Chapter 493
As soon as the child finished speaking, Mu Jiu saw countless little hands covered in colored paint running towards her.

Mu Jiu was stunned for a moment, she was completely dumbfounded.

What's the situation now, why is she the one who is going to be attacked by a group of good little devils?This is completely unscientific and unscientific.

But before Mu Jiu could respond, Jiang Dingcheng grabbed her hand and ran outside.

This stupid girl was in a daze when Guan Jian was in a daze.

Is it necessary to prepare to smear these children with a handful of paint and turn them into tabby cats?
"Idiot, do you really want them to paint you as a big tabby cat?" Jiang Dingcheng said to her calmly after taking her to the lawn.

"Thank you just now." There was a smile in Mu Jiu's eyes.

Fortunately, he ran out, otherwise his face would really turn into a cat, which would be bad.

However, she was lucky to escape, but Jiang Dingcheng was raped because of this, and he was not spared. His white shirt and black trousers were covered with dots of colorful paint, so it was really out of place funny.

Mu Jiu was originally a person with a great sense of humor, but usually someone deliberately said a bad joke, and it didn't have much to do with her leaning forward and backward when she laughed.

But after meeting Jiang Dingcheng, her smile became lower and lower, as long as a little thing could make her laugh out loud.

As it is now, she couldn't help laughing when she saw Jiang Dingcheng's body covered in paint.

"If you want to laugh, just laugh." Seeing her suffering so much, Jiang Dingcheng said directly to her.

Mu Jiu really couldn't hold it back this time, and laughed out loud, but seeing Jiang Dingcheng's displeased expression, she still held back.

Then she looked at him seriously. "I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been made like this. Let me wipe it for you."

While speaking, Mu Jiu had already taken out a tissue from his pocket to wipe Jiang Dingcheng.

A white shirt, colorful paints, and slender and white fingers holding a tissue to gently wipe his chest.

Jiang Dingcheng's concentration is good, but he couldn't bear this kind of action, so before Mu Jiu wiped her hand twice, he grabbed her hand, his deep black eyes flickered again and again, with unknown meaning Looking at Mu Jiu.

Although it was separated by a layer of shirt fabric, he deeply felt Mu Jiu's warm and gentle palms scratching his body back and forth.

For Jiang Dingcheng, this is undoubtedly a particularly big stimulus and challenge.

His mind has already moved towards Mu Jiu, so naturally he has no low resistance to her physical contact, and now let her rub it on him so openly.

It's easy to go off.

Maybe Mu Jiu is not aware of these, or Mu Jiu has been trying her best to resist his attraction to her, that's why she has such unscrupulous physical contact with him.

Fool, do you know that if this continues, he will not be able to control himself.

So, grabbing her hand directly, this pair will stir his heart.

"What, what's the matter?" Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng's sudden action in a strange way and said.

Obviously she wiped it well for him, why did she suddenly say no to it?

Mu Jiu still didn't understand for a while, so she could only look at her stupidly.

Although Jiang Dingcheng likes to see this cute expression, it is not particularly suitable for Mu Jiu.

"Jiu'er, the paint can't be wiped off with a paper towel." Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and said seriously.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu probably understood one thing.

It's not that Jiang Dingcheng doesn't let her rub it, but it's useless to wipe it, instead it will make the colored spots wider.

Think about it, it really is like this.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I'm sorry, I'm too stupid to wipe your clothes even more dirty." Mu Jiu hurriedly apologized embarrassedly.

Jiang Dingcheng laughed, and apologized to him for such a thing, which was not what he expected.

"The clothes are dirty and can be washed. You don't need to apologize." Jiang Dingcheng smiled gently, without any unnecessary displeasure at all, as if the dirty clothes were not his but someone else's.

Such an understatement, a shirt worth tens of thousands is really nothing in his eyes.

"After I go back, I'll take it to dry cleaning for you." Mu Jiu immediately took over the job, in order to reduce the guilt in her heart.

After all, Jiang Dingcheng's body was covered with paint, and she was the culprit. If it wasn't for pulling her out, Jiang Dingcheng wouldn't let a bunch of dolls throw the paint all over his body.

"Okay." Jiang Dingcheng said with the corners of his eyes curved.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the bathroom to wash your hands, then go to the studio to see if the kid is gone, and then put away the painting of the two of us, it's the first painting you gave me, you must keep it well " Mu Jiu was a little afraid of those children, if they really attacked him, both of them would not be spared.

You must know that children are irrational at all when they are naughty, and they cannot be controlled benignly.

Mu Jiu is very clear about this.

So it is more reliable to wait until the children are not there.

Seeing Mu Jiu's cautious face, Jiang Dingcheng can quite understand it. She usually looks fearless, but there are still some things that she will take into account, such as caring for these children very carefully. Maintain their little self-esteem.

"It's all up to you." Jiang Dingcheng said bluntly.

Mu Jiu naturally nodded obediently.

Nothing sounds better than this one.

To listen to her in everything is to hand over all the power to her.

Can you not make people excited and happy?

"Then let's go to the bathroom. By the way, I can show you around this orphanage. After all, you will be the biggest philanthropist here in the future. I thank you for the children."

"Thank you, the children, and thank you, because this is donated in the name of the two of us, in the name of husband and wife." Jiang Dingcheng specially emphasized, in the name of husband and wife.

Mu Jiu understood the meaning, but deliberately pretended not to understand.

"Jiang Dingcheng, the children's small vegetable garden is in front of them, and there are all kinds of vegetables in it." Mu Jiu pointed to a small vegetable garden in front of him and said.

Deliberately diverted the topic.

What she said was so obvious, how could Jiang Dingcheng not know?
Even though he knew that she deliberately changed the subject, he didn't deny anything, and walked behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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