cute in his palm

Chapter 297 The Best Feeling

Chapter 297 The Best Feeling
Mu Jiu finished her breakfast in such a state of almost collapse, and then got into the car with an extremely uneasy mood, Jiang Dingcheng took all of her performance into his eyes.

The reason why Mu Jiu is so restless, he thinks he knows better than anyone else.

However, it's rare to see her family and friends together this time, why would he miss it? No matter what attitude Mu Jiu holds, he must go anyway, and opportunities like this don't come often, so why don't you cherish them? okay.

"Jiang Dingcheng, do you really want to go with us?" Mu Jiu said again unwillingly, really hoping that he would blurt out, I won't go, I just sent you there.

But the reality is often far from the imagination, Jiang Dingcheng did not give her hope. "Of course I will accompany you. This kind of opportunity is rare."

After a pause, Jiang Dingcheng looked at Mu Jiu again, "It's still Jiu'er, you don't want me to go?"

When Jiang Dingcheng asked so directly, Mu Jiu almost blurted out, of course she didn't want him to go, but finally she shook her head and denied it. "Why don't you want to go? It's too late for me to be happy if you go together."

One must know that she had asked Jiang Dingcheng herself if she wanted to go, and Jiang Dingcheng could agree, but now if she repented, it would be her breaking her word.

"Are you happy?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her flustered face, and smiled lightly.

Mu Jiu nodded helplessly.

"If you're happy, I'll do more things to make Jiu'er happy in the future, okay?" Jiang Dingcheng said half-truthfully.

Mu Jiu didn't speak any more, and went to the entrance of the supermarket in the central area in silence, and saw Guan Xiaotong and Guan Linlin from a distance.

"Sister Xiaojiu, we're here." Guan Linlin happily shouted at Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiubeng's emotions slowly eased over the morning.

Get out of the car and walk in front of Guan Linlin and the others.

"Is it just the two of you?" Mu Jiu asked strangely seeing that there was no one else between the two of them.

She had contacted Tao Mian before, and Tao Mian also had time to play together, and she had been away for four years and returned to China for a while, and had never been to other places except in the bureau and Tao's house.

So I want to go and have fun, but I don’t have to come early, maybe I will go to the farm directly later.

"Sister Xiaojiu, Yijie hasn't come yet?" Guan Linlin cared most about Mu Yijie, as for the others, she didn't have much thought to take care of them.

"You little girl, your Yijie is the only one in my heart, where else is there?" Guan Xiaotong pressed Guan Linlin directly on the forehead.

"Sister, what do you mean?" Guan Linlin immediately became embarrassed, gave her a big look, and then blushed and looked extremely shy.

"What do I mean, don't you know? Little girl, the bigger the film, the more obvious her thoughts are. Do I need to say more?" Guan Xiaotong patted her head and said.

"If you don't believe me, just ask your sister Xiaojiu." Guan Xiaotong continued, just making fun of her own sister.

Guan Linlin pouted and glared at her sister, this Guan Xiaotong didn't look like a sister, she only knew how to make fun of her every time, it was too bad.

"Xiao Jiu, do you think I'm right? Guan Linlin now looks like she's not going to marry unless you're Xiaojie. Could it be that I'm wrong?" Guan Xiaotong said to Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu nodded and said with a smile.

Regarding the matter between Mu Yijie and Guan Linlin, she is actually neutral, neither supporting nor opposing, after all, she is still a child, but after learning about Mu Yijie's attitude towards Guan Linlin in the hospital, he actually I am very willing to see this pair of villains.

The relationship between childhood sweethearts is always the purest and most beautiful. If the relationship between the two little guys can develop to the end, Mu Jiu is willing to support it.

Don't be like her relationship with Shang Jinglu, who has to go through so many hardships, and finally don't know if they can be together.

Mu Yijie went to the hospital to pick up Mu Liangchen, so he will be late. Mu Jiu already knew that Mu Liangchen's mood is stable now, and it's good to go out to the countryside to get some fresh air.

"Sister Xiaojiu, brother-in-law is here." Guan Linlin looked at Jiang Dingcheng who was walking over, and said happily.

From this point of view, Jiang Dingcheng is really handsome, much handsomer than Brother Liangchen.

However, only such a man can be worthy of sister Mu Jiu.

Handsome guys match beautiful women.

"Yeah." Mu Jiu nodded.

"Good morning." Jiang Dingcheng came over to look at them and greeted them.

"Good morning, brother-in-law." Guan Linlin's mouth was sweeter than Guan Xiaotong's.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng was happier than anyone else.

It seems that they are recognized in their hearts.

"Xiaojie and the others won't arrive in a while, let's go shopping in the supermarket first." Mu Jiu glanced at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

"You guys go in first, I want to wait for Yijie." Guan Linlin focused all her attention on Mu Yijie, and if she agreed to meet here, she naturally chose to wait for him.

It's just that as soon as her words came out, Guan Xiaotong slapped her on the head.

"You know when you have to go in together, and then you will know what Mu Yijie likes to eat." Guan Xiaotong said directly.

How can I let Guan Linlin, a stupid girl, stay alone at the entrance of this supermarket? What if she is kidnapped? The stupid girl who was able to go away with others for a lollipop when she was a child has such a younger sister. But you can't worry.

If Guan Linlin was lost, Guan Xiaotong would not be able to explain to his uncle and aunt.

Pay yourself to them, they may not want it.

"Yes." Guan Linlin said with her mouth flattened, but her face was still glowing with happiness, because only she knew best what snacks Mu Yijie liked to eat.

After entering the supermarket, it was automatic, the sisters from the official family took a shopping cart, and the Jiang couple took a shopping cart.

"Xiaotong, you and Linlin go to buy snacks, and we go to buy fruits and drinks." Mu Jiu directly divided the work.

"Okay, let's go buy snacks. Is it okay to eat anything like this?" Guan Linlin said excitedly. You must know that when she is at home, the elders of the official family have always been very strict with her snacks. She is not allowed to eat any junk food with additives, and can only eat it secretly. If she finds out, she will be punished.

"Yes, you can take whatever you want." Mu Jiu nodded and agreed.

The children nowadays are really pitiful. Parents control them with shackles that are good for them. They are not allowed to do this or that. It really makes people feel distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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