Chapter 300
Guan Xiaotong didn't understand, he just went to the bathroom, and Gu Xiao came out, where did he come from, and what did Gu Xiao mean by appearing here.

Does he also want to go to the country farm with them?

Guan Xiaotong hadn't heard that Gu Xiao was one of them at the beginning, did no one tell her what was going on?
"Guan Xiaotong, the lady of the official family, so this should be the youngest lady of the official family, Miss Guan Wu, right?" Gu Xiao said looking at Guan Linlin who was obstinately hidden by Guan Xiaotong.

The little girl looks really pretty, her big eyes are black and white, she is very beautiful.

"En." Guan Xiaotong nodded lightly, then turned to look at Guan Linlin.

"Linlin, come to see Master Gu."

"Master Gu, good." Guan Linlin usually rarely sees strangers, but Hao Jiu is a lady from the official family, so she is very generous.

"Hello, little girl, your sister is my second sister-in-law's best friend, and you will be my sister in the future. If you need help from your brother, please tell me." When Gu Xiao wanted to reach out to touch her head , Gu Linlin dodged.

Except for the elders in the family, her head has never been touched by other members of the opposite sex. Of course, Mu Yijie has touched her head, but at most Mu Yijie just patted her on the head. Sometimes she did something to make Mu Yijie touch her head. When Yijie was angry.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go." Mu Jiu interrupted them.

Now she has a deep sense of worry that Gu Xiao will not stop when she arrives at the farm, and she will definitely be very noisy at that time.

No one could be his opponent, except for Guan Xiaotong who should be able to deal with it.

So it seems that going to the farm this time will be very different.

"How to take the car."

"For the sake of environmental protection, we will drive two cars. My brother and Xiaojie will take Xiaotong's car, and Gu Xiao, you can take our car." Mu Jiu said.

"Okay, Second Sister-in-law." Gu Xiao was very satisfied with this arrangement, and he would be even more satisfied if he could take the official sister's car, because it would not be boring.

It must be boring to sit in the same car with the second brother.

There is no need to turn on the air conditioner in the car.

Sure enough, as Mu Jiu expected, after having Gu Xiao along the way, their car was full of excitement.

In the beginning, Jiang Dingcheng was driving the car, and Gu Xiao sat in the back and kept chatting with Mu Jiu, talking about everything from all over the world, which made Jiang Dingcheng extremely depressed.

Halfway through the drive, Gu Xiao was asked to drive, Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu sat in the back row, and Gu Xiao, who was driving, was forbidden to speak.

This is a lot quieter.

Then Gu Xiao, who was forced to become a driver, could only drive the car seriously, and then watched the couple in the back seat chatting affectionately and whispering affectionately. up.

Gu Xiao arrived at the farm depressed like this, and it took him a long time to get out of the car with a gloomy expression before he calmed down.

The farm I came to is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is a very large natural farm with green vegetables, fresh fruits, and everything.

The scenery is very beautiful.

There is also a large open-air barbecue site, where you can hold a barbecue party at night. This feeling is simply not too cool, okay?

Gu Xiao couldn't help but opened his hands and shouted towards the sky... Ah! ! !

Mu Jiu and the others had already gone to the room on the second floor with their things. After Gu Xiao yelled, they all stretched out their heads to look at him.

Standing alone in the middle of a vegetable field like a lunatic.

Gu Xiao is Gu Xiao, he can do anything.

Guan Xiaotong couldn't help answering his words again.

"Master Gu, don't make a fuss, you will scare the little animals here if you shout so loudly." Guan Xiaotong stood in the corridor on the second floor and yelled at Gu Xiao.

Gu Xiao looked back at Guan Xiaotong.

"What kind of small animals can there be here? There are vegetable orchards everywhere, and it's not a zoo." Gu Xiao said proudly.

"Chickens, ducks, dogs, cats, and of course... and little mice."

As soon as Gu Xiao heard the word "mouse", Gu Xiao's originally arrogant face sank.

There is no way, the young master of the Gu family, Gu Xiaotian, is not afraid of anything, but the most feared thing is the mouse.

"Are there any mice in this place?" Gu Xiao asked subconsciously.

"How can there be no mice in the countryside here?" Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

Hearing this, Gu Xiao's thoughts sank, what would happen if a mouse ran out of the bed at night, what to do, it would be too scary.

Seeing the expression on his face, Guan Xiaotong burst out laughing.

"Ouch, young master of the Gu family, you are so afraid of mice!" Guan Xiaotong laughed indistinctly.

Oh shit, it really hurt his face for a little girl to laugh at him like this, Mr. Gu.

"Guan Xiaotong, it's almost over. Does anyone have anything to be afraid of?" Gu Xiao glared at her fiercely and said, Gu Xiao is usually gentle to women, but except for a few, such as This annoying woman in front of me.

"Don't worry, there are quite a few cats in this farm, even the wild mice will not dare to come in, and no mice will get into your quilt." Guan Xiaotong, a woman without a penis, dared to say anything.

Gu Xiao didn't want to answer her words, he really dared to say anything directly, who was afraid, who was afraid of mice getting under the quilt.

But after hearing this, he felt relieved, as long as the mice don't enter the house, it's fine, and we'll talk about other things.

Guan Xiaotong's excited voice still startled the rest of the people, including other people, and the shop owner, all cast strange glances at Gu Xiao.

It's really embarrassing.

"This place is so beautiful, who found it." Gu Xiao asked them to resolve the embarrassment by himself.

"This is the place our Linlin found, isn't it beautiful?" Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

Gu Xiao solved all this by finding such an opportunity to resolve the embarrassment, and he, Gu Xiao, has never been unable to resolve the embarrassment once.

Also, this Guan Xiaotong clearly made him so embarrassed on purpose, so don't go too far.

Gu Xiao directly gave her a cold look.

To let Guan Xiaotong understand one thing clearly, don't mess with him casually.

"Master Gu, where are you going?" Guan Xiaotong asked as he watched him angrily walking towards the backyard.

Gu Xiao didn't bother to pay attention to her, he just turned around and walked back. This farm is very big, rich in fruits and vegetables, with so many vegetables planted, he wants to go to the orchard behind to see what fruits are available to eat.

Guan Xiaotong stood there watching Gu Xiao turn around and go to the backyard. When Mu Jiu came out, she saw her standing there alone and giggling.

(End of this chapter)

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