cute in his palm

Chapter 491 Expressing Looking forward to it

Chapter 491 Expressing Looking forward to it

Mu Jiu looked at his smiling face, looking handsome and awe-inspiring.

But it just happened to be such a good man with no dead ends, not hers, but another man's. Just thinking about it makes me drunk.

Mu Jiu didn't even realize that there were more and more things about Jiang Dingcheng in her heart, and the frequency of looking at Jiang Dingcheng became more and more, but even she didn't realize it yet.

"What's the matter, is my face dirty?" Jiang Dingcheng is of course happy to be stared at by Mu Jiu so directly, but he will not show the happiness on his face too much, so as not to embarrass Mu Jiu stand up.

'Not dirty. 'Mu Jiu immediately shook her head and said.

'That is to suddenly find that I am a little more handsome. Jiang Dingcheng looked at her funny and asked.

Mu Jiu's face was startled, and then she really spoke to him. "Jiang Dingcheng, it's okay to be narcissistic, but it's not good to be too narcissistic. '

Mu Jiu's reminder was only in exchange for Jiang Dingcheng's more meaningful smile.

Narcissism or something, as long as it is in front of Mu Jiu, it doesn't matter.

"Jiu'er, that's what you think of me." Jiang Dingcheng didn't intend to explain anything, anyway, Mu Jiu can say anything, he will admit it, as long as she likes it.

Mu Jiu didn't say anything more, just glanced at him with a smile.

The two walked slowly towards the studio, and from a distance, they saw Mu Liangchen sitting in the middle of the studio, holding an easel, drawing seriously, but most of the time he was talking with the children.

The children were also drawing with their easels, and they could surround Mu Liangchen twice in a circle.

Each of them has a serious appearance, really like a professional painter.

If there are conditions to train them in the future, Mu Jiu really wants to help them become painters one by one, at least they will not be looked down upon in this society in the future.

Children who are abandoned by their parents at birth have a lower self-esteem than ordinary children. If they don't have skills in the future and don't have parents who help them, they will definitely live a particularly difficult life.

Mu Jiu didn't want to be like this.

"Jiu'er, what are you thinking about?" Jiang Dingcheng could see that she was in a trance, his eyes were fixed on the studio, and he knew that she was worrying for no reason again.

"Are you worried about Liangchen's surgery, or are you worried about the children's future?" Jiang Dingcheng didn't have mind reading skills, but just happened to read the expression on Qing Mujiu's face.

Hearing Jiang Dingcheng's words, Mu Jiu hesitated for a moment, then looked at Jiang Dingcheng in surprise.

His eyes were full of question marks, just thinking, why she didn't say anything, but Jiang Dingcheng knew everything?

It's really the roundworm in her stomach.

Or his mind reading function.

"Don't worry, I don't have a special function, I just happen to be able to understand the feelings of people who don't hide their emotions." Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously.

However, Mu Jiu could still hear the words in those words.

This means that she is a person who is not good at hiding her feelings, right?

"I see, I put all my emotions on my face. I don't worry about my brother's operation now, because as long as I agree to go to the United States, I believe you have already made all the arrangements. My brother's operation will go smoothly. I I'm just worried about the future of these children." Mu Jiu expressed his doubts.

Compared with these children, Mu Jiu is much happier. She at least has her elder brother and the Mu family, but they have nothing. When they grow up and enter the society, they will have no one to help except rely on their own ability to support themselves.

So, it's good to let them have a skill, at least they won't starve to death.

"I understand your worry, I will make these children become talents." Jiang Dingcheng said firmly.

"Really?" Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng in surprise and said.

You must know that it is not an easy task to raise these dozen or so children as adults. Although there is sponsorship from the government and caring people in society, it still requires a lot of money.

"Don't forget, I'm the president of Jiang's Group. Jiang's has been doing charity work since his grandfather's generation, so it's not difficult to help these children grow up." Jiang Dingcheng patted her on the shoulder and said seriously.

Jiang Dingcheng has always been a person who will do what he says. If he can't do something, he will never say it.

The Jiang Group does have its own public welfare fund projects, but most of them are doing poor children in remote mountainous areas to help them study.

Orphanages in urban areas have never been involved.

Besides, he has never been in charge of this project, and the group has someone who is responsible for it.

However, Jiang Dingcheng will definitely do it now that he has spoken, but he will take care of everything about Mu Jiu and be responsible to the end.

"Understood, you are the president, you are the best, and you can just ask Mr. Jiang for anything in the future." Mu Jiu patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Acting like a good buddy, Jiang Dingcheng knew that she was willing to rest assured and leave this matter to him. This was her trust in him.

"Compared to calling me President Jiang, I prefer you to call me husband." Jiang Dingcheng said solemnly.

Mu Jiu laughed louder this time, tears of happiness were about to come out.

"Husband, husband, husband."

Mu Jiu smiled and yelled at him a few times, loudly and with a smile on purpose.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard her words, he knew that she did it on purpose, but he smiled very comfortably.

No matter what form she used to call herself, he would be especially willing to hear her call herself husband.

"Is this enough?" Mu Jiu looked at him and laughed.

"Not enough." Jiang Dingcheng dropped these two words easily.

Mu Jiu glared at him directly, then reached out and patted Jiang Dingcheng's shoulder. "I'm used to you." Call me as soon as you say, and call her husband depending on whether she is in a good mood.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and they both felt better.

"Xiao Jiu, Mr. Jiang, stay for lunch at noon. I'll let the kitchen do the cooking." The dean walked up to the two of them and said softly.

"Okay." Mu Jiu agreed with a smile.

She also wants to eat with children, and eat with a group of cute children, and her appetite will improve.

I also want Jiang Dingcheng to get along with the children more.

"Then I'll go to the kitchen. You can play by yourself, or you can go to the studio to see the children." The dean smiled at the two of them and left.

"Jiang Dingcheng, let's go to the studio to see, can you draw?" Mu Jiu suddenly asked him curiously.

Although he knew that Jiang Dingcheng was the president of a group, how could he have the time to learn to draw.

"You'll find out after a while." Jiang Dingcheng smiled mysteriously, without directly saying yes or no.

"Then you know how to draw?" When Mu Jiu heard him say this, it should be almost the same, expressing that he was looking forward to seeing Jiang Dingcheng's paintings.

(End of this chapter)

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