cute in his palm

Chapter 601 It turns out to be him

Chapter 601 It turns out to be him

Qin Kefang is quite satisfied with Mu Andong's compromise. If he doesn't compromise today, Cheng Mingfeng will definitely feel that her wife has no status in Mu's family.

Fortunately, Mu Andong gave her such a face.

Not too disappointing for her.

Cheng Mingfeng felt Qin Kefang's status in the Mu family, but when he saw Jiang Dingcheng sitting on the sofa, he instantly felt how weak his situation was.

He knew that tomorrow would be Miss Mu's wedding day, but he did not expect that the person she married would be the second young master of the Jiang family, the largest family in the city, who is now the president of the Jiang Group, Jiang Dingcheng, who is in full swing.

It really surprised him.

I saw Jiang Dingcheng's interview on the most popular economic TV program before, saying that he is about to get married and end his single status. No one knows who he married.

He did a good job of keeping secrets, which shows how much he loves that woman and doesn't want her to be disturbed by the outside world. Even though the gossip media, who are afraid of the power of the Jiang family, really want to know who the woman Jiang Dingcheng is going to marry, they dare not To dig out his private information, after all, offending a Jiang Dingcheng is terrible.

But I didn't expect him to meet him by such a coincidence.

The daughter of the Mu family marrying into the wealthy Jiang family will definitely be the big news tomorrow. How many families stronger than the Mu family will be lost. Why is their daughter not so lucky to marry into the Jiang family?

At this moment, Cheng Mingfeng was curious about that Miss Mu family who had never shown her face much, what kind of woman could be so lucky to marry Jiang Dingcheng?

At least it should be a very beautiful woman.

"Mingfeng, what are you thinking? Let's go see Uncle." Su Luotong noticed his deep thinking, but he didn't know what he was thinking, probably because he was worried that Mu Andong didn't like him.

There is nothing to worry about, she is not Mu Andong's daughter, and Cheng Mingfeng is not here to see her father-in-law, so there is no need for any pressure at all.

'Oh, nothing, just seeing the legendary Mr. Jiang, a little surprised. Cheng Mingfeng tried his best to hide some small inferiority complex in his heart.

Compared with Jiang Dingcheng today, how many men in Huaicheng would be ashamed of themselves when they stood in front of him, and he didn't need to doubt this much.

"What's the matter, isn't it just that you will be reincarnated, and you were cast into the Jiang family. You are much stronger than him in my heart." Su Luotong said to calm his emotions.

"Really?" Cheng Mingfeng knew that he still made mistakes in his looks, but Jiang Dingcheng was even better than him, and it could even be said that he was a bit too good.

This kind of Cheng Mingfeng is still somewhat self-aware.

Any man with some brains would definitely not compare himself with Jiang Dingcheng.

"Of course, so you have to be confident. In my heart, you are the most handsome man in the world. No one can compare to you." Su Luotong said, holding his arm.

Of course, she didn't think like this in her heart. Just Jiang Dingcheng, the man who is excellent everywhere, the second young master of the Jiang family, the largest family in Huaicheng, and the young president of the Jiang Group. How many women are willing to strip naked and climb on him.

Su Luotong didn't like that it was fake.

But now he is the girl Mu Jiu's woman, and she doesn't bother to snatch him.

Although Cheng Mingfeng is not as powerful as Jiang Dingcheng in reincarnation, he is not inferior to him in other aspects. If he is given enough time and financial resources, he will definitely achieve great things.

Su Luotong was quite sure of this.

Therefore, she is very optimistic about Cheng Mingfeng, and in time, he will definitely be the next Jiang Dingcheng.

"So, show your confidence, let's go say hello to Uncle." Su Luotong took his hand and proudly walked towards Mu Andong and the others.

"Uncle, this is my boyfriend, Cheng Mingfeng, an interior designer and financier." Su Luotong pushed Cheng Mingfeng in front of them and introduced with a smile.

From this point alone, it can be seen how optimistic Su Luotong is about this man. Su Luotong's view of love is too simple. Appearance comes first, sweet words come second, and he always thinks more about this man. What is the character like.

Three pairs of men's eyes stopped on Cheng Mingfeng's body.

Cheng Mingfeng accepted their scrutiny generously.

The way a man looks at a man is never like the tender admiration that a woman looks at a man, but straightforwardly sees the essence from the surface.

The eyes are poisonous, and you are not polite.

Jiang Dingcheng's eyes were a little colder, because this man didn't catch his eyes very much, besides, he was Su Luotong's boyfriend, so he had no direct relationship with him, and the relationship between Mu Jiu and Su Luotong had always been in dire straits. If it doesn't work, he doesn't need to worry too much about Su Luotong.

The man she chooses by herself is as long as she likes it.

"Mr. Mu, Master Mu, Mr. Jiang, I'm Cheng Mingfeng." Although Cheng Mingfeng is very clear that his identity is incomparable with these three in front of him, it doesn't mean that he has to humble himself in front of them. He also has his confidence and dignity as a man.

Jiang Dingcheng did not expect that this man is quite confident.

"Since it's Xiaotong's boyfriend, let's be more casual. This place is at home, not outside, so there's not much to be particular about." Mu Andong spoke. He didn't like this kind of atmosphere that was too formal. It was a family gathering. It's like a business reception, not very fun.

"Mingfeng, this means Uncle accepts to love you, Uncle, thank you for accepting Mingfeng." Su Luotong was overjoyed to thank Mu Andong when he heard Mu Andong say this.

There is nothing to be thankful for in such a thing.

Mu Andong looked at Cheng Mingfeng calmly. "Xiaotong, you can be regarded as the child I watched growing up. As long as Mingfeng can treat you sincerely, I have no objections."

This is what Mu Andong said in his heart. In this world, perhaps few men can stand Su Luotong's impulsive and reckless character. It is already very good to find Cheng Mingfeng to accept it, so he has no opinion. carry.

"Uncle, don't worry, Mingfeng will be fine to me, and the two of us will be fine too, so you don't have to worry too much." Su Luotong immediately said happily.

"Since it's not time for dinner, let's sit down and talk together." Mu Andong didn't really want to know about Cheng Mingfeng, but felt that as an elder, he should also take care of Su Luotong.

The way for a man to understand a man is very simple, chatting, smoking and drinking.

Now it's just a matter of chatting.

Su Luotong is really willing to let Cheng Mingfeng join their chat, this way can bring Cheng Mingfeng one step closer to successful people.

Especially Jiang Dingcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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