cute in his palm

Chapter 274 Met By Accident

Chapter 274 Met By Accident

When Mu Jiu arrived at Ou Sixing's office, no one else was there, so she went to find Luo Shiyan, Mu Jiu didn't want to see Luo Shiyan now, since the last time we met on the rooftop, what Luo Shiyan said to her made Mu Jiu feel very upset Depressed, not well now, so I have no intention of going to see her.

If she had known that Ou Sixing was looking for Luo Shiyan earlier, she would not have come to look for Ou Siyan so early.

Sitting there and waiting for almost half an hour, but still didn't see that Ou Sixing wanted to come back, Mu Jiu thought about it and decided to go to Luo Shiyan's office to find him.

She wanted to ask clearly about Su Huan's endorsement.

If Su Huan's affairs were not clarified, she would not be in a good mood today.

Su Huan's reputation is great, but it is not the only choice.

"Sixing, do you always think I'm capricious?"

When Mu Jiu walked to the door of Luo Shiyan's office, she heard Luo Shiyan's extremely angry voice. It sounded extraordinarily angry, but she didn't know what the two of them said that would make Luo Shiyan so angry.

So, Mu Jiu stopped where she was, wondering if she should continue to knock on the door.

She was afraid that if she heard something she shouldn't have heard, it would make Luo Shiyan's resentment towards her even deeper.

"Shiyan, you know that's not what I mean. No matter what you do, I never feel self-willed or unreasonable." Ou Sixing's voice has always been very gentle, especially when facing Luo Shiyan.

Mu Jiu can easily understand this point.

Ou Sixing likes Luo Shiyan very much, that's why he follows her in everything like this, and he speaks so softly. Ou Sixing's temperament is very soft, and his voice is rarely angry, unless there is someone Things made him lose his temper, such as at the show.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, his tone is very gentle.

It's just that it's even worse in front of Luo Shiyan.

Only then did he know that the stylist Ou Si Neng is his younger brother, but the two people's personalities are really different.

"Then you still think that I was capricious in kicking Mu Jiu out?" This was Luo Shiyan's voice, accusing Ou Sixing of his words to her.

Luo Shiyan is a proud young lady, there is nothing that can be difficult to get her since she was a child, except for Jiang Dingcheng.

Ou Sixing fell silent all of a sudden, and didn't want to speak for a long time.

Just when Mu Jiu thought the conversation between the two of them was over and was about to knock on the door, Luo Shiyan spoke again.

"Yes, what you said is right. I am self-willed. I am targeting that woman Mu Jiu. I just can't see through her. Why did Ding Cheng marry her? I have loved Ding Cheng for so many years, and now I finally have a chance I can return to his side, but a wild woman who came out of nowhere snatched the promise, I am not happy! Now I have the opportunity to treat her, why should I let it go?" Luo Shiyan couldn't control her emotions roared.

Every word and every word is stuck in Mu Jiu's heart.

Originally, she knew that Luo Shiyan was targeting her, but she never thought that she would feel like this after hearing it from her mouth.

It was very uncomfortable, and I looked a little out of breath.

"Shiyan, don't worry, I know you are talking angry." Ou Sixing's comforting words were completely useless to Luo Shiyan, but made her mood more unstable.

"Angry words? Do you think they are angry words? What I said is true. You have always known that my favorite is Dingcheng. It was before, it is now, and it will be even more in the future. I will never fall in love with him again. Any man." Luo Shiyan's words were so direct and vicious that it pierced Ou Sixing's heart like a poisonous needle.

Ou Sixing liked her, and he didn't hide it deliberately, and Luo Shiyan also hinted that he would give up, because it was impossible for the two of them, but no matter what Luo Shiyan said before, it didn't matter to him, because it was his unilateral and willing contribution , and did not expect an equal return.

It's just that it's hard for her to say it so directly and fruitfully now.

Mu Jiu didn't want to listen to what they said, so she turned around and left.

When I walked downstairs, I received a call from Tao Mian.


"Xiao Jiu, there is something I want to tell you. Are you free today?" Tao Mian spoke cleanly and without any hesitation.

If Tao Mian said something happened, it must be a big deal.

Mu Jiu understands this very well.

"Mianmian, tell me, I have time." Mu Jiu said seriously.

Tao Mian on the other end was silent for a moment, then spoke. "Let's meet, let's talk."

Mu Jiu nodded without hesitation, knowing that this matter was not a joke.

"Okay, let's meet at Blue Bay." Mu Jiu mentioned a place.

Originally, she wanted to go to girlfriends' time, but when she thought that Guan Xiaotong was there, it would be bad if Tao Mian was going to tell her something private.

"Well, whoever arrives first will wait." Tao Mian hung up the phone after speaking.

Mu Jiu stood there holding the phone for a few seconds. Go see Tao Mian first. I don't know what she wants to tell her. Anyway, she is not in the mood to think too much about Su Huan's endorsement. Let Ou Sixing let them go.

Judging from the current situation, Ou Sixing and Luo Shiyan still need a lot of time to deal with their affairs, and she doesn't want to disturb them for the time being.

As long as Su Huan doesn't come to bother him now, let's do this first.

After explaining to Fang Caicai, she took her bag and went out.

It takes a few minutes to drive to Lanwan. This cafe is not far from Yan Rui, and it is an old shop that has been open for many years.

Mu Jiu parked the car, took her bag and went directly to the cafe to wait for Tao Mian.

Unexpectedly, when entering the coffee shop, he unexpectedly bumped into Shang Jinglu, he was the one who saw Mu Jiu first, and waved to her.

"Little Jiu."

As soon as Shang Jinglu's unique and pleasant voice came, Mu Jiu recognized it immediately, looked along the source of the sound, and saw Shang Jinglu in formal attire, looking at Shang Jinglu with a smile.

However, when she saw a young and beautiful woman sitting opposite him, the smile on Mu Jiu's face froze. It turned out that he was not alone.

If it's a woman Shang Jinglu is planning to develop, it's okay, because she looks really temperamental, and it's very right to stand with Shang Jinglu.

However, that woman was completely unfamiliar to Mu Jiu.

Regardless of whether Shang Jinglu was discussing official or private matters, she was embarrassed to go over.

"Xiao Jiu, why don't you come over?" Seeing that Mu Jiu had no intention of going over, Shang Jinglu got up and walked over by himself, walking in front of Mu Jiu.

(End of this chapter)

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