long as she endured internal injuries in front of Mu Yijie, she did not dare to shed a tear, because she was afraid that he would hate her.

"Yijie, if you really promise to go to the countryside with Linlin to play, you can't break your promise. You are a boy, you have to keep your word." Mu Jiu felt a little distressed when she saw Guan Linlin's wronged sample Oh, but Mu Yijie, a stinky brat, is so hard-hearted that he can't see it.

Mu Jiu also doesn't have the bad taste of assigning CPs to people, unlike Guan Xiaotong who after hearing Guan Linlin said that he likes Mu Yijie, he made various CPs of them. Please, when they met for the first time, it seemed like It's like five or six years old. Little kids know what to marry or not to marry.

However, because of Guan Linlin's persistence for so many years, Mu Jiu was also a little moved. Mu Yijie, who usually looks like an iceberg boy, had no friends around him since kindergarten, because no one dared to approach him. Ever since Guan Linlin After appearing, it was the first time that he dared to approach him without fear of death.

I really like Guan Linlin's courage.

"Sister, why are you helping this girl, Guan Linlin? I don't remember promising her at all. Don't you know what kind of person I am? If I really promised something, I will definitely do it. "Mu Yijie glanced at Mu Jiu with some embarrassment and said.

"Well, I'm the eldest brother. Let me tell you, don't you have seven days for this vacation? The weather is also good during this time. I asked the doctor. As long as I don't get any stimulation, I can actually be discharged from the hospital, so I Let's go to the countryside with you to get some fresh air." Mu Liangchen looked at the various emotions of the two little ones, and he, the big brother, should stand up and say something.

"Brother, how can you be like this..."

"Xiao Jiu, don't try to persuade me anymore. I'm actually fine. If you don't believe me, you can go to the doctor and ask. In fact, it's not a good thing to be bored in this hospital all day. Going outside to get some air is not good for my condition. Better." Mu Liangchen said calmly.

In fact, he wanted to leave the hospital early in the morning, if Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng didn't stop him.

Jiang Dingcheng talked with him, and the experts in the United States have already contacted him. He can leave here at any time.

Mu Liangchen is very grateful to Jiang Dingcheng for being so attentive to his affairs, but he needs to think carefully about flying directly to the surgery.

"Yes, what brother Liangchen said is also correct. In fact, when the patient is sick, it is more appropriate to go out for a while, get some fresh air, and it will be of great help to his recovery." Guan Xiao Tong said from the side.

Mu Jiu glanced at her, "You have become a nursing expert now, let me see."

Guan Xiaotong chuckled twice and completely accepted Mu Jiu's compliment.

"Okay, I'll ask the doctor later, this is Dingcheng's porridge, brother, you can drink some." Mu Jiu took the thermos box and walked to the small table, Guan Xiaotong immediately came over.

"Come on, I'll pour it for brother Liangchen." Guan Xiaotong, who had nothing to do and was so courteous, naturally ran over to snatch the insulated box from Mu Jiu's hand.

Mu Jiu cast her a blank stare helplessly, but still handed her the thermos box.

"You can come here, be careful."

Mu Jiu knew that Guan Xiaotong, an overly enthusiastic girl, would rush to do this.

"Wow, Boss Jiang can cook porridge, he is really a good husband at home." Guan Xiaotong kept praising him.

"Guan Xiaotong, if Jiang Dingcheng hears this, he will be happy." Mu Jiu couldn't help but said with a smile.

Seeing Guan Xiaotong bring the porridge to her brother, Mu Jiu planned to talk to the doctor by herself. In fact, she would also like her brother to go out for a while. My brother was born to belong to nature. His painting skills are so good that everyone who enters The scenery beyond his eyes will be vividly reproduced on the drawing paper.

Mu Jiu now just hopes that her brother can recover from his illness, and then travel all over the great mountains and rivers of the motherland, and draw all the beautiful scenery in the picture album.

That's enough.

"Wait, Xiao Jiu, I'll go with you." Guan Xiaotong stuffed the porridge bowl into Mu Yijie's hand, and ran out with Mu Jiu.

In fact, Mu Jiu doesn't really want to be alone with Guan Xiaotong right now, the previous phone call made her a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Jiujiu, don't go so fast, I have something to ask you." Guan Xiaotong ran over and grabbed Mu Jiu's hand.

"What's the matter, go to my brother's attending doctor first." Mu Jiu naturally knew what this impatient woman wanted to ask herself, but now she didn't want to mention that matter at all.

Although the two are good friends, Mu Jiu still feels a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Jiujiu, there is no way to escape. What you said to me on the phone very wrong!" Guan Xiaotong said, staring at Mu Jiu closely.

Sure enough, that's what I came to ask.

Mu Jiu was dazed for a moment when she stared at her so directly, and didn't know how to answer her question.

"There's nothing wrong, it's just a sudden curiosity, after all...he is such a person, I just want to understand their world." Mu Jiu couldn't find words to deal with it, so he just made an excuse.

That's a really bad excuse.

Did Guan Xiaotong not believe it when he heard such an answer?
She is someone who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and she cannot be convinced by just making an excuse.

(End of this chapter)

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