cute in his palm

Chapter 283 Like an Old Husband and Wife

Chapter 283 Like an Old Husband and Wife
Seeing Mu Jiu's sad appearance, Jiang Dingcheng felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. He wanted to comfort her, but found that there was nothing he could do.

No one can tell him what terrible nightmare Xiaoyou dreamed about, and then he can directly help her get rid of the nightmare.

Jiang Dingcheng knew very early on that when a person sleeps curled up when sleeping, and often has nightmares and tears, it means that this person is very insecure.

Now Xiaoyou is in such a situation.

She acted very insecure.

Jiang Dingcheng can't do too many things, the only thing he can do is reach out and touch her face, and then hold her hand so that it can give her the most sense of security.

Sure enough, Mu Jiu's mood became much quieter.

"Sleep, Jiu'er, with me here, I will take good care of you, nothing will happen." Jiang Dingcheng spoke to her softly while holding her hand.

Maybe his words had an effect, maybe Xiaoyou's own nightmare was over, so her expression became much calmer.

Mu Jiu slept very restlessly that night, dreaming back and forth about everything related to that woman, sometimes taking them to play, sometimes abandoning her and her brother, and complaining about their brother and sister.

Anyway, too many emotions, true and false, appeared back and forth in her dream.

Mu Jiu slept restlessly, and Jiang Dingcheng, who was always by her side, didn't close his eyes. He was more worried than anyone else when he saw Mu Jiu's restless rambling dreams.

Mu Jiu's dream was messy and long, but she always felt a pair of big and gentle hands holding her hand, which made her not so afraid.

When I woke up in the morning, there was no one around, but the warm feeling on my hand was still there.

Mu Jiu sat up and patted her head. Her head hurt and her eyes felt uncomfortable. When she went to the bathroom, she found that her eyes were swollen.

It was red and swollen like crying all night.

She took a handful of cold water and splashed it directly on her face. Whether she was crying in a dream last night, or really crying out, she was a little unclear now.

The melon seeds in the head are booming.

However, I remember very clearly that I dreamed of the woman when she left, she was very beautiful, but she left very resolutely, with no intention of turning back at all.

That time, the woman left her most beautiful side in her impression, but it also made Mu Jiu hate that pretty face to the core.

"Jiu'er, are you awake?" Jiang Dingcheng's voice sounded from outside.

After Mu Jiu heard his voice, she immediately turned off the faucet.

"I'm awake, I'm washing my face, I'll go out later." Mu Jiu responded to him.

"Okay, breakfast is ready, come out for breakfast later." Jiang Dingcheng left after finishing speaking.

Hearing the sound of footsteps that were fading away, Mu Jiu took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror again. The red and swollen eyes clearly told her that she cried for a long time when she fell asleep yesterday, hoping that Jiang Dingcheng should not be by his side, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to talk about it.

It's just that I really cried all night because of that woman. In my heart, do I hate her?Still looking forward to her return.

At this moment, even she herself couldn't figure it out.

Because from the very beginning, she has been using a look of resentment to hide her expectation and love for her. In this world, no child really hates her parents.

Just like, no parent would really be willing to part with their children. This kind of family relationship is hard to cut off.

Maybe I am the same as my brother in my heart, looking forward to seeing that woman, but she has been unwilling to admit it, and then blindfolded herself with hatred.

After washing her eyes, Mu Jiu rubbed her eyes with a hot towel for a while, making sure they were not so swollen before going downstairs.

Jiang Dingcheng was already standing at the dining table waiting for her, and the breakfast at the table made people feel particularly good.

"Jiu'er, come and have breakfast." Jiang Dingcheng saw her going downstairs, called her, and started serving porridge.

Mu Jiu still went in a somewhat unnatural way, always worried that Jiang Dingcheng would see her swollen eyes too obviously, and then asked her what was wrong, but she didn't know how to answer this question herself.

"Well, thank you." Mu Jiu looked at the hot porridge and fried eggs in front of her, and then looked at Jiang Dingcheng gratefully.

"Drink soy milk first." Jiang Dingcheng handed a cup of warm soy milk to her hand.

"En. Good." Mu Jiu was a little distracted, and Jiang Dingcheng didn't seem to notice her swollen eyes at all. Could it be that he was thinking too much, but in fact Jiang Dingcheng didn't care much about himself.

In other words, her eye swelling is not serious at all, is she thinking too much?
"Jiu'er, did you sleep well yesterday?" Jiang Dingcheng sat down, looked into Mu Jiu's eyes and asked.

It was so red and swollen that he cried all night last night. Although he shed tears silently, it broke Jiang Dingcheng's heart, and he was in pain.

I thought about waking her up, but I didn't dare to do so. If the nightmare woke her up, she would easily be immersed in the pain and couldn't extricate herself.

"Well, that...not bad." Upon hearing Jiang Dingcheng's question like this, Mu Jiu lowered her head subconsciously, not wanting him to see her eyes, and then said hesitantly.

"If your eyes are uncomfortable, rub them with this hot egg." Jiang Dingcheng took two boiled eggs and placed them in front of Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu's face turned red all of a sudden. It turned out that Jiang Dingcheng had discovered it early in the morning, but she didn't say it directly to save her face. She was so clever that she thought Jiang Dingcheng didn't see it?It is simply whimsical.

"I, I know, my eyes are fine... My eyes will become swollen after sleeping for a long time." Mu Jiu explained in a low voice.

Although this explanation is too far-fetched.

"I know, the eyes are equally uncomfortable if you don't sleep well or sleep too much." Jiang Dingcheng didn't mention a word about last night when he kept an eye on her, and watched her shed tears all night.

Because if something like this is said, it will make Mu Jiu very uncomfortable.

He loves her, and to protect her, he also needs to protect her self-esteem.

"In the future, don't go to bed too early." Jiang Dingcheng said half-jokingly,

The tense atmosphere at the breakfast table suddenly became much more relaxed.

"Well, good, soy milk is really delicious." Mu Jiu changed the topic.

"This is a mixture of soybeans and soybeans. It has double the nutrition. Drink more." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

Their current life is too much like that of an old couple, only Mu Jiu hasn't discovered it yet.

(End of this chapter)

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