cute in his palm

Chapter 488 This is a wedding ring

Chapter 488 This is a wedding ring

Mu Jiu looked at the doll bear in Jiang Dingcheng's hand, and lost his mind for a moment.

Thinking that the two of them have been together for such a long time, this is the first time Jiang Dingcheng has given her this kind of doll gift. It was a little unexpected, so for a while, I didn't know whether to reach out to take it or not, and my hand just stood there in embarrassment.

"Why, don't you like it?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her hesitation and said with a smile.

"It's not like this. Sister Xiaojiu, this doll bear is the bride's doll bear, and the other is the groom's doll bear. In Xiaomei's hands, I'll bring it to you. You need a pair to look good." A mushroom head The little girl said seriously.

Mu Jiu couldn't help laughing.

Today's children are really more mature and sensible, and it's amazing that they can know such things.

"Sister Xiaojiu, Brother Jiang, wait for me." The little girl ran away happily.

Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"I didn't see it, you like children very much, Jiang Dingcheng." Mu Jiu joked at him.

Jiang Dingcheng immediately nodded with the corners of his mouth bent.

"Children are innocent and cute, aren't they? I like it very much, and you like it too." Jiang Dingcheng asked her with his eyes tightly locked on Mu Jiu's face.

"Of course, I like children the most. They are cute and fun. It would be even better if they are my own children." Mu Jiu said relaxedly.

If it weren't for liking children, when Mu Yijie liked to cling to them when he was a child, Mu Jiu would have pushed him away, so he would love him like a younger brother.

"Me too." Jiang Dingcheng said smoothly.

Mu Jiu still didn't understand what Jiang Dingcheng said, so did he, did he say he liked her child like she did.

The little girl came over with a doll bear in a small suit, and handed the doll to Jiang Dingcheng.

"Brother Jiang, this is a pair with the wedding dress bear. If you want to give it to sister Xiaojiu, you should give it a pair." The little girl said to Jiang Dingcheng very seriously.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng smiled knowingly, took the doll, and deliberately squatted down to say thank you to the little girl crisply and seriously.

"You're welcome, Brother Jiang, I'm telling you, with this new couple, Cubs, there is also a diamond ring. This will be perfect, and it will be a wonderful wedding." The little girl said in awe Said to Jiang Dingcheng mysteriously.

Such a serious look is really a bit dumbfounding, but it is very heartwarming.

I didn't expect that today's children would know so much.

Especially the children in the orphanage still have a lot of love in their hearts.

"The ring, I'll buy it for you, little sister Jiu." Jiang Dingcheng promised seriously.

He has asked the top jewelry designer in the country to make the ring for the wedding, and it will definitely be ready before the wedding. Then what he will give Jiu'er is the most unique wedding ring in the world, that is his wish.

"However, it's too late now. I have a candy ring, which can be used by Brother Jiang, brother Jiang?" The little girl said with a smile.

Mu Jiu just stood there, watching Jiang Dingcheng and the little girl exchange heads, not to mention how warm and beautiful that scene was, even though Jiang Dingcheng was holding two dolls in his hands, squatting there talking to a pink and tender little doll, The picture is not inconsistent at all.

The opposite looks exceptionally good.

Mu Jiu couldn't help but have a picture in his mind.

If there is really a daughter, Jiang Dingcheng will be a very good father.

It's a pity that he probably won't have any children of his own in this lifetime.

Thinking of this possibility, Mu Jiu felt somewhat lost and sad for Jiang Dingcheng in his heart. Such a good man lost his right to be a father because of his sexuality.

If he can be a father, he will [-]% be a good father who loves his children. There is no need for Mu Jiu to question this. Just the two visits to the orphanage and seeing him get along with the children will tell.

If a person doesn't like children from the bottom of his heart, he can't pretend it on the surface.

But it can be seen that Jiang Dingcheng really likes children from the bottom of his heart.

'What are you thinking?A look of great loss. Jiang Dingcheng stood up holding the candy ring given by the little girl, and saw Mu Jiu standing there with a blank expression, the disappointment on his face could not be concealed.

"Lost? No." Mu Jiu shook her head and said.

Was the emotion on her face that obvious?

"What is this?" Mu Jiu saw the pink candy ring in his hand, and asked him in surprise.

From which child did Jiang Dingcheng cheat this candy ring? What Jiang Dingcheng likes, he actually likes such things from children.

However, it can also be seen that Jiang Dingcheng is considered popular. In the hearts of little girls, he is such a god-like existence, and he will give him a candy ring if he wants it.

"Candy ring, can't you see it?" Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that you still have such hobbies. I didn't realize that you have such a girlish heart." Mu Jiu said deliberately jokingly.

The little girl tugged on Mu Jiu's clothes.

"Sister Xiaojiu, this ring is the wedding ring given to you by Brother Jiang." The little girl looked up at her seriously and said, hearing this, Mu Jiu's face became slightly hot.

What wedding ring? She thought that the little girl and Jiang Dingcheng were playing around just now, so why would she explain it to her in such a serious manner.

It's really embarrassing for a four- or five-year-old to explain the wedding ring.

"I see, thank you little girl." Mu Jiu rubbed her head and said seriously.

"You're welcome, then Brother Jiang can put a ring on Sister Xiaojiu now." The little girl continued.

She had a serious look the whole time. If she hadn't seen her baby face, Mu Jiu would have had the illusion that today she and Jiang Dingcheng are getting married, and the little girl is their master of ceremonies.

It's really funny.

Mu Jiu was acting up every minute, but Jiang Dingcheng and the little girl were so serious, she couldn't help but take it seriously.

"Then I'll put it on for your little sister Jiu first." Jiang Dingcheng glanced at the little girl, then turned his gaze to Mu Jiu's face.

The meaning is to ask Mu Jiu to reach out and cooperate with him.

Mu Jiu smiled and stretched out her finger, and asked Jiang Dingcheng to put the pink candy ring on her.

This is a plastic ring that a little girl often plays with. I didn't expect the ring to fit on her hand in just the right size.

Although it is not a diamond ring of real gold and silver, but this ring is filled with too much love and warmth in it, this is enough.

In addition, Jiang Dingcheng gave her a wreath ring at the top of the mountain before. This plastic ring is already quite a few rings, although the wreath ring dried up in the end and was not kept.

(End of this chapter)

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