cute in his palm

Chapter 262 Are You Not Qualified?

Chapter 262 Are You Not Qualified?

After coming out of the hospital, Mu Jiu drove Mu Yijie home, and Qin Kefang had already called several times to remind her.

Mu Yijie sat in the passenger seat with some annoyance and frowned.

"Why, your mother called?"

Mu Jiu said to him while driving the car.

Mu Yijie frowned even harder.

"I really don't understand why there are women who talk so much like my mother and Guan Linlin?" Mu Yijie looked out the car window in confusion, and then frowned.

This look made Mu Jiu feel funny.

This is obviously a child, where does so much sentimentality come from.

"Xiaojie, Linlin is Thirteen's little girl, she's not a woman yet, don't put that kind of label on her." Mu Jiu couldn't help correcting his point of view.

"Understood." Mu Yijie muttered in dissatisfaction.

Mu Jiu just finds it funny, children nowadays are so precocious in their hearts and so direct in their mouths?
Still unwilling?

"I'll take you back directly, or take you to dinner first." Mu Jiu looked at the time, and when it was time for lunch, they hadn't eaten together for a long time.

"I also want to eat outside, but if I don't go back, the phone will keep ringing, I really want to throw it away."

"Then my phone will keep ringing, so forget it, I'll send you back, anyway, it's a week's vacation, how can I treat you to dinner again." Mu Jiu thought for a while, then shook her head.

She didn't want Mu's phone ringing on her cell phone all the time.

You must know that Qin Kefang usually would not call her in person, but would let the servants play her calls every 5 minutes to quarrel with her.

Mu Jiu really didn't want Qin Kefang to behave like this, so after thinking about it, forget it.
"Sister, let's have dinner at home at noon today. I haven't had dinner with you for a long time." Mu Yijie looked at her expectantly and said.

Mu Jiu smiled and refused.

"Of course it's been a long time. You left in a hurry last time on vacation. It's been two months since we had a meal together, so what do you think?" Mu Jiu said with a faint smile at him. .

He was obviously Qin Kefang's son, no matter how much she hated him when she was a child, but later on she hated him less and less.

Because Mu Yijie sincerely wanted to treat her as his own sister.

"Okay, the holiday will be longer that time. If you have time, you can call me. I want to have a big meal." Mu Yijie decided to let his sister go this time.

In fact, he knew that if Mu Jiu and Qin Kefang sat at the same table, they would definitely quarrel.

And the final result is that one throws the bowl and the other chopsticks.

Children from other people's families have heard their parents quarreling and throwing things a lot since they were young. What he has heard most since he was a child is his mother and half-sister arguing.

When he was a child, Mu Yijie didn't understand, but when he grew up, he understood why this happened.

One is that his mother's temper has always been unreasonable, and the other is that Mu Yijie felt a little guilty because his mother came over and snatched things that belonged to his sister and brother.

"Okay, I will eat a big meal, let your brother-in-law treat you to a seafood meal, but you should take care of Linlin's affairs first, if you promised the little girl to go to the countryside for a picnic, don't break your promise, man Don't you have such courage?" Mu Jiu is driving now, otherwise she would really reach out and pat him on the shoulder, this child is the pride of their family.

"Don't worry about Guan Linlin's affairs, sister." Mu Yijie pursed his mouth and said.

As soon as Guan Linlin was mentioned, that girl became very annoying.

From elementary school to now, there is not a day that is not boring.

However, after a long time and a lot of trouble, he found that he was immune to her affairs.

Anyway, if one day this girl doesn't bother him, there will be something abnormal on the contrary.

"Okay, that's a matter between you, I don't bother to care about it, anyway, as long as you don't bully Linlin, I will be thankful." Mu Jiu can talk about various things calmly with Mu Yijie, but she just can't talk to Qin Kefang There are also Su brothers and sisters talking about it.

"Whatever is best, if Guan Linlin knows that you are the only one I can rely on, then I will have an even less happy birthday." The little boy's face was full of sorrow.

When Mu Jiu saw it, she was both funny and annoyed.

Suddenly, she thought of another self.

When she first entered junior high school, she fell in love with Shang Jinglu the first time she saw him. He is such an excellent senior in No. [-] Middle School.

After getting to know each other slowly, I found out that the merchant and the Mu family still have some friendship, and then this girl, who never liked to attend banquets, began to agree to accompany Mu Andong to various banquets, provided that the merchant or Shang Jinglu would be present. She will go.

Just to refresh my sense of existence.

If I had been around Shang Jinglu like Guan Linlin back then, talking endlessly all day, would he have annoyed me, but would have remembered me deeply? The position in Jing Lu's heart is different.

All the good memories back then were because she was not brave enough. In fact, she only needed to take that one step, but she even missed the last chance at that time.

"Sister, what are you thinking about?" Mu Yijie saw that Mu Jiu fell silent suddenly, and couldn't help asking her, she is driving now, if she loses her mind, something will happen.

"Oh no, I was just thinking..."

Before Mu Jiu could finish speaking, Mu Yijie interrupted directly. "Are you thinking about brother-in-law, or brother Jinglu?"

"Mu Yijie, I found that you are getting more and more goofy. Did Linlin say too much gossip next to you?" Mu Jiu jokingly said.

"Don't involve Guan Linlin in everything, OK, what should I ask you now?"

"In order to satisfy your curiosity, let me tell you, the answer is your guess." Mu Jiu said with a smile.

Sometimes it's a joy to tease Mu Yijie, who has a paralyzed and cold face.

When she was a child, in order to get revenge on Qin Kefang, she really hit Mu Yijie, but the obedient child didn't mind at all, and after the beating, Mu Jiu's heart softened and she couldn't do anything.

"I guess?" Mu Yijie would never guess such a low IQ thing.

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it, anyway, you don't have the right to choose brother Jinglu now." Mu Yijie said lightly.

As a child, I really have a very bad quality, that is, childish words.

Dare to speak directly about anything.

She is married now, before she and Jiang Dingcheng divorced this fake marriage, is she really not qualified to pursue Shang Jinglu?

"Sister, I said something I shouldn't, are you angry?"

"No, we're home."

(End of this chapter)

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