Chapter 486

Looking at the backs of Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng leaving the restaurant, Shang Jinglu stood there a little bit lost. If Ni Ya hadn't come over, he would have had breakfast with Xiao Jiu.

Therefore, for Shang Jinglu right now, he is in a particularly bad mood.

Ni Ya felt that he was in a bad mood, but she was also not in a good mood. Shang Jinglu had never focused on a woman for so long, this was the first time.

It will inevitably make Ni Ya a little bit tasteful.

"Everyone is gone, Ah Lu, why don't you still watch?" Ni Ya said dissatisfiedly clapping his hands.

Shang Jinglu looked back at her, then said nothing, turned his head and walked outside the restaurant, feeling that he had no appetite for a moment.

"Ah Lu, what's wrong with you? Why don't you eat breakfast." Ni Ya chased after unhappy, and then followed behind Shang Jinglu.

"It's okay, Ni Ya, go and eat by yourself, I'm not hungry." Shang Jinglu said in a particularly unhappy tone.

After hearing this, Ni Ya knew it.

That Mu Jiu is really important to Shang Jinglu, at least not ordinary.

"Ah Lu, tell me the truth, who is that Mu Jiu to you?" Ni Ya took his hand and said seriously and loudly.

"Ni Ya, what are you talking about?" Shang Jinglu said unhappily.

A very angry breath emanated from the whole person.

"What am I talking about? Ah Lu, can't you hear it? I'm just asking you what's going on. After that Mu Jiu came out, your expression changed and your eyes became straight. If you say Mu Jiu If Jiu has nothing to do with you, I don't believe it." Ni Ya couldn't help roaring.

She is a fast-talking person, she speaks out what's in her heart directly, she can't hide it, she has to say everything anyway, otherwise she will feel uncomfortable in her heart.

Especially for Shang Jinglu's affairs, she has always been very concerned. If there is any sign that something is wrong, she will be sensitive, and will immediately defend herself like a hedgehog with prickly prickles.

"Ni Ya, I don't have any need to explain to you." Shang Jinglu said calmly to her word by word.

As soon as these words came out, Ni Ya was really on the verge of going crazy with anger, she was in a bad mood, she stared at him coldly for a long time, but couldn't speak.

Because what Shang Jinglu said was really correct, she was not someone like Shang Jinglu, so naturally she didn't have any qualifications to ask Shang Jinglu to explain to her what was the relationship between which woman.

So, Ni Ya was really speechless, looking at him but couldn't say anything.

"But, Ali..."

"If you're hungry, go eat. If you're not hungry, go back to your room and tidy up. We'll go down the mountain and go home in a while." Shang Jinglu said to her without any discussion, and turned around directly after speaking. Walked towards the hotel.

Niya who was left behind was very angry.

I was thinking about that woman named Mu Jiu in my mind.

Why are these women so restless?Even though she is married and has a husband, why are she still provoking other men here?It's really too much.


On the way down from the hot spring villa.

Mu Jiu was sitting on the co-driver's seat, pulling the seat belt tightly with both hands, pulling it up and down, feeling a bad feeling in her heart all the time, and she didn't seem to be listless.

"Jiu'er, you came back before you had enough fun, so you're not in a good mood?" Jiang Dingcheng asked her.

Based on Jiang Dingcheng's understanding of Mu Jiu, it's impossible for him to be so absent-minded if he doesn't have something on his mind.

However, her concern should have nothing to do with leaving the hot spring villa, but Jiang Dingcheng just found a better topic to talk about.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you also saw the woman named Ni Ya next to Brother Jinglu, right?" Mu Jiu said after thinking about it.

Anyway, there is a partnership between her and Jiang Dingcheng, this kind of thing can be said, the two of them have made it easy, each other can have someone they like, and they can discuss it together if they have someone they like.

So it's not too much to mention Jinglu and other women in front of him.

"Yes, I see." Jiang Dingcheng said softly.

The tone was so calm without a trace of waves.

"Tell me, what is the relationship between the two of them? It should be said that there is no relationship between the two of them." Mu Jiu said to himself there.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard her words, he still understood a little bit in his heart.

Mu Jiu's brooding and unhappy mood all came from Shang Jinglu, that man could easily influence Mu Jiu, Jiang Dingcheng couldn't stop him even if he didn't want to.

"Jiang Dingcheng, do you think I'm right?" After Mu Jiu finished speaking, she asked Jiang Dingcheng again, just to let him cooperate with her statement.

Just to get Jiang Dingcheng to agree with her, just to let her seek some comfort in her heart.

"Yes." Jiang Dingcheng answered simply this time, without hesitation for a minute.

He was a little surprised to hear such a straightforward answer from him.

"That's right, the two of them must have nothing to do with each other. It looks like that woman is secretly in love with Brother Jinglu, and then Brother Jinglu doesn't like her. It must be like this." Mu Jiu said with certainty.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't know what to say after listening to Mu Jiu's analysis.

Regardless of whether they are really together or not, this Ni Ya will be her biggest rival, and this woman will do anything for a man, so if Mu Jiu really becomes a rival in love with her, Mu Jiu must be the one who gets hurt in the end, because she is completely It is not Niya's opponent.

Niya is straightforward and acts recklessly.

This kind of person is more terrifying than a scheming person.

It is said that killing people can be done directly with a knife, without blinking.

Therefore, Jiang Dingcheng was completely unwilling to let Mu Jiu and Ni Ya become rivals in love.

This fool, he wants to protect her, can't he see it?
"If they have nothing to do with each other, I wouldn't be so worried." Mu Jiu suddenly laughed, and her whole body instantly changed from a rainy day to a sunny day.

A woman's face is the same as the day in June, it changes with each passing day.

It was cloudy and rainy one second, and sunny the next.

As long as things are figured out, everything can be improved at once.

I'm not so worried anymore, Mu Jiu's speech is really direct and decisive, which makes people not happy.

"Jiang Dingcheng, now I've figured it out, let's have breakfast when we get to the city, I'm so hungry, so hungry." Mu Jiu's mood has improved now, and he has a taste.

Just now in the restaurant in the villa, after seeing Ni Ya move a woman, Mu Jiu's taste immediately disappeared, so there is nowhere to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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